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VAIO, replacement with the AC adapter attached to laptops -SX12 / SX14, etc.

On March 7, VAIO has launched a free exchange of target lots for the AC adapter "VJ8PD65W" bundled with the notebook PC on sale.You can search for the serial number listed on the AC adapter itself on the support page to check if it is the target product.

There is a possibility that the plug of the AC adapter (the part that is inserted into the outlet) may come off due to the manufacturing deficiency.If the plug is used while the plug is removed, there may be a cause of an electric shock.By February 2022, the company has confirmed one plug missing (no human damage), and will be replacing this time to prevent it.

VAIO、ノートPC付属のACアダプタで交換対応 - SX12・SX14など

The target AC adapter "VJ8PD65W" is included in the "VAIO SX12 (VJS124 Series)" and "VAIO SX14 (VJS144 Series)" and the "VAIO PRO PJ (VJPJ21 Series)" for corporations.Pro PK (VJPK21 series).The target AC adapter is an individual that does not list alphabets such as A mark.If you search the serial number on the support page, you can see if it is subject to replacement.

Until the alternative AC adapter arrives, the company guides the AC adapter from the outlet to pull out vigorously and not to pull it out while twisting to the left and right.The replacement window is as follows.

Contact information / inquiry for exchange / collection procedures

Internet replacement support

Inquiries by phone