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『ASTRONEER -アストロニーア-』プレイレビュー。シームレスな展開がやめどきを失わせるサンドボックスアドベンチャーはまさに“時間泥棒”な1作

 Nintendo Switch, which will be released on a package download on January 13, 2022 from PLAYISM, is a software for PlayStation 4 (Developed System Era Softworks).The review of the same work will be delivered by the writer yogo.


 "Astroneer -Astronia-" started selling early access in 2016 and has been updated continuously, but in this article, he handled the same work as "new software".Therefore, this article does not mention the difference from the past version.In this review, the Nintendo Switch version was used.

『ASTRONEER -アストロニーア-』(Switch)の購入はこちら (『ASTRONEER -アストロニーア-』(PS4)の購入はこちら (ファミ通.com PLAYISM特設サイト

During the year -end and New Year holidays, I was killed by a time thief

 There is a type of game called “time thief”.It's a game that you forget and get excited about time.In general, this expression is used to introduce games favorably, but I do not work as much as possible in such time thief -type games.

 My security awareness of time thieves is low.Once you get into the thief, you will be killed until the disposal time becomes Sukkarakan.Moreover, there is a risk that a time thief -type game can be played forever if you want to play, so there is a risk that you will not really do anything other than sole.Well, that may not be a bad thing, but if you're alive, there's something other than games.

 However, during the year -end and New Year holidays between 2021-2022, he was entered a thief."Astroneer -Astronia-" was asked to write a review.

 It was the year that the sample ROM for review arrived at hand.It is a time to do both public and private events, such as paying for work, cleaning, greetings to parents, and other year -end and New Year events.

 However, most of the schedules have hindered.I think almost all of the time except when I slept and when I was eating was spent on "Astroneer -Astronia-".I was stolen until the end of the year and New Year.

 And surprisingly, despite the fact that I played, I still feel that this work is not enough, and I feel that I can only experience about half of the elements prepared by this work.(I'm very sorry, but at the time of this article, I haven't seen the ending).

Seamless development loses quit

 "Astroneer -Astronia-" is an open -world sandbox game that explores unknown planets, gathers various resources, use them to create facilities and enhance the planetary environment (terrain).

 I think that the work of these genres is one of the divisions of whether or not you can get into the game.In that regard, "Astroneer -Astronia-" is doing quite well.

 When the game is started, the start screen is displayed immediately after the logo of the development company is displayed.

 There is a space station on the right side of the screen, and the left side is a menu column for selecting the game mode (there are two "adventure mode" and "creative mode" in this work) and various settings.When you select a mode and start the game, a pod is fired from the space station and land on the planet, Silva, which is similar to the earth.

 If you press the button according to the instructions on the screen, a character with a looks such as "The astronaut" will appear from the pod.This is the hero who is the alter ego of the player.

 By the way, there is no screen switching so far, and all will be deployed seamlessly after this.This is also one of the factors that can be obtained by "Astroneer -Astronia-".

 Once you start the game in this work, you will end the game yourself, or you will continue to develop in seamless and real -time without any screen switching unless the player dies for some reason.For better or worse, there is no break in play, so you lose the stop.

"Huh, this time!?"

 Let's return the story to the introduction of the game.

 Some of the landed pods are transformed into the shelter, and some are transformed into the rocket.At the bottom right of the screen, a message that tells you that the mission "1st step!"At the same time, the progress of new missions such as “foundation construction” and “light of the other light” will be announced.

 However, there is no other explanation other than that, so it is clear from the player to be clear.For the time being, there is a monitor (mission log) that allows you to check the details of the mission when you walk around the departure and arrival, so if you check it, the announced mission "Basic construction" just announced ...

 You can see that you can achieve it.In other words, "what's PART2".

 However, if you look at the mission log again, you will find that you will get a reward for achieving the mission "1st step!"Then, if you choose the reward, an oxygen supply and printer will fall in the departure and departure.

 Indeed, if you achieve the "foundation of the foundation", the mission of "deep breathing in deep space" will start.When I check the details, I will put the tethers and extend the oxygen line from the oxygen supply.

 Yes, as you've noticed, it's "What is this part3"?

 However, wise players may have noticed that they have fallen like a strange stick in the reward of the "foundation of the foundation", and that it is a tether from the past.Should be there.In other words, this mission can be easily achieved.If you are a good player, you will naturally understand the rule that a stick called "tether" carries oxygen, and when you leave the effective range, oxygen decreases ....right.

 After that, the mission display will not stop.The next "resource procurement" is relatively easy to understand (...) ...

It is comfortable to learn the rules naturally by rewring "what is this" → "such a chat"

 "Astroneer -Astronia-" does not talk about how to play games.Instead, move a lot of players and make them understand with the experience.

 The tether is a lifeline to be active on a planet without oxygen, and a vacuum cleaner -like tools used when collecting resources can also dig the ground, lift, and flatten, so the equipment required for exploring planets is collected.The acquisition of the foundation in this work, such as putting the resources into the printer, is incorporated into seamless actions that are not interrupted from the start screen as described above.

『ASTRONEER -アストロニーア-』プレイレビュー。Seamless development loses quitサンドボックスアドベンチャーはまさに“時間泥棒”な1作

 To understand the rules and systems, it is very smart to do not need to read a seven -oriented text explanation, and it is an effective impression to avoid the feeling of being studied.

 As mentioned above, the mission content is exquisitely lacking information, so the player will inevitably have "what a mess".

 However, the answer from the game for "what kind of chat" is surprisingly easy to find, so you will never know what to do.And while repeating the pleasant exchange of "what kind of thing" and "such a chat", nature and players are naturally pioneers.

Jump out into space for one plastic ... and the year is dawn

 You may have read the explanations so far and think that "Astroneer -Astronia-" is a cramped game tied to the mission.

 Certainly, in survival mode, missions are emitted quickly.If you try to achieve all of it, how smart is smart, but this work will quickly be hijacked by the feeling of being done.

 Fortunately, if you ignore the mission, the progress of the game will not be stagnant, and when you learn the basics of planetization, players should have been able to take the initiative than missions.。

 In my case, the creation of a "vehicle" was the most important My Mission.

 The world of "Astroneer -Astronia-" is too wide to explore on foot, and you can enter from a cave that opened on the ground (or you can dig it yourself).Vast and dangerous.Furthermore, there are a total of seven planets that can be explored, including Silva!

 With the mission and achievement rewards early in the game, vehicles such as trailers and buggy are relatively easy to get.However, this is something like a bicycle with an auxiliary wheel (although it is actually a mess).

 In order to explore the ground surface and other planets far away from the ground, it is better to have a "rover" with more loading and expandable, and a rocket is of course needed to move between planets.。

 Then, if you want to collect resources in Gamshala to make vehicles, the story is not that simple.

 Creating valuable vehicles such as a rover or rocket requires rare resources.It's better to think that the rare here is more time -consuming, rather than going to find it.

 For example, if you try to make a "medium -sized rover", the necessary resources are two "plastic" and one "rubber" in total.You might think, "Is that all?", But plastic and rubber are not in nature, so you have to collect raw materials.

 The resources that are the raw materials of plastic are "compound" and "carbon".The former is a natural resource that exists everywhere on the planet.On the other hand, the latter carbon must create an organic (natural resource) with a "blast furnace".Then, first of all, it is necessary to create a blast furnace.

 Fortunately, all the resources needed to create a blast furnace are easy to get, so they can be made.With such a compound and carbon, the plastic is finally completed.

 A "chemical experimental device" is required to synthesize compounds and carbon to make plastic.To create a chemical experimental device, you must have "ceramic", "glass" and "tungsten".Details are omitted, but it is not so difficult to prepare ceramic and glass.The problem is tungsten.

 Tungsten is obtained by refining a natural resource called "iron manganese weight" in a blast furnace, but iron manganese heavy stone does not exist in the first planet Silva.That's why I first make a small rocket and head to another planet (...) ...It's already new!?

"ASTRONEER -Astronia-" is a clay game and a pile game

 As mentioned above, "Astroneer -Astronia-" introduced a malicious trick that thieves your precious time.But this game has even more troublesome factors.As you can see from the creative mode, it is a joyful craft.

 I think many people already understand the joy of the craft thanks to the sandbox world giant called Minecraft.However, the playfeel of "Astroneer -Astronia-" is very different from "Minecraft".

 For example, a “topographic transformation tool” that changes the ground can have three types of actions: digging, dug, and getting used to (flat), but to be honest, it is not suitable for building three -dimensional objects.Therefore, if you are looking for the fun of building one block at a time like "Minecraft", you may be able to eat a shoulder watermark.

 On the other hand, it is a hand that puts a bridge on the valley, gets used to the lands of the bumpy bumps, and put a single mountain with a dokan and a mountain.The excitement of turning the huge clay of a planet, rolling it, and changing the terrain with a crushing feeling is the real pleasure of this work.

 Another module is installed in one of the playfeels that looks like this work like a stacking play.

 All modules (facilities) such as the blast furnace have a cut -off size and role, and they are not troubled with how to use them, but in conversely, they are not applicable.But that's just the story of the module itself.

 For example, organic resources are mostly used except for some parts, so it is better to store and blast furnaces, and it is more efficient if there is a chemical experimental device next to it.Just thinking about a place where you can move, it will take time in no time.

 Conversely, it is up to the player to set up without thinking and make it cluttered like an editor's desk.

 The module is often huge, but it is possible to carry it in any size with one button.It is important to note that if you assemble or adjust the base with a squid, the time will pass in no time.

It is comfortable to play "Astroneer -Astronia-"

 I've been saying why "Astroneer -Astronia-" has been deprived of time, but I've been carefully avoided using the expression "interesting" and "fun" for this work so far.。

 It's not boring because the year -end and New Year holidays have been thrilled.On the other hand, words that bouncing emotions such as "interesting" and "fun" seemed to be an appropriate word to express the charm of this work.

 I want to derail a little, but I like techno in the music genre, and I like the one called a minimal techno in that techno.A mini -martechno is a minimal (minimal) of the number of sounds and melodies, but when you notice it, you are wrapped in a very different sound when you start listening.

 Even with the same electronic music, EDMs are so flashy and exciting, and it's just "interesting" and "fun" music, but minimal techno is the opposite.It lacks flashy and has a monotonous rhythm, and it's boring before you get used to it ... but I like this overwhelmingly than EDM, and it's comfortable to listen to.

 I believe that the charm of "Astroneer -Astronia-" is something that leads to the comfort of this mini -martechno.

 A game play that barely forms a BGM, a modest but unpleasant but unpleasant SE (sound effect), a simplified pastel color, a seamlessly connected.All of the elements that make up "Astroneer -Astronia-" are minimal and not flashy, so they are comfortable and comfortable to play comfortably.

 If you think about it, there is a scale size that aims for another planet just to make plastic materials, so if you notice it, you can see a completely different scenery.I personally think.

 Every time I arrive on a new planet, the repeat feeling of rewriting the equipment for survival and expansion may be that there is something that leads to the pleasure of minimal techno that repeats the same rhythm.I understand (this is a point that some people may be tired of saying "again").

 In the sandbox game, the player's sense of play is tested, but you don't have to worry so much in this minimal work.If you are doing what you want to do in front of you and what you feel comfortable, the scenery has changed a lot ... the date may have changed.
