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[Ranking of recommended places for remote work other than at home] Questionnaire survey of 382 men and women

Press release Distributor: Biz Hits Awareness survey on recommended places for remote work other than home Biz Hits Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture, Representative Director: Yosuke Ito) is supervised by Kenji Kawada, Representative Director of AlbaLink Co., Ltd. Based on this, we conducted a "Awareness Survey on Recommended Places for Remote Work Outside Home" for 382 people who have experience in remote work, and ranked the data. Click here for details ( Many people have troubles such as "I can't concentrate at home" and "I don't have an environment to work at home" about remote work. is. Many people may be looking for a place other than their home where they can work remotely. Therefore, this time, Biz Hits (, a media that thinks about solving business problems operated by Bizhits Co., Ltd. (, has remote work experience. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 382 people about "recommended places to work remotely outside of home". The results are summarized in a ranking format. Mr. Kenji Kawada of AlbaLink Co., Ltd. ( considered the results of the questionnaire. Outline of the survey Survey target: Persons with remote work experience Survey date: January 9-23, 2022 Survey method: Arbitrary response via the Internet Number of surveys: 382 (217 men / 165 women) Summary of survey results of respondents 72.8% of people who have done remote work outside of their home ・ Recommended places for remote work outside of home are "cafes / coffee shops" ・ If you do remote work outside of your home, "quiet place" 72.8% of people who have done remote work asked "Have you ever done remote work outside of your home?", And the answers were as follows. "Are (72.8%)" became the majority. Many people are experiencing telework outside of their homes, aren't they? Reasons for remote work outside of home include "it is difficult to distinguish between on and off at home" and "it is difficult to concentrate because the family talks to you or you are worried about the sound of your life". Others may say, "I don't have a desk or chair suitable for work at home," or "I don't want to see what's happening inside my home during an online meeting." Sometimes it's good to work remotely outside of your home, such as "outside when you have an online meeting with a customer," to change your mood and improve your motivation. The number one recommended place for remote work other than at home is "cafe / coffee shop" When we asked people who have experience in remote work "recommended places for remote work", the answers were as follows. "Cafe / Coffee shop (108 people)" ranked first in Dantotsu. 2nd place is "Hotel / Ryokan (26 people)" and 3rd place is "Internet cafe (25 people)". Since then, the results have been 4th in the same rate, "Karaoke Box (18 people)" and "Library (18 people)", and 6th in the same rate, "Car (16 people)" and "Family Restaurant (16 people)". Many people recommend remote work at familiar facilities such as "restaurants," "karaoke boxes," and "libraries." Work facilities such as "coworking space (11 people)" and "rental office (5 people)" did not rank in the top six. Many people may think that there is no coworking space near their home and that it is difficult to use a rental office because it costs a fee. Now, I will explain why remote work experienced people recommend each place. [1st place cafe / coffee shop] ・ Since there are few people during the daytime on weekdays, it is often quieter and more focused than at home with a family. Drinking delicious drinks will make you feel better (28-year-old woman) ・ There is no temptation to use comics or TV. Also because there is moderate noise. On the contrary, it is difficult to concentrate in silence (36-year-old man) ・ There are an unspecified number of people and there is a moderate sense of tension. It is easy to work on a PC due to the charging environment (male, 47 years old). "It is easier to concentrate than at home," and "There are other people who are working remotely, so it is easy to use." Another advantage of cafes and coffee shops is that you can work while drinking your favorite drink. Recently, there are many cafes and coffee shops that have outlets and Wi-Fi environments. However, depending on the work content, it may be difficult to look into the PC screen. It is safe to use a cafe with private rooms and private booths. [2nd place hotel / ryokan] ・ There is little noise and it is easy to concentrate. Online meetings are also possible at hotels (27-year-old man) ・ Outlets and Wi-Fi facilities are available, allowing remote control in a quiet environment. In addition, you can feel like a petite trip at times other than remote (34-year-old woman) ・ A hotel with a remote work plan. When the facilities were in place, there were many people who recommended a hotel with a remote work plan (male, 42 years old) who can work with a moderate sense of tension in the atmosphere of being in the office. If it is a hotel, it has a power supply and a Wi-Fi environment. Above all, you can use a private room with a certain size and you will not be disturbed, so it seems that you can concentrate on your work. It also has the effect of changing your mood. It seems that some hotels have plans such as "with free drinks" and "you can use copies and faxes for free". [3rd place Internet cafe] ・ Because it is a private room, you can talk like a house without worrying about other customers unless you make a loud voice (26-year-old woman) ・ You can work while drinking a drink. Power supply, Wi-Fi (34-year-old man) ・ Internet environment is substantial. If you choose a private room type internet cafe that has plenty of private space for the price (male 47 years old), it seems that you can concentrate on your work. In addition, there were multiple answers that "the price is cheaper than the equipment and services". Another advantage of internet cafes is that you can easily take a break, such as "you can lie down when you are tired" and "you can read manga for a change of mood". [4th place karaoke box] ・ The price is cheap and you can get drinks and food if you ask (29-year-old woman) ・ Soundproofing equipment (30-year-old man) ・ Everywhere. The main merits of karaoke boxes are "cheap", "soundproofing", and "private room" that can be found anywhere (52-year-old woman) even when having an online meeting between client visits. There were also several people who said, "I can sing for a change." There is also a drink bar and food menu, so you don't have to go out during meal times. Recently, there is also karaoke that lends a height-adjustable desk and whiteboard for telework. [Library with the same rate of 4th] ・ Because it is a place where you should not make a loud voice, other users in the library could work quietly and intensively (39-year-old woman) ・ There are few people (47-year-old man) ・ You can use it for free It's also attractive (female, 50 years old) The library is a quiet place, so it's easy to concentrate. It is also an advantage that it can be used for free. In addition, some libraries have "spaces where you can work on your computer" and "computers that users can use". However, long-term use may be a nuisance to other users, and many libraries have time restrictions on the use of computer rooms. Follow the rules and use it. [6th place car] ・ Because I can get electricity in my own space (28-year-old man) ・ Because I can work in the parking lot of the Free Wi-Fi spot (34-year-old woman) ・ Because I can concentrate without being disturbed by anyone (50-year-old man) Many people cited the reasons "because I can be alone" and "because it is quiet". It seems that many people find cars useful because they can't concentrate at home because they talk to their families and are worried about the sound. Also, if you can move to your favorite place by car and work, it will be a refreshing experience. Items that can be used as telework specifications inside the car, such as desks that can be attached to the steering wheel, are also on sale. [Family restaurant with the same rate of 6th] ・ Power is available, you don't have to worry about eating, and the cost performance is relatively good (34-year-old man) ・ You can stay longer and have an all-you-can-drink drink bar. If you miss lunch time, you will rarely meet acquaintances (44-year-old woman) ・ Because you can work for a long time with cheap orders (53-year-old woman) "There is Wi-Fi and an outlet" "Easy to stay long" "Cheap" The main merit was that you could eat and drink. Also, there are people who say, "Because there is a moderate amount of attention, you can enter work mode." However, there are also disadvantages such as "it is difficult to leave luggage and go to the toilet or drink bar" and "it is difficult to handle online meetings and telephone calls". ◆ Comment by Kenji Kawada As it is a recommended place for remote work, cafes and coffee shops are ranked first, followed by paid facilities such as hotels and karaoke. This is followed by free space such as a library and a car. I also carry my laptop and hold work and online meetings in various places, but I use different facilities depending on the purpose. Cafes and coffee shops are often used for sudden work and short-term (only on that day) work, and hotels and karaoke boxes are often used for work that requires conversation such as meetings. Also, in my case, I don't use free facilities, but I expect that the work done in the car or library is not so important. "Quiet environment" for remote work outside of home When I asked a person who had experience in remote work about "requesting a remote work place other than home", the answers were as follows. The first place was "quiet environment (151 people)". 2nd place "Internet environment (111 people)", 3rd place "Low charge / free (80 people)", 4th place "Easy to access (55 people)", 5th place "Can work in private room / booth (54 people)" ) ”. After that, 6th place "can eat and drink (39 people)", 7th place "power can be secured (37 people)", 8th place "fewer people (28 people)" "can stay longer (25 people)" "desks and chairs Easy to use (21 people) ”. You can see that many people place importance on an environment where they can concentrate, such as "quiet", "private room", "fewer people", and "easy to use desks and chairs". It is natural that "being able to concentrate" is the first condition because you can't concentrate at home and do it outside. I also learned that it is important that access and cost performance are not a burden. Let me introduce a concrete answer. [1st place Quiet environment] ・ Being quiet is a must (35-year-old man) ・ Basically, you can't work unless you are quiet, so it's best to be quiet (40-year-old woman) ・ I don't care about the voices around you (40-year-old woman) 52-year-old woman) Many people will not be able to work in a noisy environment. Some people say, "A certain amount of noise is good, but if you can clearly hear the conversation of others, you can't concentrate." Also, when you make an online meeting or make a phone call, you can only handle it in a quiet environment. On the other hand, "Environment that is not too quiet (19 people)" also came in 12th place. Many people say, "I want some noise," and I understand that the quietness they seek varies from person to person. [2nd place There is an internet environment] ・ Wi-Fi is stable (32-year-old woman) ・ If Wi-Fi is fully equipped, you can bring your laptop and work normally, so Wi-Fi is essential. (49-year-old man) ・ High-speed internet connection (51-year-old man) An internet (Wi-Fi) environment is essential for teleworking. Since it doesn't work in a slow Wi-Fi environment, there were several opinions calling for speed and stability. When using Wi-Fi on the go, make sure that it is a Wi-Fi that takes security into consideration. For example, you need to be careful not to use free Wi-Fi without a password. [3rd place low charge / free] ・ A place where you can use a fixed amount for one day or sell a free pass for one month (32-year-old woman) ・ I don't want to spend much money, so it is ideal to pay only for drinks (41) (Women aged) ・ Places that don't cost money (Male, 59) When it comes to paying rental fees and usage fees, you still care about money. Even if you know that it is comfortable to use a coworking space or rental office, it seems that many people have a bottleneck in rental fees. In fact, some respondents said, "I long for the day-use of the hotel, but I give up because of financial difficulties." [4th place Easy to access] ・ A place that is within walking distance from home and does not take time to travel (28-year-old woman) ・ Close to the station (32-year-old man) ・ Being in the neighborhood so that it is convenient to carry a PC (54 years old) Female) If you go there on a daily basis, the proximity to your home or train station is also important, isn't it? Also, if you are a parent or caregiver, you will want a place where you can return home immediately if something goes wrong. There was also a regional response saying, "Because it is a car society, there is a parking lot." [5th ​​place: You can work in a private room / booth] ・ Choose a place where you can become a space for one person such as an internet cafe (22-year-old woman) ・ A place where you do not have to worry about seeing the screen (30-year-old man) such as a private room ・ There is an enclosure, etc. , (52-year-old woman) who can secure space for one person ranked 5th in "I can work in a private room / booth". There were people who said "I would like a private room for security" and people who said "I prefer a private room because it is easy to concentrate". Some may say, "I want a private room because it has both security and an environment where I can concentrate." You can do online meetings and phone calls without hesitation in a private room. [6th place You can eat and drink] ・ A place where you can easily take drinks and light meals such as a cafe (22-year-old woman) ・ A family restaurant and cafe where you can order a drink bar (41-year-old man) ・ There is a cafe space where you can eat light meals between work Environment (female, 54 years old) During work, you may want to eat or drink, such as "I want to take a break" or "I'm hungry." At such times, you can eat and drink at cafes without hesitation. If you have a drink bar, you don't have to worry about your wallet when you want to drink something. On the other hand, in libraries and the like, you may feel uncomfortable eating and drinking. [7th place power supply can be secured] ・ The most important thing is whether or not there is an outlet. You can usually check if your seat has an outlet on the internet (29-year-old woman) ・ A place where you can work while charging your computer (30-year-old man) “Because you have your own mobile Wi-Fi, the internet environment is Even people who say "you don't have to" will be in trouble if you can't turn on your PC or smartphone. Some modern mobile batteries can charge laptops, but they are reasonably priced and some people may find it "cumbersome to carry around." Therefore, it seems that many people think that it is important to be able to charge. Recently, there are many cafes and family restaurants that are fully equipped with power supplies. ◆ Comment by Kenji Kawada Even if you say "remote work" in one word, various situations can be considered. Online conferencing, intensive work such as writing and editing, work that requires speed online, etc. Depending on the work content, the priority of what you want in the place where you do remote work will change, but it is best if you have all the conditions that are ranked in. The ideal coworking space is that the internet is fast and stable, private rooms can be used, power is fully equipped, there are few people, it is quiet and there is no charge. However, there is no facility that has all of the above, so it is recommended that those who read this article refer to the ranking items and clarify their own priorities. Consider the cost and work efficiency, and choose the workplace that is most productive. Summary When we conducted a questionnaire to 382 people who had experience in remote work, 72.8% had experience in remote work outside of their homes. People who have never worked remotely outside of their homes commented that "rules that can only be done at home" and "home is the most comfortable and safe". When asked about "recommended places for remote work other than at home," "cafe / coffee shop" ranked first in the list. The point of collecting votes was that "there is an outlet and Wi-Fi, and you can enjoy drinks." However, at a cafe where an unspecified number of people come and go, there are concerns about information leaks, and it may be difficult to hold online meetings. It is safe to use "a cafe with a private room space or a space for remote work" or "a coworking space with a cafe". "Quiet", "Internet environment", "Low charge / free", etc. are ranked in as the conditions required for a place to work remotely. I found that many people want an environment where they can use it without hesitation or burden and can concentrate. ◆ Summary comment by Mr. Kenji Kawada What I hope for a place to do remote work The number one place is "quiet environment", while the number one place I actually recommend is "cafe / coffee shop". Cafes and coffee shops are relatively inexpensive in the ranking, so in terms of cost performance, they are cafes. However, there are various uses for remote work. A cafe may be fine when working silently, but a cafe is not suitable for online meetings or long hours of work. Also, although the karaoke box is a private room, the sound singing in the next room cannot be completely shut out. In addition, the frequency of remote work is also related to location selection. If the company's policy is to work remotely every day, it's difficult to keep going to the cafe and it's not a good idea in terms of cost. Currently, there is a coworking space that can be used for about 10,000 yen per month, and if you are in a rural area, you have the option of renting an apartment. Compare your work content and frequency with the advantages and disadvantages of each facility, and choose the best work environment. * All aggregated result data can be viewed from the following. URL: ■ Introduction of supervisor Kenji Kawada Representative Director of AlbaLink Co., Ltd. Learn the knowledge of real estate leasing business and real estate trading business by yourself, big family business Manages several real estate related companies such as real estate management business and real estate trading business. He has worked on a wide range of properties such as share houses, inns, old apartments, coworking spaces, rental conference rooms, new construction, and rental housing. In his "Translational Property Purchase PRO (", he receives more than 3,000 real estate sales consultations annually. He is a real estate expert who has acquired used and newly built properties for both personal and home use. ■ About Biz Hits Co., Ltd. At our company, we have a job / job change / job information site ( named "Biz Hits", which is the same as the company name, and media ( that considers solving business problems. // is operated. In addition, based on the knowledge and experience gained in the above media management, we also provide business efficiency support, remote work and crowdsourcing introduction consulting. Biz Hits Editor-in-Chief: Yosuke Ito's Profile ■ Company Profile Company Name: Biz Hits Co., Ltd. Location: 22-21 Suzuka Heights, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture 510-0208 Representative: Ito Established Yosuke: January 19, 2009 Capital: 3 million yen Business description: WEB media operation / consulting URL: Corporate press release Details PR TIMES Top

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