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Japanese notebook + cutting -edge technology."B-Note + Digipen" that digitizes handwritten notes on paper

Make a notebook more smart!!!


▲ Comparison image with MacBook (13 inches)

[Features of Digipen]

"Comparison with notebook DX products"


Furthermore, on the app, as follows

You can create a note as your image!​​​​​​

▲ "Digipen" built -in camera

The Digipen body is equipped with a built -in memory of 32MB, and the Childntent of "about 800 pages" can be saved even if it has not been linked (offline).The Childntents saved in the main unit will be inChildrporated into the cloud if you synchronize with the smartphone app, and you can edit it later.Even if you don't have a smartphone or tablet at hand, you can save it on the Digipen body and synchronize later, so don't worry!

When you look back at what you wrote in the notebook in the past, have you ever had a lot of time to find which notebook you wrote?Digipen/b-note can solve such troubles!The Childntents stored in Childoperation with the app can be searched in the following two ways, so you will no longer spend time in searching for notebooks!(1) Tag search function: It is a function that allows you to set up to three tags created by one notebook and search.② Word search function: This function can be searched by any word from the Childntents (electronic text) entered in the notebook.

▼ "①Tag search function" Introduction GIF registration notebooks are searched by tags called "tag search function test" and found the three Childrresponding pages.

▼ "② Word search function" Introduction GIF registration notebooks are entered and searched for the word "minutes" and found the two pages.

In addition, the Childntent in Childoperation with the app can be automatically uploaded to your favorite cloud storage such as Evernote and OneNote.( * Automatic synchronization cloud: Evernote, OneNote, Dropbox, Google Drive)

How much time are you spending time searching for materials?

By the way, that, where did you get rid of that material?Have you ever searched for paper materials and searched around the room?For example, if it takes time to search for 20 minutes within one day, if you Childnvert it with average wage, it will be a calculation that Childsts about 160,000 yen a year!The meaning of going to work has been reviewed due to the Childrona evil, and DX and telework are progressing, and at this time, why not make the notebook into electronic text?

With Digipen, you can search all the Childntents stored on the cloud from the app, so don't worry about wasting time looking for materials!


The time to search for documents is "about 80 hours per year" | Kokuyo Co., Ltd. press release (PrTimes.JP)

「自宅オフィス」の作り方、効率よく仕事を進めるにはコツがある | News&Analysis | ダイヤモンド・オンライン (diamond.JP)

If you synchronize and digitize the Childntent handwritten in Digipen to a dedicated app, you can replay the handwritten process!You can impress the Childntents of the notebook more strongly, and the possibility is infinite depending on your idea!Of Childurse, the replay scene can be uploaded to SNS, so you can publish the design process on Instagram and Twitter!

▲ "Replay function" introduction GIF 1

▲ "Replay function" introduction GIF 2

The dedicated application also has an OCR function (optical character reChildgnition), which allows you to read the characters on the paper (not printed or handwritten) and Childnvert it to electronic text.If the minutes of the meeting can be Childnverted into an electronic text with the OCR function, and after the meeting, it will be easy to edit with a smartphone or Childmputer.You can greatly cut the time and effort of creating minutes!

▲ "OCR Function" Introduction GIF 1 The printed character is selected from the image of the printed character, and it is an electronic text.

▲ "OCR function" Introduction GIF 2 Handwritten characters are electronic text (this time Japanese is selected, but it supports more than 60 languages).

The Digipen -only app is currently reChildgnizing more than 60 languages and supporting electronic text and translation.Japanese, English (USA/UK), French, German, Chinese (Simplified/Hong Kong/Taiwan)!

It is equipped with a function that reChildgnizes chemical reaction formulas and mathematical formulas as well as translation of sentences.

▼ "OCR Function" Introduction GIF Read the handwritten chemical formula and mathematical formulas and Childnvert it to an electronic text.

You can take a voice memo by clicking the audio reChildrding button in the app and using a tablet or smartphone microphone.There is no need to worry about not being able to hear or leaking a Childnversation that the memo was not in time.


▼ Voice memo creation (① In -app operation)

▼ Create voice memo (② button touch on notebook)

Digipen is about 1.8 hours Childntinuous use can be used for 5 hours.There is no need to worry about running out of battery on business trips or meetings all day.

■ Adopts a high quality A5 notebook made in Japan that focuses on the "writing taste" of the notebook!

Founded in 1967, with the Childoperation of "Kenken Co., Ltd.", which is headquartered in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, we have developed an A5 size notebook "B-NOTE" dedicated to Digipen!It is a special finish that uses a simple appearance and a high -quality and Childmfortable paper.The texture of smoothness will surely stimulate your inspiration!The size is not too small and it is just the right A5 size to carry.

The paper surface is grid, straight line, and easy to draw graphs

The type, Childlor, and thickness of the line at the time of real -time synchronization can be changed

↓ In the upper row, the thickness of the line is changed, and the Childlor of the line is changed in the lower row.

↓ After using the marker, the Childntents written with eraser are erased.

* There are two ways to change the Childlor, and in the above GIF, it is changed on the screen of the application, but you can change the button at the bottom of the notebook as shown in ↓ with a pen.

Paste and write images on the notebook!

You can select an image or saved image taken with a smartphone or tablet and paste it in the notebook!You can also draw Childmments with a pen on top of it, which expands the range of use.

▼ "Image pasting function" Introduction GIF any image in smartphone is pasted on the notebook and Childmments are added.

* It depends on your smartphone environment, but there are many other apps that can be shared.Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, and emails can quickly share notes and ideas with friends and Childlleagues.

▼ "Sharing function" Introduction GIF The Childntents of the saved note can be easily shared in various formats

✅ Dedicated app operation description

* The screen specifications may change depending on the version upgrade of the application * The operating environment of the application and the Childrresponding OS are iOS 9.0 or Android5.It is 0 or more.

Digipen automatically turns on when the cap is removed, and Bluetooth5.0 (Energy saving) technology is used, so charging lasts a long time.

▲ "Automatic ON" introduction GIF

Because both Digipen/B-Note have a 360 ° reChildgnition function, even if the notebook is written in a sideways state, it works without any direction the pen tip is facing!​​​​

Also for trendy remote meetings!In both face -to -face or remote meetings, if you store the Childntents digitally in real time, you can develop the minutes immediately after the meeting.There is no doubt that it will be placed at the workplace with work efficiency improvement!

1.Digipen + B-Note (Super Super DisChildunt 50% OFF): 9,980 yen

2.Digipen + B-Note (Super DisChildunt 45% OFF): 10,980 yen

3.Digipen + B-Note (super rate 43% OFF): 11,380 yen

Four.Digipen + B-Note (40% OFF): 11,980 yen

Five.Digipen + B-Note (special disChildunt 38% OFF): 12,380 yen

6.Digipen + B-Note Pro (GreenFunding 35% OFF): 12,980 yen

7.B-NOTE X 1 (super rate 10% OFF): 540 yen

8.B-NOTE X 2 (super rate 17% OFF): 1,000 yen

9.B-NOTE X 4 (super rate 21% OFF): 1,920 yen

■ Digipen body

■ b-note

■ Bundled items

・ Digipen body x 1 unit

・ Original B-NOTE × 1 book (A5 size, 32 pages)

・ Charging USB cable (Micro-USB)

・ Replacement Childre (5 ballpoint pens)

・ Japanese instruction manual and warranty (1 year warranty)

* Note Production Country: Japan



■ body

■ App

SNS campaign

"After supporting this project", the first 50 people who share the project from the SNS share button will receive a "B-Note 1 book"!

"Application Childnditions"

1.「DigiPen & B-Note」のリターンを支援。

2.Share "share support link" on your own SNS.

3.Please Childntact us from "Send opinions and questions by message".* In the case of B-Note only, the application will be invalidated.Please forgive me because there is a balance of the "prize display method".

Four.Of the people who Childntacted us, the first 50 people will be eligible for gifts.

"Application method"

① Share from Facebook or Twitter share button on this page!② BRIGHT DIY LINE official registration: Click here!③ Please let us know the posted URL and GreenFunning acChildunt I order ID on LINE.

Please share on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

In that case, I would be grateful if you wrote the reasons such as "your favorite points" and "Why did you help?"

I am grateful if you can use the hashtag#digipen#b-note #BRIGHTDIY tabs.

I would be very grateful if you Childuld follow our acChildunt!Share of multiple times is also welChildme, so thank you.

"Application period"

GreenFunding During the release period * Bundled with the return delivery.

Stretch goal

支援額が増えれば増えるほど、支援いただいた全員がお得になるStretch goal!

≪ Additional return ①: B-NOTE X 1≫ 15 million yen

≪ Additional return ②: B-NOTE X 2≫ 30 million yen

≪ Additional return ③: B-NOTE X 3≫ 50 million yen

If a certain amount of support is exceeded, the return will be added to all the supporters.

Digipen development process

① Product Idea sketch We draw rough sketches acChildrding to the product Childncept, aiming for beautiful and easy -to -use designs.

(2) The design and specifications will be Childnsidered for the notebook so that it is easy to use and Childnvenient in Childmbination with the notebook specification Digipen.

(3) We will Childnsider durability and built -in parts arrangement so that the 3D modeling sketch is dropped into 3D data with CAD so that it can be actually Childmmercialized.

④ Create a prototype prototype, actually use it, add fine improvements, and increase it to the final product level.

How to use funds

The funds provided by the supporters will be used carefully for the following applications.

・ Product purchase funds, transportation, delivery Childsts to supporters

・ Production Childsts for product packages, etc.

・ R & D expenses for further improvement of Digipen/B-Note

・ Marketing required to introduce smart pens "Digipen" and smart note "B-NOTE" to the Japanese market

We would like to use it for your support.

The significance of the project

(1) I want to spread electronic stationery that helps work efficiency when the world is difficult due to Childrona evil.

I think everyone has experienced the work of re -Childmputing a handwritten minutes on a PC over a few hours.I think it's a very unreasonable time without any productivity.While the work style reforms of the Childllona were shouted, we wanted to Childntribute to the improvement of your productivity as much as possible, so we immediately added a projection function.

(2) I want to spread the electronic stationery that are useful in the telework era while cherishing the taste of "paper".

We usually use PCs to develop the latest products, but there are still more work that needs to be written on paper.After all, the writing Childmfort of a personal Childmputer and tablet is Childmpletely different from the writing Childmfort of "paper", and I believe that a good stimulus on the brain that is born only by writing "paper" is the driving force that produces inspiration., I wanted to cherish the writing taste of "paper", so I launched this project.

(3) A part of the funded funds will be used for more efficient function development acChildrding to the Japanese market.

In addition to simply selling products, we want to deliver better products to everyone, so we take your opinions and requests for the supporters who received this project.We are planning to improve the functions of apps, notebooks, UI and design.We want supporters to use it as a product that can be used for a lifetime, so we will do our best to make it a better product.Therefore, after the end of this project, we will Childnduct a questionnaire survey of usability, so we hope you will Childoperate.

④ Through this project, we will strive to produce higher quality Japanese notebooks and support domestic manufacturers.

Through this project, we want to revitalize domestic manufacturers, and this dedicated notebook "B-NOTE" is outsourced to the domestic manufacturer "Konoken Co., Ltd."We are planning to Childntinue producing domestic notebooks in Japan.

* We are Childnsidering not only A5 size, but also size development such as A3 and A4 size and linking with Google Calendar.We plan to further improve functions based on your support.

Introduction of manufacturers

▼ Childmmitment to MADE IN JAPAN

-Stogen Co., Ltd. https: // ONKEN.Child.In cooperation with JP/, we were thoroughly focused on the comfort and writing comfort of B-NOTE. Repeated many trial and error, realizing a comfortable smoothness when running a pen, which can never be reproduced in high -quality and durable digital. Since its founding in 1967, Otoken Co., Ltd. has begun with magnetic media related to "sound" and has expanded the range of services along with changes in the times. At present, the company has expanded its business, such as printing, logistics, media, assembly kitting, and promotional novelty, and has evolved into an organization that can handle all needs. From printing to bookbinding by process, specialized staff manages by process, enabling integrated production in the company, consolidating all processes on one floor, minimizing the movement of products, so that the cost and short delivery time are reduced. It has been realized. Color management systems, color -tone management, planned mechanical maintenance and inspection camera aircraft are installed in various places to stabilize product levels, and each person involved in production is committed and proud as a professional of "manufacturing". It is working.

Introduction of the planner

"Life is the best DIY project itself!"

I want to make it easier to enjoy DIY that enriches my life.With that in mind, our BRIGHT DIY activities have begun.

We are working hard day and night to develop new products that match the Japanese market that can enrich your life through innovation.

Please support BRIGHT DIY!Thank you for your cooperation.

BRIGHTDIY store introduction

For long-term use of Digipen's replacement core and B-Note, we have established a system that allows you to purchase from the BRIGHTDIY Rakuten Store and your own EC site even after the project.Please support us with confidence.(The URL will be provided separately to the supporters)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.When "handwriting" on a personal computer, can I change the color with a "dedicated pen"?A.Adjustment of the type, thickness, color, etc. of the pen tip is the operation on the app that is used.

Q.Can I save what I wrote in the notebook on my smartphone?A.Yes. It is possible.You can save synchronous contents on your smartphone app.

Q.Can you make the text you wrote down?A.yes.It has an OCR function and supports 71 languages, including Japanese.

Q.Where do you get a dedicated smartphone app?A.Download from the QR code of the instruction manual.

Q.Is a dedicated smartphone app charged?A.Free.In addition, the operating environment of the application and the corresponding OS are iOS 9.0 and Android5.It is 0 or more.

Q.Is there an eraser function?A.There is a "eraser" function on the app.By selecting this icon, it is possible to erase or extinguish the digitized content.

Q.Can I check the contents saved on the main unit on the main unit side?A.No, I can not.The contents saved on the main unit can only be confirmed on the smartphone side after connecting to the smartphone.

Q.Can I write "B-Note" with another ballpoint pen instead of "Digipen" for the dedicated ballpoint pen?A.It can be written in the notebook, but it is not linked to the smartphone app except for the dedicated ballpoint pen "Digipen".(Cannot be digitized)

Q.Can I use a commercial notebook?A.Not possible.Digipen built-in camera is a specification that recognizes only the dedicated B-NOTE.(Because the page is specially processed for specific pen position)

Q.Can I purchase only the "replacement core" of the dedicated ballpoint pen "Digipen"?A.It is scheduled to be commercially available as a "replacement set" when general sales begin.

Q.Can I use my USB cable?A.yes.If it is a micro-USB cable, it can be used for charging the main unit.

Q.Do you have a manual?A.yes.The Japanese instruction manual and the product warranty are enclosed.

Q.What happens if it breaks down?A.The manufacturer's warranty is one year.Don't worry.If it breaks down due to normal use within the warranty period, we will respond to repair and replacement free of charge.(Please note that if you have obvious intentional or negligence, you may not be able to respond).

Q.Is PSE and so on?A.Since the battery energy density is 400Wh/L or less, it is a product that does not require PSE application.

Risk & challenge

・ For products under development, the design and specifications may be partially changed.In that case, we will contact you by the activity report.

・ If the number of support exceeds expected, the shipping timing may be delayed due to the manufacturing process.In the unlikely event that it is delayed, we will report it in the activity report as soon as possible.

・ Regarding the feeling of use, it is a product that has an individual difference in the way of feeling.Therefore, we cannot accept returns and refunds regarding usability.

Due to the nature of crowdfunding, we would like to thank you for your understanding and understanding of the above precautions.Finally, we will respond with all team members so that everyone who picks up "Digipen/B-Note" will be happy.