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Identity verification with my number card and smartphone.Toppan

Toppan Printing has developed an "identity verification app" that enables non-face-to-face identity verification using only a smartphone and My Number card. It will be available from May 1st.


You can verify your identity using your My Number Card in cooperation with the public personal identification system provided by the Japan Agency for Local Authority Information Systems (J-LIS). Specifically, it can be used when using various non-face-to-face services such as financial institution transactions such as bank account and credit card applications, antique dealers, and sharing businesses.

Service users can use the NFC installed in their smartphones and hold their My Number card over to link with Toppan Printing's JPKI platform. You can verify your identity easily and speedily. In addition, the service provider can reduce the work of confirming the identity verification document and reduce the work load.

It can be used not only from the app but also from the web browser of a PC or smartphone. Identity verification functions can be added to existing Web services and smartphone applications owned by service providers. We also provide a dedicated SDK for smartphones.

In addition to public personal authentication using the user certification digital certificate and signature digital certificate included in My Number Card, it is also possible to obtain basic 4 information and personal number. It can also be used for labor management and tax processing such as collecting personal numbers of employees and collecting personal numbers when claiming insurance claims.

In the future, we will expand sales to various industries that develop financial transactions, public services, and CtoC business. In addition, we will provide a platform service that links identity verification results and personal IDs, aiming for sales of 1 billion yen including related orders by 2025.