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Crowpi2 Review: I don't say that it will be a substitute for laptops, but the strongest programming learning tool for children

What is the reaction of the children of the present era?

Gizmodo is reviewing the laptop "Crowpi2" equipped with Raspberry Pi, which is packed with functions that can be played while learning from Minecraft to Python.

If the children were actually expecting what kind of reaction they would do, they seemed to go in a direction that was a bit contrary to expectations.Please review how many children of children can enjoy.

Our children love laptops.In particular, Minecraft and YouTube tend to spend hours.Are they interested in "CROWPI2" where you can play and learn more?

What is CROWPI2?

CROWPI2 is equipped with Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, the latest open source single board educational computer, and in addition to the attached accessories (joystick, keyboard, wireless mouse, IR remote control), 11 inch 1,080P screens, 2 megapixels.I am using a camera.

The models tested this time are preserved Raspbian, a powerful Raspberry Pi OS, making it a simple and easy -to -use desktop OS.

The OS includes Scratch, which can perform simple programming, Python IDE for coding experiments, and Arduino IDE, which can provide more detailed device coding.In addition to the minecraft pi, which is a slim version of Minecraft for small computers, you can also use the Chromium Web browser.

The Raspberry Pi is located in the slot in the lower left corner of the laptop, and the case itself is almost hollow.There is no battery, and the power supply can be managed with the side plug.There are also USB ports, micro USB ports and headphone jacks.The keyboard is removable (like the image above).


What is this?: Raspberry Pi -equipped laptop where children can learn coding.

ikura?: $ 270 (about 28,000 yen).This time, I tested $ 450 (about 48,000 yen).

Favorite place: 22-in-1 electronics kit is wonderful.Super intuitive software for children to learn coding.

I don't like it: If you just use Raspberry Pi, you can get cheaper with other computers.It may be too advanced for small children.


What is the reaction of the children?

There are two ways to operate the Crowpi2 software.The default is simple kiosk mode, and you can try and learn various laptop functions.When this mode is closed, it is possible to access the operating system itself, open the terminal, and also use editors such as Vim and EMACS.

Our eight -year -old children immediately found Minecraft in Kiosk Mode and played some games on Scratch.The older son just looked at the laptop and returned to the usual game PC.I wanted you to try CROWPI2 a little more, so when I called out, both of them did some tutorials.

In the first place, the target age...

This time, I found out that a child actually used it was that it is very desirable for an 8 -year -old child to start programming, but in reality it seems to be a device suitable for teenage children who are a little more adult.

You can see that Scratch fits the elementary school level and is located in the center of Kiosk mode.On the other hand, most of the more complex features are suitable for children who are a little older, as they can program in Python and Arduino's unique scripting languages.

For example, the kit comes with a cardboard cutout (see the following video), which contains RFID chip, but if you move them to RFID leaders, you can automatically build a house or TNT in Minecraft.It is like that.It should be fun for young Mine craplets to have such a play experience, but I feel that children under 12 years old can be alone.What are you talking about?...The following videos are easy to understand.

About 22-in-1 kit

The kit has 22 kinds of components, with a tilt sensor, an ultrasonic distance sensor, and an LCD and LED display (see the video below).It comes with RFID dongle, so you can program wirelessly and support AI -based camera API for face recognition.

Since the board is seamlessly linked with Raspberry Pi, access to these controls is possible from almost all parts on the OS.The LED display shows an active pin in the Raspberry Pi and can control the high -voltage system using a switching relay.Overall, you can see that the 22-in-1 kit has a lot of plenty and a fairly powerful package.

Literally, you can do various things!

Since the system contains a lot of tutorials, it can be executed step by step, from easy to complicated code examples.

When I asked a 8 -year -old and 14 -year -old child if I could do something on the LCD screen (without my assist), I ran the tutorial a few minutes later and asked the machine to say, "You are really a kusai."….。Sadly, the image below is the proof.

There is still more.Executing Raspberry Pi can easily read a video game emulator, robot controller, and even bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Because it works as an actual laptop, you can access the web page using LibreOffice, a free Microsoft office clone.The Raspberry Pi is quite powerful, and it's impressive that the entire system works well.

What kind of device is for?

Considering a lapberry Pi -mounted laptop, $ 450 is quite cheap.In addition, all functions contained in this system can be used as individual components from sites such as Adafruit.

On the other hand, it is very complicated as a system for children.Depending on the age and handling of the child, it is easy and fragile.

If you teach your child about programming, or if you use advanced electronic devices to get used to Linux, you may be able to say that there is nothing more appropriate.

The system is intended for children from 10 to 15 years old, which shows some interest in deep coding.Eventually, looking at the transition to a more complex system, it should be useful as the first device to use.

There are various kinds of educational toys, but I do not usually recommend people who have been well -touched with technology and learning needs.However, it is an exception to elecrow's CrowPi2, and it is definitely made as a compact learning computer packed with functions, ease of use, and educational software.


・ CROWPI2 is a clever laptop for children

・ Multifunctional as a powerful Raspberry PI laptop

・ Equipped with 22-in-1 electronics kit

・ You can also play Doom