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[Basic knowledge of motherboard: Product selection edition] The price may be twice as different even though it is the same chipset!When you buy a motherboard, look here and decide!

Why the same chip is three times the price difference!? Motherboard has a grade

 The grade of the motherboard is not determined by the chipset or basic function.Various added value is attached according to the needs of the user, which leads to the price difference of the motherboard.

同じMSI製で同じZ690チップセットを搭載したマザーボード2製品だが、パッと見ても分かるように、装備や機能には違いがある。左のハイエンド製品「MEG Z690 ACE」と、同社のZ690マザーとしては最安クラスである右の「PRO Z690-A DDR4」とでは、3倍以上の価格差が付いている

 The power supply circuit (VRM) is one of the important differentiated points in the most costly part.If you want to use a high -end CPU powerfully, you want to choose a product equipped with a high -power and highly durable VRM.In addition, the power supply circuit, chipset, and parts that cool the SSD, which are the heat source, are surprisingly increased, and are easily omitted with low -priced mothers.The highlight of the rugged design that uses metal parts / plates to reinforce substrates and slots.

 Above, it is written that the performance difference between the mother is small as long as the same CPU is used, but in reality it is safer to avoid the extreme combination of installing high -end CPUs and high -end video cards on low -priced mother.Although the performance according to the specifications, the true ability of the high -end parts may not be demonstrated, and some functions may not be used.

 In addition, there is also a feature of customizability, UEFI and attached utility.Let's determine what you need while considering the application and budget.In the next section, we will explain the points you want to pay attention to.

【マザーボードの基礎知識:製品選び編】同じチップセットなのに価格が2倍も違うことも! マザーボードを買うときはここを見て決めろ!

The power supply circuit is easy to make a difference

 The power supply circuit of the mother has a large difference in specifications by grade.Generally, it is represented by "phase" indicating the number of circuits and "A (ampair)", which indicates the output, and the higher the number of phases, the higher the performance (even in the types and quality of parts used in the circuit, the more.The price goes up and down).Mother with a high -performance power supply circuit is excellent in stability, reliability, and durability only in the part where the burden is large at high load, and sometimes directly linked to the performance of high -end CPUs.

 In normal use, the power consumption of the CPU has reduced the system to become significantly unstable, but the peak performance duration may be shortened.If you try to "overclock" that squeezes the performance of the CPU beyond the limit, the strength of the power supply circuit is essential.Conversely, if you use an entry that does not consume so much, you do not need to worry about the performance of the power supply circuit so much.


The more high -end machines, the more cooling

 Power supply circuit, chipset, M.2) 2 SSDs have a higher fever as they are high -performance, and when these parts become hot, the function of temporarily reducing the operating speed is reduced to protect, and the performance is temporarily reduced.Therefore, the cooling performance, which prevents parts from becoming hot and suppresses the impact on product life, is also emphasized in mothers with middle range or higher, and each company is focused on differentiation points (on the other hand) (on the other hand) (such as these cooling parts.Is easy to omit in low -priced products because it costs cost.

 In addition, the fan of the CPU cooler that cools the CPU (and the pump of a water -cooled cooler) and the "number" that can control the fans installed in the case with the motherboard will increase as the grade rises, and detailed control can be made.Heat sinks are almost indispensable recently, as high -performance SSDs have a great impact on performance when they become hot.However, even if the motherboard does not have an SSD heat sink, it is relatively easy to power up after retrofitting because a lot of Heat Sink for SSD is sold at PC parts shops.


An era where design is also required

 In recent years, many motherboard products that are particular about design and visuals have appeared.The glowing production of the ad lacable RGB LED that can be finely controlled is a standard, but the light -powered gimmick, such as using mirrors and translucent parts, is becoming elaborate, and in high -end models, a product that can display messages and logo with LEDs.There is also.

 In addition to glowing, high -quality designs are also increasing besides glowing, such as unifying coloring that is easy to coordinate such as black and white, and sticking to military -style designs.One of the recent trends is to create self -made PCs that are "appearance" and "photographs" in cooperation with CPU coolers, video cards, and PC cases to be combined.


Setting screen and applications are also evolving

 UEFI that performs the most basic operation control and settings of motherboards and PCs.Compared to the previous BIOS, the operability has been greatly improved by the graphical operation screen, but the function of the motherboard itself has increased, so it is necessary to get used to it.


 In addition, recent motherboards have a motherboard management application for Windows, and each company has no choice but to improve.It is possible to change the settings and monitor the motherboard.The items that can be set are limited compared to UEFI, but the usability is quite good.Especially for middle -high -end users, it is essential to monitor the operating temperature and clock, including the CPU, and the introduction of a fan control function that can customize performance and quietness in detail.

MSIの管理ツール「MSI Center」。現在のバージョンでは、マザーボードに限らず、同社製品を中心に幅広く統合的にPCの制御・管理が可能になっているモニタリング機能の画面。各部の温度やクロック、設定内容を一望できる多機能なMSI Centerだが、必要な機能だけを選んで導入することが可能