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The recommended digital data is "mine".Fan specialization NFT "Fantop" set by major companies

Media Do has launched a platform "Fantop" (fan top) that digitizes and provides various fans, such as manga -related goods and book appendices.

Fantop is a digitized fan item purchase and distribution platform provided by Mediadu for general users.Media Doo is a major e -book agency, and is an initiative in collaboration with Tokuhan, a major part of bookstore distribution.

You can purchase items that are only proven by NFT.It will also provide serial numbers to fan items, proof of only gender, and secondary distribution that can be sold in yen in the future.There is also a mechanism in which the revenue is returned to the right holder even in the secondary distribution buying and selling.


Fantop emphasizes that it is for fans, and as an attempt to lower the hurdle for purchasing items, payments use Japanese yen with credit cards instead of cryptocurrency.

For digital items sold and provided on FANTOP, a smartphone application that can be exhibited and viewed will be offered at the end of the year.It is expected to support 3D/AR/VR labeling, etc., so you can view digital items in 3D and collect and display many collections.

It also supports gift code, and you can get NFT items immediately by entering publications purchased at bookstores and code available in appendix.This is realized in cooperation with Tohan, and Weekly Magazine, which comes with a code that can receive NFT items at FANTOP, has begun to be sold.

The NFT management uses a public chain "Flow", and users can receive NFTs purchased without additional costs.By adopting a public chain, the holder's rights can be protected to the fullest, and a low -cost, low -environment load, and a low transaction cost, even for small amounts, has been adopted.

グローバル流通も行なう予定。メディアドゥグループで、月間アクティブユーザーが1,800万人以上という世界最大級の日本アニメ・マンガコミュニティ&データベース「MyAnimeList」と連携し、FanTopのアイテムを海外のユーザーにも提供する。すでにMyAnimeListのユーザーコミュニティと連携しており、マンガやアニメの記憶に残る名シーンをNFTデジタルファンアイテムとして販売する「Manga Fragments」の企画が始動している。