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Windows 11 virtual desktop that can be used for "boss has come"

Serious usage: Organize the simultaneous tasks with virtual desktops

 The virtual desktop is a function that was available in the Windows 10 era.As a way to use multiple desktops, multi -displays, which prepare multiple displays, are more common, but in virtual desktops, you can literally realize the use of these multiple desktops with one display.

 Let's consider examples of use in the work scene.

 With the spread of telework, many people will have to handle multiple tasks in parallel on their PCs.For example, suppose there are "Presentation materials", "expense settlement", and "web conferences (multiple)" as a daily task.

 In this case, when you start a PC in the morning, first prepare a "presentation material creation" desktop with PDF materials and Excel expanded to the normal desktop.


「ボスが来た」的にも使えるWindows 11の仮想デスクトップ

 Next, click the "New Desktop" from the "task view" icon in the taskbar to create a new desktop, start Excel in the desktop 2, and connect to the cloud expenses settlement app.


 Finally, create a new desktop in the same way, and start Zoom and Teams.


 With this, tasks can be organized for each desktop as shown below.

 If you prepare this, you can make the work in parallel, such as creating materials on desktop 1, switching to desktop 3 when the meeting time, and paying expenses on desktop 2 when you have time.

 Furthermore, in Windows 11, each virtual desktop wallpaper can be changed, so by changing the wallpaper or name for each desktop, the work environment is more clear.


 After work, close the open app and delete the virtual desktop.By deleting the virtual desktop so that the task is erased, you can clear up the work you need to do.

 You can change the position by dragging the virtual desktop on the task view screen, so you can use the virtual desktop in the priority and clean up your work in order.


 In other words, using a virtual desktop has the following three benefits.

  1. 作業環境を分けられる
  2. 作業を平行して処理しやすくなる
  3. タスク管理的に活用できる