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People who take time to investigate are too convenient "free search software" If you use two once, you will not be able to let go anymore


A person is a creature that unconsciously puts things out unless a person is in a very close situation.

Among them, it is easy to postpone things that are troublesome.


It would be nice to suddenly come up with something in the middle of a personal computer, but I immediately put it off without checking it on the spot, and eventually forgot about it.Isn't everyone in such an experience once?

Of course I have it.

Conversely, eliminating the postponement of the investigation can save a lot of time and resources.

Therefore, this time, I would like to introduce the super convenient ways of using the strongest free search tool "Everything" and "E Start" under the purpose of "eliminating" the world ".


It is a free software that allows you to instantly search the saved files and folders with keywords by creating a local or LAN drive index in advance.I am also useful as an alternative tool for Google Desktop I used to use.

The feature of this software is the speed of creating the index.The creation of the index is automatically performed at the first startup, and since then it is updated in real time.The search starts the search before entering the entire search word, and the search results are updated each time a character, and search using And / OR search, wildcards, and regular expressions.We have abundant functions, such as being able to do.

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