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What sold in the corona wreck, what the market shrunk-BCN analyzes trends in digital home appliances

 BCN, which aggregates sales data from major mass retailers nationwide, analyzed the market trends of digital home appliances and PCs during the corona crisis. Over the past two years, PC cameras have grown the most in sales, increasing 4.7 times compared to 2019, and organic EL TVs have expanded 1.9 times. On the other hand, the market that shrank the most was portable audio, which halved to 0.48 times, and digital cameras, digital video cameras, camera cases and bags, etc. also almost halved.

Digital equipment ``Expanded category comparing sales trends before and after COVID-19'' Digital equipment ``Shrinking category comparing sales trends before and after COVID-19''

Light and shade divided by two cameras that symbolize the present era

BCN Research Institute Chief Executive Analyst Ichiro Michikoshi said, ``Factors such as people not going out, prolonged self-restraint, and cancellation of events are affecting trends in each category. PC cameras grew the most, while digital cameras were one of the most contracted categories.Both cameras were cameras, but the difference between network-connected cameras and stand-alone cameras is the current situation. It can be said to symbolize the times,” he commented. Furthermore, "I think that the special demand for the corona crisis is almost over. The momentum is rapidly slowing down.In addition, the corona crisis has caused demand to eat up ahead of time, and this year-end sales season is in a tough situation. The shortage of materials is also one of the causes of concern."

 In this survey, November 2018-October 2019 is considered 2019 as the pre-coronavirus standard, while November 2019-October 2020 is considered 2020 Defined as “first year”. The period from November 2020 to October 2021 is defined as 2021 and positioned as the “second year of Corona”. The survey covered 69 categories.

"In the first and second years of Corona, only four categories, organic EL TVs, stylus pens, LED stand lights, LED light bulbs/fluorescent lights, sold more than the previous year. Organic EL TVs It is performing well as a receiver of premium demand."

Digital equipment "Comparison of sales trends before and after Corona: List of 69 main categories" Digital equipment "Comparison of sales trends before and after Corona: 36 categories that have shrunk due to the corona crisis"

In addition, growth in 2020 and growth in 2021 However, there are 14 categories whose growth rate has slowed compared to the previous year. This includes PC cameras that grew the most in two years. Sales of PC cameras more than tripled in the first year, but only increased by 36% in the second year. In addition, game controllers, keyboards, liquid crystal displays, etc. are included in this area.

14 categories expanded in the first year, but fell below the previous year in the second year. In addition to video related, graphic board, 10 keyboards, tablets and notebook PCs are also included.

On the other hand, there were 7 categories of mobile device cables, tripods/monopods, inkjet printers, HDD cases, DVD players, desktop PCs, and portable audio that decreased year-on-year for the second consecutive year. “The biggest decline in mobile audio is not due to the impact of the corona crisis, but rather because smartphones are replacing it, and the trend of listening to streaming is spreading. It can be said that it is a category that has finished its role.”

What sold during the corona crisis, the market Shrinking items--Analysis of trends in digital home appliances by BCN

Based on the latest data in November 2021, we also explained trends in major categories.

Organic EL TVs are expanding, and for digital cameras, the Nikon "Z9" contributed to unit price increases

 In flat-panel TVs, the average unit price rose to 90,400 yen due to the increase in the ratio of organic EL TVs. However, sales volume decreased by 7.2% and sales value decreased by 8.8%, both negative. “In terms of manufacturer share, while Sharp and TVS REGZA competed for the top spot, the share of Panasonic, which has an Olympic sponsorship contract, declined after the Tokyo Olympics.In November 2021, Sharp, TVS REGZA, and Sony will Although we have regained 4th place, it is a close second to 5th place Hisense.”

Flat-panel TVs (liquid crystal/organic EL)

Digital camera sales decreased by 8.6% compared to the same month of the previous year. However, although the number of units sold is on a recovery trend, it is still a large drop of 19.4%.

"In interchangeable lens cameras, Sony's 'ZV-E10' sold well due to its low price, but due to product shortages, additional orders have been suspended. Sony's Although it took the top share for a while, it was overtaken by Canon.On the other hand, Nikon's "Z9" received pre-orders before its release, contributing to a sharp increase in unit price.Many people are waiting, and the initial speed is expected Interchangeable lenses for mirrorless single-lens digital cameras are doing well, with a 22.4% increase in unit sales and a 35.7% increase in value in November, ahead of the recovery in camera bodies, which will continue to recover in the future. I will.”

Digital camera (replaceable)

Special demand for telework for PCs is waning, but the average unit price is rising

 PCs continued to decline by double digits year-on-year in terms of both units and prices for eight consecutive months. ing. The number of vehicles sold in November decreased by 21.1% compared to the same month of the previous year, and the sales amount decreased by 12.4%.

 "There were special demand for the consumption tax hike in September 2019, EOS special demand for Windows 7 in December 2019, and telework special demand from March 2020, but the situation has continued to be difficult since April 2021." (BCN analyst Eiji Mori).

 However, the average unit price is steadily rising, and "In desktop PCs, entry model CPUs are rising, and HDDs are being replaced by SSDs. High-performance CPUs are being installed in notebook PCs. , SSD capacities are increasing, which leads to an increase in the average unit price.In the case of tablets, the increase in the capacity of SSDs has an impact on the increase in unit prices.”

 In terms of manufacturer's market share, NEC Personal Computers and Fujitsu Client Computing are competing for the top spot in both desktop and notebook PCs, and it is said that the low-priced ASUS has started to rebound since November.

PC average unit price (notebooks, desktops, tablet terminals) PC sales share (notebooks, desktops)

In terms of PC parts, graphic boards increased significantly by 95.0% in November. It was also supported by demand for bitcoin mining. However, from October 2020, partly due to the effects of product shortages, prices began to soar, and the average unit price rose to 2.5 times at one point.

 The unit price per GB has decreased as the capacity of memory has increased. It is said that it is 468.5 yen in November. The GB unit price of built-in SSDs has also fallen by nearly 40% over the past three years. It is said that the increase in capacity is progressing against the background of this.

The iPhone has the top market share for smartphones, and the introduction of DoCoMo has increased the router market

 In addition, smartphone sales will turn to a recovery trend from April 2020, and from the beginning of 2021 The number of months exceeding the results of the previous year increased. November was also a positive month for the sales index. In terms of manufacturer share, Apple, which owns the iPhone, has an overwhelming share of 64.3%. Sales of SIM-free handsets also accounted for 36.3%.

 This time, new trends in home routers were also explained. While showing that the market size has increased by 1.5 times in the past year, "NTT DoCoMo's introduction of 5G home routers in September has caused a sudden increase in sales. There are.

Smartphones (sales volume index, year-on-year comparison) Home routers (sales volume index, carrier share)