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I was able to edit the video quickly with a 999G lightweight Intel EVO compliant laptop!

 Thanks to the appearance of smartphones and mirrorless single -lens cameras equipped with high -performance cameras, and evolution of action cams, anyone can easily take videos.Along with this, many videos are overflowing on various SNSs such as Tiktok, Instagram and Twitter.

 Most of the patterns that use Tiktok and Twitter videos, edit functions of smartphone apps and site editing functions, etc., can be used a bit to one -shot videos (so -called “so -called“ ““ ““ “Surved”).This is a problem for a very short video in both sides and scale.



 However, once you start making videos, you want to post a longer and elaborate thing, such as YouTuber or VLOGGER (short of Video Blogger. Refers to people who send daily information like a blog using videos).Is boiling out.The current smartphone and mirrorless interchangeable -lens eye will be a natural flow.This can be achieved with the functions of the app and site with the current extension, but it is functionally simple and takes time, so it is limited.

 Needless to say, PC editing is a standard tool, but the so -called creator's laptop for video editing is large and heavy.You need to be prepared to buy and carry it just to create YouTube and VLOG content.

 Therefore, I would like to pay attention to the "Intel EVO Platform" -compliant laptop (hereinafter EVO Note), which has a high performance that can be handled in a thin, lightweight business bag or tote bag, but can handle video editing.The EVO Note is the latest laptop computer that major PC manufacturers this winter.Many are thin, weighs under 1kg or less, with light games, and the battery driving time is long.It is a thin notebook used at work, and even a slightly elaborate video editing.

 In this project, I would like to report on the flow to edit the video taken using a smartphone and upload it to YouTube, with Dell "Inspiron 13 7000 MI73-AWHB".If you want to post to YouTube, etc., please refer to those who have already posted a simple post and want to post a slightly elaborate work.

今回使ったスマホはソニーのXperia 1 II。ZEISSの刻印がかっこいい。動画専用のCinema Proアプリを使えば2Kや4K解像度での動画撮影ができる。スマホで4K動画が撮れるとはなかなかすごい時代になったものだ。今回は一般的なフルHD解像度でのYouTube投稿を意識して2Kで撮影している