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This inscription is to invest in the "vaccine development" of the new Corona Pattern!"Warp", such as "Modelna" and "Bion Tech" Explain US stocks that can be expected to be hired for speed strategy!


Even in New York, the largest infection in the United States, the ban on going out gradually begins

 In the United States, many states have begun to be unlocked in many states last week.Even in New York State, on May 15th, the ban on going out of the ward has begun to be unlocked in order.Citizens who have been trapped at home for a long time have been able to go out freely after a long absence, and the shops are gradually starting to open.

 For this reason, the US economy, which has a fierce depression, may rebound.

 However, even in that case, the anxiety about the new colon virus was not dispelled.Pressing the elevator button, grabbing the swelling of the subway, opening the shop door ... I feel uncomfortable what we did unconsciously so far.

 Restaurants are not allowed to operate with 100 % capacity immediately from the viewpoint of social data, and are forced to gradually return from about 30 %.

 During the summer, the activity of the virus is suppressed, so I don't think the number of new infected people will increase much, but in the fall, the risk of the new Coronavirus is rampant again.At that time, a prohibition order may be issued again.

 In other words, the economic recovery in the United States may be "jagged" like a saw tooth, not "V -shaped".In order to prevent this and the economy to completely regain the old vitality, we must wait for the appearance of a new colon virus vaccine.

Pick up 5 of more than 100 vaccine development projects that can be expected to achieve results

 Currently, more than 100 new colonovirus vaccine development projects are moving around the world.Some of them have a solid project, but some vaccine development projects are named.So, the table below is the one that I select a company that thinks that this project is solid.

※「P1」「P2」は、それぞれ第1相臨床試験、第2相臨床試験のこと。「ワープ・スピード作戦(Operation Warp Speed)」は、トランプ政権が打ち出したワクチンの早期開発計画で、これに採用される米国政府によるワクチンの買い取りが約束される。

 Let's explain the projects of each company one by one.

[Modelna] In May, "2nd phase clinical trial" has begun as soon as possible!Concluded a production consignment agreement with a subcontractor subcontractor in Switzerland

 Modelna (MRNA) is a young company that has just opened new stocks (IPO) in 2018, but boasts a very high research and development power.In January, when a Chinese researcher in China uploaded a new Coronavirus genome (genetic information) to an open source database, Modela was a short -term prototype of the vaccine in a short period of time.I made it the first to say that I delivered it to the United States National Institute of Health (NIH).

 Modela's vaccine has already been completed in the first phase clinical trial (P1), and the second phase clinical trial (P2) has begun in May.This clinical trial is done by NIH.

 Dr. Monseph Slawi, a director of Modela and served as chairman of the New Drug Development Committee, was appointed as a general conductor of the Trump administration's "Operation Warp Speed", which prevents conflicts of interest.From a point of view, I resigned as a director of Modela last week.

 Warp Speed Operations promise that the US government will buy a large amount of purchases without waiting for the promising vaccine, so that the vaccine can be quickly mass -produced and created.This is because the vaccine has a long lead time from ordering to delivery, and if the approval is approved, it will not be in time for the recovery of the new colon virus expected in the fall.

 Modelna has its own biotenes in Massachusetts and has already started mass production of vaccines used for clinical trials.In addition, we have issued a vaccine production consignment contract with Ronza, a subcontractor in Switzerland, in preparation for the future model vaccine is approved and mass production is required.

 Modela has a very aggressive goal of creating a 1 billion vaccine by the end of this year.

 Considering these conditions, it is extremely possible that the model will be selected as a partner company in the Trump administration's warp speed operation.

 If Modelna becomes a partner company for Warp Speed Operation, a large number of vaccines will be ordered by the US government.However, it does not guarantee that the model's vaccine will be approved.If the model's vaccine does not work, all the created vaccines will be discarded.

 However, even in that case, in the form of emergency use approval (EUA), it may be accepted as a special measure for doctors and nurses who are fighting at the forefront of care for new colonavirus patients.

 Modela's stock price has risen 252%in the past three months.

⇒ Click here for the latest stock price of Modelna (MRNA)!


[Bion Tech / Pfizer] Developed in parallel with 4 types of MRNA vaccines according to the patient's situation, such as "for the elderly"

 The next run in the vaccine development race is the German Bionic (Ticker Symbol: BNTX) and the US Pfizer (Ticker Symbol: PFE).


 Bion Tech is a company that has long warmed the technology related to "MRNA", and its research and development power is as powerful as modela.Bion Tech is a company that started by the "Oshidori couple" who was a professor at the University of Mainz, and is the core company of the German bio industry.

 MRNA technology development is close to the feeling of designing proteins with software.The merit is that the time required for development is relatively short.

 The new colon virus is often expected to be mutated, and even if the vaccine is completed, the new colon virus with different versions, such as "this is a Wakan type" and "this is a European type".There is a risk that vaccine development will not keep up.At that time, with MRNA technology, you can quickly respond to mutations by reworking the genome program.

 In addition, mass production of MRNA -based vaccines is easier than traditional vaccine manufacturing methods, which is expected to accelerate a large amount of vaccines.

 The disadvantage is that MRNA -based vaccines have never been successful in the past.In other words, the Veon -Tech vaccine and the Modela vaccine, which is also a MRNA -based model, is at a high risk of ending "empty swing".

 Considering this, Bion Tech has been conducting clinical trials at the same time in parallel with all four MRNA vaccine candidates in line with the patient's situation, such as "for the elderly."Some people think that this method will increase the probability of success in the bion -tech vaccine.

 Pfizer, on the other hand, is a partner company in charge of manufacturing vaccine.In fact, there are only about five companies in the world that mass -produce vaccines, and one of them is one of them.The fact that the world's leading pharmaceutical company, Pather, chose a bion -tech from a number of candidates, can be interpreted as highly evaluated by Bion Tech's research and development capabilities.

 Bion -tech stock prices have risen 53%in the past three months, which is not enough compared to other companies.The reason why Bion -Tech's stock price is late is that the company's German stock ADR (US deposit securities) is being sold in the US market, and that the management of management is not good at presentation in English.The fact that the house does not understand the company's true value.

⇒ Click here for the latest stock price of Bion Tech (BNTX)!

⇒ Click here for the latest stock price of Pfizer (PFE)!


[Sanofi / Glaxo Smith Cline] A venerable vaccine manufacturing and sales company with roots with roots participates in the Pasur Research Institute

 Sanofi (Ticker Symbol: SNY) is a major French pharmaceutical company, and has a subsidiary, Sanofi Pastor, a human vaccine manufacturer.The company's name, "Pasul", refers to a venerable pass tool research institute, named after the French bacteriologist Louis Passor, which is said to be the founder of modern bacterial science.

 The past research records accumulated in Sanofi Pastor can be found in venerable research institutions such as Lyon's Meryu Research Institute and Toronto Connot Research Institute, and it is a very vaccine development.

 The new colon virus vaccine developed by Sanofi in partnership with a major British pharmaceutical company, Glaxo Smith Cline (Ticker Symbol: GSK) is a traditional technique called "antigen reinforcement genetic modification type".It will be made.

 In vaccine development, there is the idea that "methods and mass -produced technologies that have successfully succeeded in the past say", and in that regard, the Sanofi / Graxo Union cannot be ignored.

 Sanofi is a major pharmaceutical company, and has been working on many businesses besides the development of new colon virus, so this material does not mean that the stock price is moving.Therefore, Sanofi's stock price performance in the past three months is -6..It has fallen to 8 %.

⇒ Click here for the latest stock price of Sanofi (SNY)!

⇒ Click here for the latest stock price of Glaxo Smith Cline (GSK)!


【ノヴァヴァックス】ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ基金基金も出資するCEPIが、高い評価を下して3.Donate 800 million yen

 Novaavax (Ticker Symbol: NVAX) is a small vaccine development company headquartered in Maryland.

 ノヴァヴァックスの実績は、今回紹介している他の企業に比べると劣ります。しかし、ノヴァヴァックスが開発している新型コロナウイルス向けワクチンは、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ基金や英国のウエルカム基金などがスポンサーとなっている感染症流行対策イノベーション連合(CEPI)から高い評価を得ており、第2相臨床試験を進めるための費用として3.I received a $ 800 million donation.This is a larger amount of money that CEPI has contributed so far.

 Novaavax's new colon virus vaccine uses a traditional method called "antigen -reinforced material genetic modification nano particles".The Trump administration's Worth Speed Operation is expected to support both MRNA technology and traditional vaccines, which are new techniques for risk distribution, so it is likely that Novavax will be selected.increase.

 Novaavax's stock price performance in the past three months was + 489%.

 Novaavax does not have a factory that manufactures vaccines in -house.Therefore, in the production of actual vaccines, we have already signed a contract to use Emergent Bio Solutions (EBS).The Emergent's stock price performance in the past three months was +29%.

⇒ Click here for the latest stock price of Nova Vax!


[Johnson & Johnson] The world's largest pharmaceutical company is developing a new colonovirus vaccine with different approaches from other companies!

 Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) is the world's largest pharmaceutical company / medical device manufacturer.In Johnson & Johnson, its own team is developing a vaccine for new colonavirus.

 The method used by Johnson & Johnson is called "non -replicated virus carrier type", and the approach method is different from all the above companies.From the perspective of the warp speed plan, such a different hair color approach is welcome from the perspective of risk distribution.

 Johnson & Johnson's vaccines are expected to enter clinical trials in September, which is the most delayed among promising vaccines.However, the reason Johnson and Johnson dare to rush to clinical trials are that they have the idea that it is better to boil down slowly than to hurry and do halfway.

 Johnson & Johnson's stock price performance in the past three months was + 1%.

⇒ Click here for the latest stock price of Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)!


[Summary of this week] Let's invest in a company that is likely to win the "gambling", a vaccine development project!

 Currently, more than 100 new colonovirus vaccine development projects are moving around the world.Perhaps one to three of them succeed.In other words, vaccine development is "gambling".

 This time, we introduced the most promising projects.In particular, Bion Tech has a high research and development power and is blessed with a good partner called Pfizer, but is delayed in stock prices.This brand is the most attractive in risk and reward.

[ * Click here for articles related to US stocks related to the new Corona Vaccine!] ⇒ In the new US Corona -related strain, pay attention to the “Emergent Bio Solutions” of “Vaccine Manufacturing subcontractor”!Possibility of increasing sales regardless of the winner of vaccine development competition

⇒ Explain the topic of "Gilad Siensis" where the new coloner treatment is talked about!Aim for bio -related leaders who are the key to economic revival, such as "Modelna" and "Regeneron"!

⇒ While US stocks are wary of the second level, the aim is related stocks of "new colona treatments and vaccines"!On the other hand, the stock price trend in the US market as a whole depends on the number of new Corona infected people!


[ * If you buy US stocks, check out this article!] ⇒ What are the "exchange" and "taxes" that require attention in US stock investment?The point is that you invest in a specific account (withholding (with withholding) "or" NISA account "and leave" US dollars "in your account!


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