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Huawei Contract, "Surprising optimism" and "small impact" for Japanese companies

The aftermath of the Huaway problem does not stop.

On May 16, the US Ministry of Commerce has put a Huawei, the largest telecommunications device in China, on a list of export management rules.American companies were substantially banned transactions with Huawei.If more than 25 % of American companies' products and technologies are contained, it will not be possible to ship to Huawei even for Japanese companies.

ファーウェイ禁輸、日本企業に「意外な楽観論」 「影響は小さい」電子部品メーカーの本音

The impact is likely to spread to consumers.On May 24, Amazon Japan, a major online shopping company, stopped selling Huawei products.Google's smartphone OS (operating system) and "Android" software is becoming more likely to be available on Huawei products.Huawei plans to accelerate its own OS development.

[Note 9:37 on May 25, 2019] In the first article, it was "OS (OS System)", but it will be corrected as shown in the notation.

Consumer electronics retailers separated by "Huawei compatible"

There are concerns that the OS cannot be used, and in Japan, the three major carriers of docomo, au, and Softbank have stopped selling Huawei products.A mobile phone dealer in Tokyo welcomes the three major carriers decisions, saying, "I can't sell products that cause inconvenience to customers."

On the other hand, the correspondence of consumer electronics retailers is divided.While Bic Camera and Yodobashi Camera continue to handle Huawei products, the largest Yamada Denki and K's Holdings have canceled the handling of Huawei's latest smartphone, P30, which was scheduled to be sold on the 24th.Although it continues to sell existing products, it is unclear whether it will continue to arrive.

Edion and Nojima also stopped handling all Huawei products, including the "P30".Nojima has ITX, a major mobile phone sales company, and it seems that it has also affected the fact that major carriers such as DOCOMO, which ITX have contracted, have stopped handling.