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Analyzing the mobile game market that grows in Corona, "Famitsu Mobile Game White Paper 2021"

Data Yearbook "Famitsu Mobile Game White Paper 2021"

 角川アスキー総合研究所は2月18日、国内外のモバイルゲーム市場に関する様々なデータを取りまとめたData Yearbook "Famitsu Mobile Game White Paper 2021"を発売した。

 This book includes data such as the details of the mobile game market, estimated sales of major game apps in each country, and related consumer behavior.Corona's nesting demand has a variety of analysis with user surveys on how the demand has affected mobile game users and changes in consumption behavior.

 This book will be sold in four forms: book version by on-demand printing, PDF version (CD-ROM), set version, and e-book version.The book version, the PDF version, and the set version are Game Marketing Information Site of Kadokawa ASCII Research Institute, and the e -book version can be purchased at each electronic bookstore.The price is 47,300 yen for the book version, 42,900 yen for the PDF version (CD-ROM), and 42,900 yen for the e-book version.The regular price of the book / PDF (CD-ROM) set will be 920 yen, and will be sold at a special price of 47,300 yen as a published commemorative campaign until March 31.

 The contents of this book are extracted below.

■ The market size is 7,725.5 billion yen, 7 year -on -year.5 % increase

 The world's mobile game market in 2020 was about 7,725.5 billion yen, an increase in the difficult situation of about 540 billion yen (7 year -on -year)..5 % increase)。最大の市場はアジアで、その規模は4兆2432億円。ただし前年比は3.5 % increaseで、他のヨーロッパ・北米市場が前年からおよそ20%増加しているのに比べると、成長率は鈍化している。

■ In Japan, "Monst" recaptures for the first time in two years


 Last year, "Monster Strike", which gave the lead to "Fate/Grand Order", recaptured for the first time in two years with domestic sales of game apps.The estimated sales are 46.6 billion yen for the App Store and 40.7 billion yen for Google Play, a total of 87.2 billion yen.The estimated sales of the second place "Fate/Grand Order" are 62.3 billion yen, and "Monst" is quite open.

■ On Twitter, "Monst" is the top of the collaboration

 Surveyed on how much the app and IP were tweeted on Twitter using the Twitter analysis system of the Kadokawa ASCII Research Institute, the number of accounts to be tweeted was 7 years since the service started.It was a "monster strike" that had passed.By performing community management centered on collaborations with popular IPs, we have gained volume on Twitter, which overwhelms other titles.

■ How did the new Corona change living, hobbies and entertainment?

 FIG. 4, regarding changes in the work style, looking at changes before and after the cancellation of the emergency declaration on May 25, 2020, the number of regular work increased by 7 %, and depending on the situation, "Normal work and off -peak commuting are used properly."Is also slightly rising.Other work styles have decreased.[FIG. 5] As a one -time time to spend a lot of time after the expansion of infection, 13 videos such as YouTube are 13..4 % most."Smartphone game" is also 4th (6).2 %).

■ Average game play time per day is longer

 If you summarize the changes in the play status from 2019 to 2020, in [Fig. 6], the average number of play days per month is 11 in 2019..11 from 46th to 2020.It is slightly decreasing from 00 days.On the other hand, [Fig. 7], "Play time per day", has increased significantly on weekdays and holidays.The frequency of the play itself was the same as before, but it was a bit less, but when it came to play, the number of users who play longer than before was increasing.It can be seen that these are also affected by nesting due to corona.[Fig. 8] shows more and more opinions that "the billing can be more enjoyable to the game" as a whole, and the reception of mobile game users billing is wider than before.You can see that it is coming.

■ For major game apps, we will post a detailed analysis result of the user

 In this book, 49 major game apps are listed on detailed users' profiles, gender and age composition ratio, and other analysis results.You can see the user image that has changed due to a new colon virus.