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How to reduce LINE capacity, delete talk photos and cash

"LINE is slow to start up" and "I want to empty the storage capacity of the smartphone even a little."In such a case, reduce the data capacity of LINE.There are a lot of LINE friends, and the more people who exchange messages, photos, and videos, the more effective.

Delete photos of the talk room one by one

You may share photos and videos with friends on LINE.You don't have to leave photos and videos stored on your smartphone on LINE, so delete them and refresh them.

Press and hold a photo of the talk room and tap "Delete".Check the photos you want to delete next, and select "Delete" again.


Delete all photos in the talk room

If you want to delete the talk room photos on LINE, use the talk room menu.Before deleting, save the necessary photos on your smartphone.By the way, only iOS version LINE can use this function.

When you open "Settings" from the talk room menu, the "Talk Settings" screen will be displayed.Next, press "Delete Data", check the data you want to delete, and tap "Delete selected data" to complete the deletion.

Delete LINE cash data

The smartphone has a "cache" function that temporarily preserves data to increase the operation, and these data is called "cash data".LINE's cash data grows naturally as you use it, so if you delete it, the storage capacity can be opened.By the way, if you delete the cash data, please be assured that LINE talk history and photos will not disappear.

From the LINE "Friend" screen, press "Settings" for the gear icon and tap "Talk".Select "Delete Data".Next, check "Cash Data" and tap "Delete the selected data".Select "Delete Data" to complete the cache deletion.

iOS users can check the storage capacity of the storage and the data capacity for each app from the iOS "Settings" to "General", but the cache is counted separately from the data capacity for each application.It seems to be there.

Even if the LINE cache was deleted by the procedure introduced, the data capacity for each application that could be confirmed with the iPhone storage did not decrease much.However, it has been confirmed that the value of "used" displayed at the top of the "iPhone storage" decreases.

The Android may not decrease at all, depending on the OS version, if you delete the cash data on LINE, if you check the LINE cache from the Android "Settings".In that case, select "LINE" from "Storage" in "Settings" in Android, tap Cash and delete the cache.