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"I was surprised" and "I was relieved" for the power of the catch ball Seibu and Taira in just 5 days after the news.

It was announced on the 23rd that the right ankle was surgery and about 3 months before returning to the actual battle.

Seibu / Hira Kaiba [Photo: Yuji Arakawa]

ニュース 術後わずか5日でキャッチボール 西武・平良の威力に「驚いた」「安心しました」

 Seibu and Kaiba Kaiba reported on the 28th of his right ankle surgery on the 23rd on his Twitter.The sentence accompanied with a powerful catch ball figure is "I am discharged from the right ankle surgery on December 23, and I can walk on my right foot on the 28th today. Thanks to the hospital people!For some reason, I made a mistake for two months, and from the fans, "I can see the future", "I came from the future," "It's really dear," "It's a fast straight but a time series two months ahead."I have received a total tsukkomi.[Video] Only 5 days after surgery ... Seibu / Taira's catch ball won the rookie of the rookie last season, "I was surprised by the terrible power.0.Mark 90.The season 20 save and 20 holds were the first achievement in the history of Pa League, but registration of players was deleted on the 15th.This summer, he participated in the Tokyo Olympics as a member of Samurai Japan and won a gold medal.Taira immediately corrected, "This video was 28th today, 10/23 surgery 10/25."Fans are practicing pitching in just five days after surgery, so the fans are "happy. I was relieved."Please show me, "there are many voices that will be expected next season.

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