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What should I do with a strange USB? Why not plug it into your company's PC?

Is that click deadly?

見知らぬUSBはどうすればいいのか 会社のPCに差し込んではいけないワケ

Cyber ​​security can no longer be underestimated by business people. A little carelessness can also take care of the company. [Attack method using USB] For example, suppose that the company opened an e-mail without thinking and executed a suspicious attachment while the New Year's blur remained. Anyone can infect the company's network with ransomware and inflict irreparable losses on the company. It's an era when "one click is fatal". With that in mind, authorities need to inform businesses and the general public about what cyber-attacks are prevalent and what to watch out for. In the real world, police are calling for caution by posting posters such as "Beware of transfer fraud!", But similar efforts must be made online. In other words, it may be okay to have "police boxes" that Japan is highly evaluated by the world here and there on the Internet. In the United States, where the Internet was born and has excellent cybersecurity technology, the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) frequently publishes information on crime trends and is often featured in the media. This is because there are many cyber attacks from abroad and information sharing is indispensable. And recently, the FBI's classic, but renewed, warning of a surge in cyber-attack tactics has attracted attention. It is said that it is an attack using a USB memory that we often use.

What is a method using a USB memory?

The warning issued by the FBI on January 6 states: "Since August 2021, the FBI has received reports that companies in the US freight, insurance, and defense industries have sent unfamiliar mail with USB devices." It is said that it will be sent as. However, there are many people who say, "Even if such a suspicious mail arrives and there is a USB memory inside, it will not connect to the computer", but such mail is designed to make you want to see the contents of the USB. .. There are two patterns of mail, one is disguised as the US Department of Health and Welfare (HHS), and the USB memory that arrived contains a letter stating that "the guidelines for measures against new corona infections are included". ing. Another pattern is an Amazon gift package that arrives with a thank-you letter, a fake gift card, and a USB stick. In a very elaborate way, many people will open it when they receive a lifelike package from Amazon. And when the USB is plugged into the computer, it makes the computer mistakenly recognize the USB as a keyboard. It sends information to the computer as if a malicious code had been entered from there. Such an attack is called "BadUSB". After that, malware (malware) is downloaded from the outside without being noticed and infects the computer. It is said that various malware such as ransomware is used.

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