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NVIDIA, AI generates images in real time from sentences


 NVIDIA announced on the 22nd (local time) to generate images from words and sentences entered by users.It will be equipped with "GAUGAN2", which has enhanced the AI art tool GAUGAN, which creates realistic images from graffiti developed by the company.

 AI automatically generates real images according to "Sunset at AT BEACH" and "Ocean Waves Hitting Rocks on the Beach".When the sentence changes, such as adding an adjective, the image changes in real time.

 In addition to images from words/sentences in one model, segmentation mapping and impainting are also possible.It can also be further entered by inputting the seasonal feeling in sentences from simple sketches to scenes generated by AI in sentences.

 Gaugan2 uses the company's supercomputer "SELENE" and 10 million high -quality landscape images.He learned using a neural network that connects the text information of words such as winter, fog, and rainbow with the visual information corresponding to them.

Paint Me a Picture: NVIDIA Research Shows GauGAN AI Art Demo Now Responds to Words