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How do I check if there is a leaked password on iPhone?

One of the most valuable functions of ICloud keychain is password monitoring.

If you receive a notification on iPhone or iPad that one of your stored passwords has been detected in a data breach, it is a sign for monitoring passwords.

I'll show you how iPhone is detected when a password is stolen and what to do if a warning appears.

How do I monitor passwords stored on iPhone?

The monitoring password is a built-in function in the iCloud keychain that stores account information on the Apple device. End-to-end encryption hides sensitive data from anyone, including Apple.

Unfortunately, there may be a force majeure data leak in your network account, which may result in a user name and password disclosure.

Fortunately, the password monitoring feature of the iCloud keychain can detect these problems and notify the user.

Apple said that iPhone and iPad will continuously compare the passwords stored in the automatic key chain with the list of passwords known to be leaked.

When one of the passwords matches the password found in the data breach, iPhone sends a notification titled "password violated." In addition, the account is listed on the Security Rewards page of Settings.

Such a notice will be creepy, but it is not important to remember that "someone has visited one of the accounts" or "someone wants to log in".

Simply put, this indicates that the password is contained in the data leak. In other words, accounts become fragile.

In fact, we encourage you to change the password of the problem account immediately to prevent possible security problems in the future.

How secure is password surveillance?

You may feel uncomfortable with the idea that iPhone sends passwords to Apple servers on a regular basis, but the iCloud keychain is saved and encrypted end-to-end.


The password monitoring process uses additional encryption to minimize the information shared with Apple.

Some password managers that are popular in iPhone password managers have similar features to detect data leaks and fragile passwords.

Decide which services to use, or use Apple's free built-in options, just as you use the most sensitive data to determine the most trusted company.

Is there any password manager that can replace "LastPass" for free?

The method and handling method of displaying the violated password

The easiest way to view vulnerable accounts is to click on the notification of the violated password.

This opens the Settings application and displays the Security recommendations page. However, you can easily open this page at any time, not in this way.

First, open the Settings application on iPhone or iPad. Then, click password in the list, and then select Security recommendations at the top of the saved password list.

At the top, you will see a list of items labeled "priority: high", including the password that iPhone knows to participate in the data breach. First of all, let's focus on protecting the accounts listed here.

The bottom section of the other recommendations contains reused fragile passwords. These passwords are a stronger or safer and better password, even if they are not included in the leak.

How to manage compromised passwords in a keychain

How to change the password for a vulnerable account is as follows:

  1. 「設定」を開き、「パスワード」をタップします。
  2. 次に、「セキュリティに関する勧告」をタップします。
  3. 変更したいアカウントを選択します。
  4. アカウント詳細のページで「[Webサイトのパスワードを変更]をタップします。

IPhone will open the relevant website, and you can log in by automatically entering your user name and password.

Next, use the website account management tool to change the password.

Click "use strong passwords" to accept the passwords randomly generated and suggested by the system. You can also create powerful passwords yourself, but using this feature automatically creates and saves passwords.

Ensure security through password management

Detecting dangerous passwords is a valuable function of keychains built into iOS devices.

You will find fragile and reused passwords and warn you that your data is potentially at risk.

Source: Apple (1pc2)

Original Article:How to View and Manage Compromised Passwords on Your iPhone by MakeUseOf