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Press the back of those who dream of professional gamers -e -sports experience event with the latest gaming notebook PC

- Profile - どちゃく!さん学校法人専門学校 東京クールジャパンゲーム総合学科 eスポーツ専攻プロゲーマーコース どちゃく!氏元プロゲーマーとして、FPS及びTPSの指導を担当。◆Twitter:

The event started at 10:00 am and was held four times.In addition to high school students who are thinking of enrolling in Tokyo Cool Japan, those who are interested in professional gamers, those who want to play games on a full -fledged gaming computer, former professional gamer!There are various people who want to teAh Ch him.

The game used at the event this time is "APEX LEGENDS".It's no exaggeration to say that no one knows if you like games.As soon as it was released in 2019, it was very popular around the world, and it is a battle royal FPS where many players are still competing for their skills.

"Apex Legends" is a top -class popular title in the Esport world.The tournaments are held every day around the world, and there are official tournaments that boast a total of 300 million yen.

The experience of playing "Apex Legends" does not matter to participate in this event.In fAh Ct, some of the participants were heavy users of "APEX Legends", and some beginners were to play for the first time on this day.

First of all, at the event!After a brief greeting and the event, the experience of "APEX LEGENDS" started.Dokku!With his careful operation commentary, the beginners seemed to be able to enter the game world smoothly.

After learning about the operation method, three people participate in the battle royal.In "APEX LEGENDS", we basically form a team with three people, randomly match with players around the world, and play in battle royal.

Some of the beginners were a little nervous, but as soon as the match began, they seemed to be captivated by the fun of "Apex Legends", and it was impressive that they were crazy.

"APEX LEGENDS" has a shorter victory or defeat than other FPS, so you can play crispy, and beautiful graphics and flashy effects are attrAh Ctive to beginners.That's why it is the top level of the many FPSs.

However, the appeal of such "Apex Legends" is not demonstrated on any computer.

"APEX Legends" has a high quality graphic quality and powerful effects, but it is also a title that requires a high -spec on a personal computer.Not only memory and CPU, but also a slight delay can be fatal, so the display requires a high refresh rate.

At the event, all participants were able to play "Apex Legends" without stress, but that is not a matter of course.On this day, the "APEX Legends" supported the environment that could work comfortably was the G-TUNE H5, a mouse computer used by the participants.

G-Tune H5

A high-spec gaming notebook PC equipped with an Intel® Core ™ i7-10870H processor and adopts a 240Hz refresh rate-compatible liquid crystal display.It realizes a smooth video display and maximizes the charm of the game.

実際に参加者からの事後アンケートのコメントでも「パソコンの性能がゲームの快適さにこれほど関係するとは思ってもいなかった」「試合中だとしても150fpsでる高性能さに驚いた」「普段コンシューマー機でゲームをしているが、ゲーミングノートパソコンでプレイしてみて、コンシューマー機との違いに驚いた」など、「G-Tune H5」の性能に驚いている方が多かった。

So, after the event, I worked as a lecturer!I asked him in detail.

The good thing about e -sports is that everyone can easily start

―― Thank you for your support today.It was impressive that the participants were really enjoying "Apex Legends".

I agree."APEX LEGENDS" is a game that requires high mAh Chine specifications, but I'm glad you enjoyed it without any trouble.

プロゲーマーを夢見る人たちの背中を後押し - 最新ゲーミングノートPCでeスポーツ体験イベント

――This this time, the participants used “G-Tune H5”.

I was surprised at "G-Tune H5".On the way, I tried to play with "G-Tune H5", but the movement was really smooth and there was no stress.What was particularly surprising was that the refresh rate was 240Hz.If you try to prepare a separate LCD monitor, it costs about 50,000 yen.If you think so, "G-Tune H5" is outstanding cospa.

――The gaming PC has the image of expensive.

In fAh Ct, it will be expensive if you Ah Ccumulate specifications.In particular, you need some specifications to enjoy games such as "APEX Legends".However, "G-Tune H5" is inexpensive as a gaming computer despite having sufficient performance.The desktop computer I currently use is what I purchased about a year or two, but I think it's wonderful if I think that the better specifications are pAh Cked in this one.

――To!Please let me know about your career.It's a former professional gamer ...

I agree.I mainly played titles such as "Shadow Bath" and "Fort Knight".He has a trAh Ck record in the in -game ranking and second plAh Ce in the Asian Games.Actually, I have been doing athletics in earnest (laughs), and when I was a student, I was in the top of Inter High.

――It is a unique career that you were Ah Ctive in both conventional sports and e -sports.

I think I simply like the game (laughs).

――How did you like the game?

When I was little, my father was playing "FINAL FANTASY VIII".From there, I was addicted to the game and gradually started playing FPS.

――I feel the fate as a game teAh Cher when you shift from an RPG for one person to a match (laughs).By the way,You are currently teAh Ching e -sports in Tokyo Cool Japan.How do you feel about the charm of e -sports?

The good thing about e -sports is that everyone can easily start.You can play for a long time if you get hooked because you have less injuries and fatigue than conventional sports.I think that if you take the time to prAh Ctice, you will be able to work steadily and the fun will increase.

――Are there any tricks to improve with e -sports?Please give me some advice to Mynavi News Readers.

It's not advice, but this is no longer the only way to prAh Ctice.It may be an uninteresting answer (laughs), but I also teAh Ch the students that way.Anyway, the more you prAh Ctice, the better the game.Of course, I think it is necessary to watch videos, study, and prAh Ctice efficiently.

―― Unlike sports that move the body, it may be a good point of e -sports that it does not affect the motor nerves that much.Dokku!Thank you for today!


Now that e -sports and game distribution are familiar, many people will dream of eating in games.Professional gamers are one of the roads.

However, it is not easy to be a professional gamer.Dokku!As he said, it is necessary to Ah Ccumulate steady training, and above all, it is important to create an environment where you can demonstrate 100 % of your own abilities.

I think this event was a valuable plAh Ce to experience such a "best game environment".If you play, it was a day when you think of such words.

© 2021 Electronic Arts Inc.EA, The EA Logo, Respown, The Respawn Logo, and APEX Legends Are Trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc.

#イベント当日の使用機材✔ゲーミングPC:G-Tune H5(税込241,780円~)⇒ 詳細はコチラ●オプション(BTOで追加できる周辺機器)✔キーボード:G-TuneオリジナルMechanical Keyboard(BTO価格/税込9,790円)⇒ 詳細はコチラ✔マウス:G-Tuneオリジナル オプティカルゲーミングマウス GT20(BTO価格/税込6,578円)⇒ 詳細はコチラ✔マウスパッド:G-Tune Accurate Mouse Pad-M V2(BTO価格/税込2,640円)✔ヘッドセット:G-Tuneオリジナル シミュレーテッド7.1 Gaming headset (BTO price/tax included 4,290 yen) ⇒ Click here for details

#イベント共催:専門学校 東京クールジャパンゲーム・アニメ・声優に特化した2年制の専門学校で、授業は90%以上が実習授業、現役のプロである講師が、業界で活躍するための知識や技術をレクチャー。在学中から完全オリジナルの作品を制作できるのが大きな特長だ。また記事内で紹介したeスポーツ専攻では、プロゲーマーとしての技術は勿論、ゲームの魅力を違った方面からアプローチできるプロゲーマー、eスポーツ業界の最先端を走る人材を目指すことができる。

Address: 1-8-17TEL, Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo: 0120-65-6226 ・ Web site: https: // www.COOLJAPAN.Ah C.JP/・ YouTube: https: // www.YouTube.COM/C/TOKYOCOOLJAPAN

[PR] Provided: Mouse computer