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How to back up LINE chat history - essential preparations for transfer

Backing up LINE is necessary for restoring after changing models or initializing

If you change your smartphone model or initialize it due to malfunction or malfunction, you can suddenly restore your LINE account. Even if you perform the migration work, the chat history will not be carried over. In order to restore the chat history to its original state, it is necessary to save the backup data in advance. LINE's chat history contains important work and private interactions. Make sure you have a good backup.

How to back up your LINE chat history

Instructions on how to back up your LINE chat history. You can do this from "Talk" in LINE's "Settings". Since the save destination is different for iPhone and Android, we will explain each separately.

To back up LINE chat history on iPhone, use Apple's cloud service "iCloud". Chat history is saved in iCloud and restored from iCloud.

If you can't back up well, go to the "Settings" screen of your iPhone, go to "iCloud" from "your username", turn on "iCloud Drive", and check if there is free space.

To back up LINE chat history on an Android smartphone, use Google's cloud service "Google Drive". Make sure you have enough space on your Google Drive.

How to back up LINE talk history - Required preparations for transfer

You never know when your smartphone will break down or be lost. It's a good idea to set up automatic backups on a regular basis. From the home screen of the LINE app for iPhone and Android, go to "Settings" → "Talk" → "Backup chat" or "Backup/restore chat history" and follow the steps below.

Using "Album" and "Keep" to back up photos and videos

If you save the chat history, we think that the photos, videos, and audio data exchanged in the chat will also be backed up. Unfortunately, only conversations are backed up. Save other data using LINE's album function or Keep function.

LINE's "album" is a function that allows you to save photos and videos in the chat room. Since the album is saved even if you change the model, you can refer to it from the talk room even with a new smartphone.

[Related article] How to make a LINE album - How many photos can you post?

"Keep" is a save function that only you can see. Text, images, videos, and links can also be saved to LINE. Even if you change the model, you can view the data saved in Keep on the new smartphone if you take over the LINE account.

[Related article] How to use LINE Keep smartly

How to transfer LINE chat history when changing models

The backed up LINE chat history will be used when you change smartphone models. On Android, as you proceed with the LINE account transfer process, a step to restore the chat history will appear (screen at the beginning of this article). On iPhone, when the takeover of the iPhone body is completed and you log in to LINE again, the chat history will be restored automatically. For more information, please refer to the related article below.

[Related article] How to take over LINE, preparation and migration procedure when changing models

How to restore a LINE backup

If you save your chat history frequently, for example by using the automatic backup function, in case you accidentally delete an important chat. , you can restore the chat room to the state at the time of backup.

However, restoring LINE chat history is complicated because the procedures and mechanisms differ between iPhone and Android. On the iPhone, restore the chat history in the process of reinstalling the LINE app and logging in. On Android, tap "Restore" on the "Backup/Restore chat history" screen of the LINE app.


We tend to put off LINE backups, but it would be a disaster if one day all the chat history disappeared. Set up automatic backups and be prepared just in case.

Tomoko Suzuki

​​IT journalist and smartphone safety advisor. She writes articles about familiar IT such as SNS and smartphones. He is familiar with teenage smartphone culture and even goes out to purikura with high school girls. His hobby is collecting weird and cute iPhone cases. He has authored more than 20 books, including "A book for parents and children to learn how to use smartphones and the Internet safely" (Gijutsuhyoronsha).