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The first thing I want to do when I buy a PC with Windows 11 [Applications]

Installing apps after cleaning your PC

Once you have purchased a new PC and have taken care of it for the first time, the next thing you should do is install the applications you want to use. Settings. The applications used vary depending on the type of business and purpose. Although it is a troublesome work, let's work together at the time of PC purchase. As you work, keep a record of your settings and don't install unnecessary apps.

The application works fine at first, but with continued use it can become erratic. One of the solutions in such a case is to reinstall the application after backing up the data. In this case, if you have a record of the initial settings, the trouble will be much easier. This record is also useful when performing tasks such as "setting up another PC" or "returning the PC to its factory state." Although it is troublesome, let's record the setting contents because it is only the main points.

In addition, new PCs often have higher specs, and you will want to install various applications. However, it is better not to install applications that you do not use. It reduces system visibility and may run in the background and consume PC resources. Install only the applications you really need. Consider stopping installation of applications that you haven't used before at this timing.

In this article, we will cover the main points of application installation and settings, assuming that you will be using a Windows 11-equipped PC for business and development. I would appreciate it if you could refer to it when you work.

The first time I bought a PC with Windows 11 What you want to do before [Apps]

Installing business applications


A virtual private network (VPN) is an essential function for telework. If you are using a VPN, first set it up and check its operation.

VPN is created by selecting "Network and Internet" → "VPN" → "Add VPN" from the Settings application. Fill in the data provided by your company or VPN service provider.

If you can't connect with this, make adjustments. Start "Network Connections", select the created VPN and open "Properties".

I think the authentication is set to "Use Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)", so change it to "Allow the following protocols", check some options, and try to connect.

The created VPN will appear in the Quick Settings (Windows 10 "Action Center"). You can check the VPN icon by pressing "Windows" + "A" to display it.

Microsoft Office

How to install Microsoft Office

winget install --id Microsoft.Office

After installing Microsoft Office , Start the installed application such as Word or Excel only once. Sign in with an account that can use Microsoft Office because you will be asked to sign in at the first startup.

Outlook / Windows Mail

Register an email account to use. Accounts such as Gmail, Outlook, and Hotmail should be able to register without problems. When registering iCloud mail, it is necessary to generate and use an app password on the iCloud side. Since the conditions around here change from time to time, it is necessary to select an appropriate method each time.

The mail server operated by the company cannot be registered with Outlook or Windows mail, or even if it is registered, it may not be usable. In such a case, try changing the mail application to be used.

Microsoft Edge

It is often convenient to sign in to Microsoft Edge with your Microsoft account. If you are not particular about it, sign in with your Microsoft account from "Settings" → "Sign in".