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PFU announces "INETSEC FC" to visualize networks in factories and detect abnormalities

 PFU detects network devices and network connection devices (machine tools, control equipment, robots, cameras, etc.) located in the factory on October 27, 2021, and have a load / abnormality situation, and the range of disability impact.We announced "INETSEC FC" that visualizes and so on.It is developed according to the needs of the factory, such as automatic inspection that only connects the product, and "passive detection method" that does not affect production equipment.Scheduled to start shipment in February 2022.

Overview of the factory network visualization device "INETSEC FC" announced by PFU

 INETSEC FC is a new product that will be launched as a solution for factory using the unique technologies of the "INETSEC Series" developed by PFU for office / IT networks.It consists of a device that collects information from the network "INETSEC FC Network visualization sensor" and a management software corresponding to Windows Server/Windows.

 When a visualized sensor is connected to a site network (OT network) in the factory, all network devices such as machine tools and control equipment are automatically detected and visualized.In addition to IP addresses and MAC addresses, IT devices such as PCs and tablets will also obtain and display detailed information such as manufacturers / OS / host name using their own "Edge Analyst Technology".In addition, since the connection relationship between the devices (network porridge) is visualized, the application can be determined on the application that "what device is connected to which device is connected to which device" and "Where is the effect of breaking this device?"

PFU、工場内ネットワークの可視化や異常検知を行う「iNetSec FC」発表

Automatically detects equipment in the network and visualizes the network configuration

 There is also a passive detection method that does not send any packets so that it does not affect the production equipment in the factory when the equipment is detected, and use it in combination with an active detection method that can obtain detailed information (only specific equipment is set an active detection. )be able to.

 In addition, a screen that visualizes network loads and quality (number of transfer errors) in time series in the switch port unit is also provided, which can be understood in advance the risks of network problems, and can lead to improvements.Useful for identification.

 In this INETSEC FC, "Edge Analyst Technology 2) that can automatically detect switching hubs (non -in -trendy switches) without IP addresses.."0" was adopted.According to PFUs, switching hubs often have been introduced in the OT network at the factory, and have been adopted as such a network environment.In fact, PFU himself experienced a line suspension due to switching hub failures at its own factory, which triggered the development of INETSEC FC.

The PFU factory also caused a line stop due to switching hub failure, which triggered this new product development.

 The standard price of INETSEC FC (excluding tax, one network -visualization device and a management software) is 480,000 yen for the first year and 360,000 yen in the second year.In addition, per visualized device, the number of management devices is up to 3,000, and the number of network segments is up to 3 segments (tag VLANs up to 32 segments).The management software covers up to 10,000 management equipment and up to 100 visualized devices.