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Dynabook, wearable and operational Windows 10 device "dynaEdge DE200" launched Support "on-site DX" through manufacturing, maintenance, construction, etc.

Windows 10 device that can be worn and run on site

 DynaEdge DE200 is the successor of "dynaEdge DE100" which has been introduced to about 500 companies such as manufacturing site, maintenance, logistics and construction site by virtue of the combination proposal with glasses-type wearable device "AR100" since its launch in September 2017. Carry 197x85 × 20 mm in one hand, about 340g chassis, equipped with 11th generation Intel Core processor, Windows10 Pro. The large capacity of the battery has been achieved with a driving time of about 7.5 hours, which is 1.3 times that of before. In addition, compared with the previous model, the shell is 32 mm longer in the upper and lower direction, but "the width and thickness remain unchanged and the installation is maintained".


 With the installation of high-performance CPU in the small housing, the airflow design of side suction and side exhaust has been improved. In addition to maximizing the cooling performance when installed on the bracket, the newly designed cooling unit uses heat pipe to improve the cooling performance. The optimization evolution has been carried out in the field utilization.


Dynabook、身に着けて運用できるWindows 10デバイス「dynaEdge DE200」発売

 Yuehiro Ogawa, head of Dynabook New concept Computing Co-ordination Department, New concept Computing Commodity Planning Department, said: "We believe that DX on site requires a lot of time and huge investment, but by using dynaEdge DE200-based wearable solutions, whether from one person or from one You can start the live DX by your side. You can share information with remote areas, display manuals, and apply identification technology and AI in the field. It is dynaEdge DE200 that can meet all kinds of challenges on the spot. It can provide marginal and effective answers for improving business efficiency and productivity.

Dynabook ニューコンセプトコンピューティング統括部 ニューコンセプトコンピューティング商品企画部 グループ長の小川岳弘氏

 DynaEdge DE200 is characterized by five-button buttons configured from the front of the traditional mode. In addition to improving maneuverability by increasing the size of the button, the upper button, because it has a rib, can confirm direction only by touching or even wearing gloves, and it is easy to operate in a variety of wearable scenarios.

 In the previous model, it was necessary to cooperate with buttons to make special applications, but by using dynaEdge controller, you can set the keystroke operation of various applications. "[team leader Ogawa of Dynabook] can meet the need to take advantage of existing applications in a wearable way."

 Here, the key input operation and mouse operation can also be carried out, the light of the AR100 as a wearable device can be turned on / off, the menu position can be changed, the camera can be set, etc.


 In addition, the misoperation is prevented by a power switch with locking function. The power supply LED is also set at the upper end, which is easy to see even in the wearing state. It is also equipped with microphone headset terminals, power connectors, USB3.1 (Gen1) Type-C connectors and USB3.1 (Gen1) Type-A connectors. Using Type-C connector, you can also supply power from portable battery. In addition, the battery can be removed and replaced.

 Achieve the robustness assumed to be used in the field. The periphery is protected by impact absorption rubber belt. It is reported that in addition to passing the unique quality test of Dynabook, the test in line with the MIL-STD-810H of the US Department of Defense will also be carried out.

 It also enriches optional products such as Holst, which is newly designed for DE200. In addition, the LTE communication module support model will be provided in 2021. In addition, AR100 continues to provide proposals for cooperation with DE200.
