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Sony held a 3DCG background contest for virtual production "Backdrop 2022"

Sony will hold the background production contest "BACKDROP 2022" for "Virtual Production", which is attracting attention as a new method of video production.The recruitment period is until February 28.

"Virtual Production" is one of the new video production methods using large displays and game engines.The contest has been created using a digital location game engine with the aim of finding a next -generation "digital location creator", which supports this method, which will play a major role in video production in the future., We are looking for a 3DCG background as "someday someday."

The works selected as the highest award -winning work will be used in the actual shooting studio as the background of virtual production and producing sample movies.

* Virtual production (LED WALL + IN-Camera VFX) is one of the shooting methods that combines large LED displays, camera tracking and real-time engine.By displaying the virtual background on the display, and shooting objects and people in the real space with a camera, we realize a video production in which CG and live -action are combined without post -processing.

Recruitment outline

■ Recruitment contents "Location -like" 3DCG background platform used in movies and commercials: Unreal Engine 4.27

■ Recruitment period December 23, 2021 -February 28, 2022

■ Award Best Award / 1 person: Award 300,000 yen + Vice Prize Award / 1 person: 1 person: 150,000 yen for prize money + Deputy Prize Judge Special Award / 4 people: Prize money 50,000 yen + Vice Prize

ソニー、バーチャルプロダクション向け3DCG背景のコンテスト「BACKDROP 2022」を開催

■ Benefits Best Award winners can actually experience virtual production methods using the application work.You can also participate in the shooting with professional staff.

■ Application conditions Those who fall under any of the following one of the following (1) Those who are in educational institutions such as vocational school students, universities, graduate schools, etc. (2) Personal video -based / CG creators

■ Application guidelines submit the data of the background asset and the drawing conte that will be used for the asset.

-The background asset image

-Containe image

-Making environment Unreal Engine 4.27Megascans * No specification for CG production environment.

■ How to apply 1.I agree with the click application agreement with the entry button on the site, and fill in the necessary information.When the entry is completed, you will receive an email from the Award Secretariat.

2.Check the following contents in the email, schedule, how to submit the work, notes, how to download the background asset sample, prohibited for applying

3.Submit the work according to "How to submit the work"

◉ Detailed information https: // www.SONYPCL.JP/backdrop2022/

Sony Co., Ltd. https: //

BACKDROP 2022ソニー