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How do people who do "good study methods" use notes?

"What should I use notes to use notes?" "Is there a better way to put a notebook?"

For you, I will introduce a study method using notebook loose leaf.

Note production is the basis of study.Knowing smart note techniques can be efficiently input your knowledge.

If you are, please practice the notebook and study methods to be introduced in the future.

  • 5 "Good Study methods" using notes
  • After making a notebook ...
  • Points of "good study method" using notes

    First, I will explain the points of "good study method" using notebooks.

    So that you can read yourself in the future

    Are you summarized your notes with the idea that you just have to read it?A notebook written in such a stance can be a thing that you can't even read.

    Reading the notebook is the "future self" whose memories of study have diminished.Think about whether you can understand the "future self" in a few days to a few weeks, instead of a fresh memory.

    Kenichi Yoshinaga, who wrote the "Note Techniques for the results of the University of Tokyo Tutor" (Asa Publishing, 2015), listed two points of notebooks that are easy to revive during reviews.

    1. 誰が読んでもわかる言葉で
    2. 丸写しせず、自分の言葉にかみ砕く

    If you are aware of these two points, you will be able to make a kind notebook for "future self".

    Unification of how to write

    When writing a notebook, follow a certain rule and format.

    If you unify the…, etc., the position and importance of the information will be clear, and it will be easier to read.

    If you decide on "important words in the test = red" or "Supplementary information = blue", you can tell at a glance which parts are and how important.Avoid deciding in the mood, "I want to write in red now" or "Let's make a blue pen here in terms of design."

    If you want to forget the rules you have decided, you should write on the first page or the back of the cover.

    Write what you felt "interesting!"

    If you feel "this is interesting!"

    The stories and episodes that I felt "interesting!"By recording in the notebook, you can learn what you have learned at that time.

    Tips on learning content can be a trigger for the theme, so it is especially worthwhile to write down.I have a memory that I was interested in ancient Mesopotamia by teaching a world history teacher about the urban legend of "Sumerians = alien".

    Write the background of information

    Write not only the information you want to learn, but also the background and reason in your notebook.Just writing facts does not easily establish in memory.

    Just memorizing "SDGS = sustainable development goal" may forget it."SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals, so if you translate it, it will be a" sustainable development goal ", it will be hard to forget.

    Keeping down the background of "why SDGs is needed" and "how it was proposed" can be positioned in the context of "things you know" and leads to essential understanding.

    Finally, I will introduce a specific study method that uses notes.

    5 "Good Study methods" using notes

    Here are five types of techniques as an efficient study method using notes.

    Memory tree

    Mr. Ichimasa Nishioka, who is a representative of Kalp Diem Co., Ltd., who is developing educational business support, etc., recommends the technique of "Memorory Tree".It is a method of connecting common / similar information by line.

    In the above example, the five English words starting from the prefix EX- were connected by lines.This is easy to remember in the set.

    These words are not only similar, but also have the same meaning.The prefix EX- has the meaning of "outside".If you know, it will be easier to learn the words that start with EX-.

    On the other hand, the meaning of the suffix-SPECT is "see".


    In the figure above, the "EXPECT", which contains both EX- and -spect, is a bridge, and two memory trees are connected.This is much more efficient than memorizing words individually.Of course, it is also useful when you want to learn the jargon and keywords that appear in the exam.

    If you think, "I want to know more in English and tailoring ...", please refer to this book.

    Economy of English words


    English word etiquette map that shows the origin and connection


    Repeat practice notebook

    "Repeat practice notebook" that writes what you want to remember and records the wrong number of times.This is a study method recommended by Yuto Katayama, a lecturer at the Medical School Preparatory School as an active Tokyo University student.

    In this way, the page is divided into three parts.The content to be written is as follows.

    1. 左側:覚えたい語句
    2. 真ん中:復習時に間違えたり、答えられなかったりした回数
    3. 右側:語句の意味・解説

    If you write the left and right side with an orange pen, you can review it while hiding it with a red sheet.In this way, it is obvious at a glance, "I'm not making a mistake so much ...".Unlike word cards, you can review only the weak phrases, which will save you study time.

    Combined with the "Memory Tree" introduced

    1. 「Memory tree」で知識を関連づける
    2. 「Repeat practice notebook」で知識を記憶する

    If you learn in the flow of ……, you can input efficiently.

    Wrong notebook

    A "wrong note" recommended by qualified instructor Kazuo Ishikawa to look back on the exercises.It is a notebook that collects only problems that have been mistaken / cannot be solved.

    Write the following items in the notebook.

    1. 出典(ページ数や番号)
    2. 問題文
    3. 正答
    4. 自分の誤答
    5. 間違えた原因
    6. 対策(正答を導くための考え方、注意点など)

    If you review the "mistake notebook" based on the basis, you will be able to ensure that you can crush your weak range.

    However, in the case of a collection of questions to be challenged for the first time, most of them may make mistakes."I have to write this and this on my notebook!"

    Cornel notebook

    "Cornell type" is famous for how to summarize the notebook.This is a technique by the late Walter Park, a professor at Cornell University's Faculty of Education.Use three notes in three.

    1. 見出し欄:単元の小見出し
    2. 内容欄:見出しに関する詳しい情報
    3. 要約欄:ページの要約

    The advantage is that you can grasp what you wrote and what you wrote thanks to the "heading column".In addition to the simplicity of simply adding a single notebook to the usual notebook, the clear structure is also the reason why the "Cornell type" is supported.

    In the figure above, there are three headings in the headline column: "What is IoT?"It is done.The page is hierarchical as "Ondo → Small → Details".

    Memorization notebook

    "Memorization notebook" is also useful for organizing knowledge.A technique to organize information in three steps recommended by Kosuke Usui, a qualified school lecturer Kosuke Usui.

    1. しぼる

    First, write a brief outline of the main keyword in about one line.It is an image of cutting off the "branch and leaves" of knowledge and leaving only the "trunk".Remove trivial information and redundant words, and express only the essence.

    × Redundant sentence

    IoT is an abbreviation of Internet of Things, which refers to "various things connected to the Internet" and "various things that lead to the Internet".

    ○ A sentence that extracted the essence

    IoT is a technology that connects things to the Internet to make it convenient.

    2. まとめる

    Next, connect information about keywords like a single line.As with the "Memory Tree" mentioned above, the aim is to set the information as a set and help with the establishment and recall of memory.

    By connecting the information from IoT → Internet of Things → Internet of Things…, you can draw knowledge of the potatoes later.

    IoT → What abbreviation?: Internet of Things → What is the meaning?: Internet of things → Specifically?: Home appliances, cars, speakers, etc. → How will these change?: Remote control, remote monitoring, automatic control, etc. → How?: Things, sensors, communication means, application (4 elements of IoT)

    3. 図にする

    Finally, let's drop the information into the figure.Here are two methods that Mr. Usui especially recommended.

    First, "3 -point pyramid".Place the items you want to remember, the reason, and how to remember them in the pyramid type.

    1. ピラミッドの頂点に「覚えたい項目」を配置
    2. その下に、語句の背景にある「理由」と、自分なりの「覚え方」を記入

    By setting the three information as a set, you can review only important points.

    Next is a "flowchart" that expresses logical relationships and time series with arrows.Have you ever seen it in a work manual or process table?

    If you express "B occurs due to A and C has occurred" in the flowchart, it will be "A → B → C".Make more complex information branches like a tributary of the river.

    Let's make "memorization notes" in three steps: "Shiburu → Summary → Figure".The complex knowledge is cleanly organized, making it easier to get into your head.

    As mentioned above, we have introduced five study methods using notes.You may feel uncomfortable, saying, "I have never used this way."However, by trying a study method that has never been tried, you may be inspired by using a notebook that suits you.

    After making a notebook ...

    Finally, I will mention the study method after making a notebook.

    Making a notebook is not a goal of study, but just a start.Even if the notebook is great, it doesn't make sense if you can't make the knowledge you wrote there.

    Don't be satisfied with "Okay, the note is completed!"According to Yoshinaga mentioned above, there are three points when reviewing.

    Oral restoration many times

    Let's output verbally while remembering the contents of the notebook.In particular, it is useful when you want to acquire systematic knowledge.

    If you review the IoT, remember the corresponding page of the notebook, and explain the main points verbally, "What is IoT? The four elements of IOT. The points to be aware of."Don't open notes, unless you can't remember.

    It may be difficult at first, but as you try many times, you will be able to reproduce your memory smoothly.


    If you read the notebook, you may notice, "I don't have enough explanation here" or "That's what is this?"Let's add more and more to the vacant area.

    As the "re -reading → discovery → postscript" is repeated, the quality of the notebook increases.According to Yoshinaga, by adding more and more changes to the notebook, it can prevent "getting tired" for review.

    Do not make mistakes

    Even if you notice "Oh, I'm making a mistake here!", Do not erase it with an eraser or correction solution, draw a line and correct it correctly.If you completely delete it, you will forget the fact that you made a mistake.

    The fact that I made a mistake in the past is that there is a high possibility that I will make the same mistake in the future.If you dare to leave the wrong part and see it every time you review it, you can prevent mistakes.

    Above, I explained how to study after making a notebook.Please practice the study method introduced, not just making a notebook.

    *** Five study methods using notes are introduced.If you have to organize what you have learned, or you have to remember what you have learned, please use it.Regarding notes, the following articles are also recommended.

    >> [Corresponding to working people] How to summarize study notes >>> Easy -to -understand notes, 6 rules >>> 3 selections of notes that can be used for voluntary study and reading

    (Reference) Kenichi Yoshinaga (2015), "Notes for the results of the University of Tokyo Tutor", Asa Publishing.Yuto Katayama (2021), "How to copy a genius thinking circuit learning from the notes of the University of Tokyo", the Japan Efficiency Association Management Center.Logmy Biz | Toshio Usui (2017), a "associated" memories of "associated", which was practiced in "Dragon Sakura", which is not "good in memory", is not "derived and connected.English Word Etition Map ", Belete Publishing.Morio Nishikawa (2013), "The Charm of English Listings -Mechanisms of Words to Enhance Vocabulary".Rikunabi NEXT Journal | This "Study method" should not be done Learning Strategies Center | The Cornell Note Taking System Ministry of Internal Affairs and CommunicationsLearn!], Mikasa Shobo.

    [Writer Profile] He majored in philosophy at Sato Shun University and has a wealth of reading experience in humanities.He is particularly good at writing in psychology and brain science, and has more than 200 writings.Acquisition of the know -how of memory and writing techniques from a wide range of research experience.The motto is to expand culture under the motto "writers who can stimulate the intellectual curiosity of readers."