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After all, "classic" is the strongest study method.Four learning methods that adults tend to neglect even though they are "super basic"

I tried a number of study methods that I just knew and technologies that would be useful for studying, but I didn't get any results.The reason may be that you have neglected the "basic study method".This time, I will introduce four super basic study methods that "do not neglect" but "do not neglect".

[1] Take note by hand

For us, who have been studying pencils since childhood, "handwriting" is a standard in studying.But now, if you use a personal computer, you can take a large amount of notes in a short time, and you can solve the problem online.Many people think that digital is better than handwriting to study easily and efficiently.

But in studying, you should not neglect handwriting.This is because research is shown that handwriting is more learning efficiency.

Researchers at Princeton University in the United States and California have instructed the subjects to take notes on the lecture as usual.After the lecture, the test was conducted on the content.The result was that students who took notes on handwriting were better understood the concepts they had learned than students who took notes on a personal computer.

Research Officer Pam A. Müller and Daniel M. Oppenheimer analyze that "PCs take notes that are close to the" transit "of lectures, so it will be less memorable."Although you can take a large amount of notes on a personal computer, it says that it only creates a "copy" of the lecture content, and does not understand the contents.

On the other hand, when it comes to handwriting, you will not be able to write down all words during the lecture, so you will write in your own words.This is one of the reasons why learning deepens by handwriting.The brain trainer Jim Quwick said, "It's important to just write the information that others speak, but don't be your own. To learn deeply, it's important to chew information and write in your own words."I am talking about.

It's troublesome to study by hand, and you are a child -let go of such wrong thoughts right away.

[2] Study repeatedly

"Let's review," "Let's solve this drill repeatedly," he said.Nevertheless, until you want to be an adult, you just move to a new teaching material, or throw it out at once, saying, "I have no time and I have already learned it."

If you tend to be neglected to repeat, improve your study immediately.This is because the content that I have only studied once can only be a short -term memory.

Ryusuke Kakiki, the author of the Brain Science of Memory, and the leading brain research, points out that once studied, the brain will forget 74 % the next day.The only way to keep studying in the brain as a long -term memory is to learn repeatedly.It seems that the more times you repeat, the more you will forget.

One of the people who actually achieved great results in "repetition" is Mayu Yamaguchi, a lawyer who graduated from the University of Tokyo.We brought out the "7 Reading Study Method" and passed the difficult test without going to the cram school.The very simple study method of reading the same book seven times is as follows:

1st to 3rd times: Read while picking up search lights and grab the whole picture.

 勉強法は “定番” がやっぱり最強。「超基本」なのに大人がおろそかにしがちな4つの学習法

4th to 5th times: Read at normal speed while being aware of the important words of flat reading.

6-7 times: Reading in summary, "What do you mean?"

From around the third time, when turning the page, you will be able to remember the content, "The next page should have been written."Also, in the 6th and 7th times, reading while summarizing in his own words, "This is written here," will deepen your understanding.In this way, seven times is a way to ensure that the degree of retention to memory is stronger.

If you want to get results in study, don't neglect to review even if you think "I've already learned!"Let's know well.

[3] Study in the gap time

When the regular test approached when he was a student, many people would have read textbooks unnecessarily even more than a dozen minutes on a school train.However, as a member of society, do you change your thoughts, such as "If you don't have a lot of time, you can't study", and are you crazy on the commuter train?

If you tend to make an excuse not to study "time", study in a gap time, as if you were a student who was studying a short time to get a good score.

Even with only 5 minutes of gap time, you can study enough if you use it -Masami Utsuno, the representative of the Trespect Education Research Institute, points out that everyone has a gap time.Commuting time is a typical example.

According to a survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (2016, Basic Social Life Survey), commuting time is a national average of 1 hour and 19 minutes.It is about 40 minutes each way.Although it depends on the person who can study, it is different from person to person, but you can spend a little study, such as "Let's listen to podcasts even if you are on a train" and "Let's look at the word book while waiting for the bus".You can always find a gap time.

According to Utsuide, if you study in a gap time, the point is "quickly and roughly repeat".If you repeat studies such as "just read the text quickly" and "just read the questions and commentary", you will be able to establish your knowledge with the effects of repeated repetitive learning.

Why don't you return to your school days and resume studying gap time?

[4] Read aloud

One of the classic studies for elementary and junior high school students is reading textbooks.In the past, I read that much aloud, but when I grew up, I came to think that it was "somewhat embarrassing" and "I can read it faster if I don't read aloud", and it is natural to read silently.

However, reading aloud is very useful for adult studying.Because reading aloud, various parts of the brain are activated.If the brain works, of course, learning will go away.

According to Ryuta Kawashima, a professor of Tohoku University, known for brain function development research, when reading aloud, more than 70 % of nerve cells work.The act of "pursuing characters" is the same for silence and aloud, but reading aloud adds the act of "output" and "listen to the voice".Therefore, the brain works wider.

According to Emiko Yamanaka, a representative director of Instant Reading Co., Ltd., which develops a method that brings out the potential of the brain, says that the more the number of stimuli received, the more information that receives it, the more important it is, and it will try to save it as a long -term memory.thing.Reading aloud that stimulates visual and hearing is also effective in terms of memory fixation.

Don't think that reading aloud is childish and can't be done.If you read the text aloud at home, you should be able to do it easily.According to Kawashima, the faster the reading speed of aloud, the more activated the brain, and the more learning effect.Why don't you be aware of your quick mouth?

*** Orthodox study methods are attractive not only have the benefits of retaining memories and improving learning efficiency, but also easy to challenge.Please go back to the beginning and study.

(Reference) DIAMOND Harvard Business Review | Why is hand -drawn memos better than notebook PCs?.Mueller, Daniel M.OPPENHEIMER "The Pen is Mightier Than The Keyboard: Advantages of Longherand over Laptop Note Taking" (2014), PSYCHOLOCAL SCIENCE, 25 (6), 1159-68.Toyo Economic Online | Reasons why learning efficiency is reduced by taking notes on a notebook PC Fashion Box | I want to establish memories!Dr. Medical Doctor explains the timing of effective review [Study method of working adults] Study Hacker1st] President Online | Just read the textbooks seven times to make it the top!(Part 1) Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications | 2016 Basic Social Life Basic Survey ALL ABOUT | Four tips for studying utilizing the time!What is the memorization technique of OK even in 5 minutes a day? Inc. Inc. Something is astinform. Nine "efficient study methods" are taught by managers, the Institute of Industrial Efficiency University | Tohoku University Professor Ryuta Kawashima "Read & &"Learning is deeper only from "writing"

[Writer Profile] Fujimasa Yui University majoring in Japanese classical literature.She is still reading classical and modern literature.He is also interested in efficient learning, and is working to collect information every day.As a writer, he has a wealth of experience writing about work and communication.We are good at communicating in an easy -to -understand manner based on polite research.