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A small 45W adapter that can charge a laptop computer and is even smaller

As the charging of smartphones and laptops is unified to USB Type-C, the AC adapter for Type-C is also evolving. The Type-C AC adapter has always been smaller than the AC adapter that came with the laptop, but recently it has become even smaller, and it's small enough to be used for charging smartphones. You can also charge the battery.

It wasn't until the advent of AC adapters that used gallium nitride (GaN) for the internal semiconductors that the miniaturization progressed rapidly. At that time, miniaturization progressed at a stretch, but over the years, further miniaturization has progressed.

The small adapter that appeared in such a situation is the "Nano II" series of anchors. It claims to be the "second generation" of gallium nitride-equipped USB chargers. The 45W type is scheduled to be released first, and the 30W and 65W types are scheduled to be released, but I tried using the previously released "".

The place where the outlet is opened The place where the Type-C plug-in side outlet is folded

The first impression I saw was "small".


The 35 x 38 x 41 mm housing is clearly smaller than the 18 W type I bought before, and even compared to the 45 W type adapter I bought about 3 years ago, which I thought was small at the time. The impression is that the ratio is about half.

Also, I would like to evaluate the fact that the blade of the outlet can be folded even if it is small. In addition to making the luggage smaller, the outlet is a protrusion, so if you fold it, it will not be damaged by contact with other things.

Comparison of cable and 45W type adapter attached to laptop computer

The cable is not included, but if you buy a new one, you can use your existing Type-C cable as it is, so it will not be wasted. There is no waste because it can be done. By the way, in my case, I have prepared 1m, 2m, and 3m, and the cables to bring are separated according to the TPO.

When I used it instead of the 45W type AC adapter that I had been using until then, not only was it more convenient to carry around, but it also gave me more freedom to plug it into an outlet. Larger AC adapters often block the mouth next to the outlet, and another 45W adapter that I used for a while has the blade in the center, so even if it's a two-outlet outlet, it's shaped to block both. There was a difficulty.

In that respect, the 45W type of the "Nano II" series is so small that it is unlikely to block the top and bottom of the outlet. It's barely enough, but even if you plug it into one of the two outlets, you can afford to plug the other into the other. It doesn't seem to matter if you have to share it with two people at the outlet, such as at a coffee shop. However, although it is miniaturized, it generates heat, so you should be aware that it is a 45W output adapter when using it.

The package is elaborate like a recent device. It has a built-in magnet and a closed lid. The power supply voltage specifications are described on the back.45W type compatible with laptop computers and compatible with variable voltage PPS

With the "Nano II," you can charge your laptop normally while carrying something close to the size of a smartphone charger. Not only can you reduce the size of one AC adapter, but you can also reduce the number of chargers, making it ideal for trips where you want to reduce your luggage.

Of course, you can also charge your smartphone.I tried charging a laptop that can be charged quickly with a margin

Since going out is decreasing due to the influence of the new coronavirus, the scene where the anchor's "Nano II" series will be useful in earnest will be a little further, but when I look at the anchor's "Nano II" series, I actively take it out. I can't wait to use it.

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Anker 3390 yen
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