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Ask the Creative Director of "Bio Mutant".In both "Kemono" and "Open World", there is a translation with "action RPG".

 The PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC software "Bio Mutant" scheduled to be released on May 25, 2021 from THQ Nordic will fate in the world after civilization collapsed, with a single mutant betting on the life of the New World., Open World Action RPG from the third person perspective (Steam version is released on May 26).


 In this work, it is possible to change the appearance and play style by re -coding the gene structure, and you can enjoy a high degree of freedom action that combines unique marshalls, swordsmanship, shooting, and mutant special abilities.It is attractive.

 Although the work has attracted attention as a “Kemono Open World Action RPG”, he interviewed Stephen Young Bist, a creative director of Experment 101, who is in charge of development.I heard the hot points of the mysterious "Bio Mutant".

Stefan Ljungqvist

EXPERIMENT 101 Creative Director

『バイオミュータント』(PS4)の購入はこちら (『バイオミュータント』PS Storeページ(PS4版)『バイオミュータント』Microsoftストアページ(Xbox One版)『バイオミュータント』Steamページ(PC版)ファミ通.com『バイオミュータント』特設サイト

I rushed into my favorite things, such as Asian taste and kung fu

――First of all, please tell us about EXPERIMENT 101.What kind of development studio is it?


 The most spending time was the development of AAA games such as AVALANCHE STUDIOS's "Just Course" and "Mad Max".After doing such a job, I wanted to return to the basics and start a small team instead of a large team with many development processes.That is EXPERIMENT 101.We are currently a small team consisting of 20 people.Everyone is deeply involved in the game design and the place to make games.

――When EXPERIMENT 101 was established?Is "Bio Mutant" the first title?


――Bas that means that you have been developing “bi -muters” for more than six years?


 Another reason is that I am also an artist, so I wanted to make the quality of art at the level of "Just Course" and "Mad Max".However, from a bird's -eye view, you cannot enjoy the quality of art carefully.So I decided to lower the camera so that I could see the art.This was a very important point for the title "Bio Mutant".

 "Bio Mutant" was made by four at first, but I wanted to keep the studio smaller.There are a big difference because it was about 150 teams in AVALANCHE STUDIOS, which I used to work before.I also wanted to work on a compact team.

―― Did you throw away everything you made in one year?

ステファンキャラクターは同じです。RPGを作りたいというコンセプトも同じですが、 “RPG”という要素は、さらに進化してより重要になりました。大きく変わったのはワールドです。8キロx 8キロのオープンワールドになったので、これは最初期とは違いますね。

 The game mechanism has also changed dramatically.This was one of the things I wanted to do, but it became an action -type game.At first, I thought the scale was small, but it turned out that this work was possible, so it was like now.Instead of point & click type RPG, I wanted to make it more fun to go in the direction of fighting and incorporate a free battle system.

――Did the character look like animals from the beginning?



 By the way, the reason for making it an animal is that a realistic design makes it difficult to put a fun part.In this work, you can jump into a jelly -like bubble, but if you do this with a real soldier character, you will feel uncomfortable.I wanted to make this work colorful and fantastic.I am not interested in wars and very serious types.It's a game where an angry man has Kalashinikov.If the world needs, other companies will make it.

――In the story, is the work that incorporates what you are interested in or what you like is “bi -mutant”?


 For example, the character design of the game was born from a collaboration.I first gave the concept, and then we all made it.I am very happy to do this.In a large team, it is usually a single director to proceed with a clear vision, but in small teams, other members can give new ideas.

 In other words, it's not just me who came up with all crazy ideas (laughs).But I may have given the most crazy ideas.

――By the way, how did you get interested in Kung Fu?

ステファン格闘技にはつねに興味がありました。1970年代のスウェーデンではテレビ向け子ども番組の数が少なかったのですが、中国のオリジナル人形劇『Journey to the West Monkey King』(西遊記)が大好きでした。この番組から大きなインパクトを受けたようです。格闘技のトレーニングができる15歳くらいなると、すぐに始めました。それから続けています。

――What are your favorite martial arts fighters?



Players can enjoy action without restrictions

――There are various elements in this work, but what are the most important points?


 Player freedom is in all games.This is a very important point.First of all, there are six DNA sequences for character creations.I think this is a base race.It is not a fixed number for each race, but can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing parameters, as if they were "strange".This is immediately reflected in the appearance, and if you set your strength, you will be muscular, and a large head character will have more intelligence and more psychic powers.

 The high degree of freedom can be said to the world itself, so players can go anywhere.

 You can make your own weapons in crafting, but this is also a bit different.For example, you can attach a banana to the tip with a handle, and you can use a wire with thorns, a piece of glass, etc. for weapon parts.You can make your favorite type of gun.This is also a free element.

――The key visual character is not a “hero's figure”, but one example.


 In addition, this work has a "karma system", and the world has dark and light elements.The dark is not bad.This is an important point in the game, which can change the actions and morals of the player in the encounter with the dialogue and the NPC.

――When doing good things about NPCs, does the character change?

ステファンそうですね。エンディングに影響します。ゲームには6つの種族(トライブ)が登場しますが、半分の3つはダークで、もう半分はライトです。ストーリーでは、主人公はこの中のひとつと仲間になります。ダークトライブと組むことを選択した場合、彼らは“Tree of Life(生命の樹)”を倒してワールドを破壊し、ワールドが再出発することができると信じていて、そのようにしたいと思っています。悪いものを一掃したいわけです。反対にライトトライブはトライブ全体が力を合わせて“Tree of Life(生命の樹)”を救うのが最善の道だと思っています。

――In the first stage, you choose one from six races, right?


 Dark or light is what the player decides.This key visual is light.In a game equipped with a karma system, 90 % of players seem to have chosen "good".I don't know what will happen in this work, but the content is properly made so that you can enjoy which one you choose.

――It's a very interesting system, is it a system that was created because you want to express humans realistically?


 I will talk carefully to avoid spoilers, but in this work there is a part to play as a child.In the early stages, you will meet a certain character, and then you will meet several times.The character is in the center of the story in a sense.The character knows the hero (player character) deeply, and players experience the exchange by playing as a child.This is an example of depositing the player as much as possible and providing the choice.Instead of showing a 15 -minute cut scene, it is covered by conversation.

――Please tell us about the action that is the charm of this work.In this work, you fight in combination with fighting, shooting, and mutant abilities, right?


 By the way, there are six classes.In the case of a "command" class, it looks like a Rambo, wears a magazine belt, and the upper body is only fur.

 The first selected class determines what weapon you can have.If you choose a "command", the weapon will be an assault rifle.Like other RPGs, if you level up the characters, you can unlock new combat skills and power using the earned experience points.


 Another "Sionic Mutation" is a more spiritual mutation.This world has Totem Paul, which is caused by finding and contacting it.I talked about the karma system earlier, but here I use the points obtained from the system.Each character has a dark point, a light point, and a normal point, and to unlock certain abilities, you need a fixed point.The karma system is also involved here.

――This work has a world of “Tree of Life” in the world, and a story about it will be developed, but the purpose of this work is to defeat the boss of a hostile tribe.Will it be?


――I think it depends on how you play, but what is the approximate play time of this work?


―― Please tell me the theme of this work.


 The other is the environment.As the world breaks with the "Tree of Life" as a symbol, the player plays "Bio Mutant", but there is already a catastrophe and a post -apocalypse that has been over.It is the world.Something happened.Players are involved in environmental disasters as they proceed with the game.It includes the message that if you continue to do what you want, you will have to pay for it someday.However, this work is just a game.It doesn't make sense if it's not fun.I do not intend to be political, but I have received the opinions from the stakeholders that "there are quotes and quotes in the conversation in this work."

 By the way, there is the word "I can't see, don't listen, I can't say it", but fourth is "I can't do it".This is my motto.

―― “Bio Mutant” is also attractive in Japan.Finally, please give a message to Japanese fans.

