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From 128GB to 256GB. How to migrate SD card?

The 128GB microSD card that stores photos, videos, and music files for several years has run out of free space. It was also used as a cache destination for some apps, so I was able to create about 2GB of free space by deleting them once, but that's the limit. Soon you will not be able to take any more pictures. I have to upgrade to a larger capacity SD card. With that in mind, I bought a 256GB microSD card, which has become reasonably priced at around 7,000 yen.

I noticed here. How to transfer data to a new SD card when 128GB is almost fully used. Considering the capacity, it is out of the question via cloud storage. Of course, you can use it because you have a PC and an SD card reader, but that's the capacity. I don't think it can be done efficiently, and for the author of a notebook PC whose internal storage is not large, suddenly freeing 128GB is quite terrible.

Of course, I have a lot of external storage with a large capacity for work, so there is no problem if I combine them. However. I wondered how the correct answer would be for smartphone users who do not have a PC these days. Even if you temporarily save data to the built-in storage of your smartphone, the fact that 128GB of free space is required means that you must have a terminal with a storage capacity of at least 256GB to make it in time.


With a cheap smartphone, the internal storage will be much smaller, so that strategy can't be used. However, I wonder if it would be a good idea to purchase an SD card reader or external storage for temporary data storage just for migration. Hmmm, isn't this clogged? I just want to make the transition simple, but it seems that it will cost more than the SD card ....

In such a case, it is a docomo shop in case of emergency. I rushed to a nearby store and tried to consult with him ... but what I found was "DoCoMo". It is a dedicated terminal prepared for data migration. Indeed, if you use this, you can copy data between SD cards without any problems. However, I don't know how long it will take to copy 128GB of space. I'm sorry to occupy it for a long time (although almost every store is empty), so I decided to try a copy of about 2GB for the time being.

Insert the copy source and copy destination microSD cards according to the instructions on the docomo Shop docopy screen.

The result is 2 minutes 19 seconds. Although it was initially displayed that it would take 5 minutes, it was completed unexpectedly easily. However, if this is 128GB, multiplying it by 64 will take two and a half hours. If conditions such as the number of files change, it may not be possible to perform simple calculations, but this may be quite difficult.

Approximately 2GB of data, 181 copies. You cannot select the data to copy.Note that if there is a file with the same name in the copy destination, it will be forcibly overwritten. It was displayed that it would take 5 minutes, but it was actually completed in 2 minutes 19 seconds.

Another option would be to have another smartphone. With the microSD cards attached to each other, you can connect them directly with a cable and transfer them with the file management application (not possible depending on the model). However, when I tried it with 2GB of data, it took 5 minutes and 20 seconds, so with 128GB, it would take 5 to 6 hours. The bottleneck is that you can't use your smartphone properly during that time.

After all, the method I took was to connect an external SSD to the smartphone, copy it once, and then replace the SD card on the smartphone side and write it back. With this, it took about 90 minutes in total. However, be aware that it consumes a lot of battery power. During processing, it can only be charged with a model that supports wireless charging, so if the battery runs out in the middle, copying will fail and it will be a catastrophe.

File transfer by connecting smartphones with a cable. Because the F-04K on the right is USB 2.0, the transfer speed is slow and it took 5 minutes and 20 seconds to copy 2GB. Copy with an external SSD connection. In this case it's reasonably fast because of the USB 3.0 connection.Data evacuation and writing back to SD card took 90 minutes

In conclusion, if you want to copy data without spending money, docomo Shop DoCoMo is the simplest and most reliable. I am happy that it can be used freely regardless of the carrier of the smartphone you are using. You have to be prepared for it to take some time depending on the capacity, but if you don't have a PC, you can actually choose this. If you need to migrate a large amount of data, please bring a time-killing item with you and try it.

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