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Dell's corporate PC that supports a variety of tasks with a wealth of lineup

In the January to March 2020, the workstation section was strong, including the first place in the domestic market share.

 First, Chiyoko Yamada, Managing Executive Officer Client Solutions, explained the update on client solutions for corporate corporations.


 In 2019, due to the increase in demand due to the end of Windows 7 support, the number of PC shipments for brands by brand was 2nd, and the shipment was doubled compared to the previous fiscal year.With the lack of supply of the CPU, it was said that the company's global supply chain's strengths could be continuously delivered.Some companies started trading due to a shortage of goods, and in some cases they could be used continuously.

 From January to March 2020, the PC market for corporations was 10 year -on -year due to the influence of the new colon virus infection..Although 9%of the negative growth, the company won the second place in the domestic corporate share and the first place in the workstation category.Especially in mobile workstations, 46.Gained 2%share.It is said that users who have used desktop -type workstations in companies and schools so far have the effect of introducing mobile type in accordance with teleworking.

 The display is ranked first in global and second in the domestic market, which is also high in demand due to telework.

 As of the end of last year (2019), 65%of employees have already set up a system that can do business outside of the office in any way, and 90%of them have shifted to home from the end of February.In the future, the company will make use of the information and knowledge obtained from its own initiatives to propose to companies that want to introduce telework.

 In addition, the importance of GIGA school concepts is increasingly important in the current situation where online classes are being demanded rapidly.The company has already developed a product lineup for GIGA schools that adopt Chromebook or Windows for the OS.By preparing two types of OS, products that match the policies of local governments and schools can be provided.In addition, it is possible to create and propose products that make use of the knowledge of educational products in the US market.

 While the lineup for corporate corporations is declining, Dell has developed many product lineups.He said that it was possible to provide appropriate products tailored to various purposes, and provide them from PC itself to displays and peripherals.
