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How is the normal phone and the mechanism different?Explore the back side of "LINE Phone" from LINE from the communication content that can talk to a fixed phone or mobile phone [Eiichi Yoshikawa's "Smartphone's"

On LINE telephones, you can notify the caller number to the other party as the source source of the telephone number registered in the LINE account, but depending on the other business or model, the telephone number is not notified or notification.It may be notified (*1) or an international telephone type accompanied by a national number (*2).LINE phone caller number notifications are close to that of international telephones, indicating that the communication route is different from conventional landlines and mobile phones.

*1: It is announced on the LINE phone support page that the incoming side is not notified / not notification if the call is NTT DOCOMO mobile phone.

*2: Information on models whose incoming number is an international telephone type is guided on the LINE telephone support page.

iPhone 5(ソフトバンクモバイル)では通常と同じ番号通知(写真=左)、Xperia Z SO-02E(NTTドコモ)では通知不可能(写真=中)、GALAXY SII WiMAX ISW11SC(KDDI)では日本の国番号「81」が付加された国際電話型式(写真=右)

So, in order to estimate the route where the voice call of LINE telephones follows, let's examine the Internet communication status when using LINE.Using the MacBook Pro Internet sharing and the "Wireshark" network tool "Wireshark" used in the web communication encryption, check the communication destinations and contents of the Internet communication on LINE telephone.This time, for comparison, we will conduct a survey of conventional LINE free calls and compare it with LINE telephone.

検証環境の構成。LINEアプリが行うインターネット通信をMacBook Proで確認する


First of all, as a type of communication, apart from the communication that transmits and receives the contents of the call (hereinafter referred to as "Call Contents"), the communication (hereinafter referred to as "log communication") is a communication that sends some logs after the call.It was observed for free calls.

In the call content communication, it seems that the audio of the call and the video data of the call remain the same (*3).On the other hand, log communication has been sent by HTTP that is not encrypted to a specific URL, but the transmission content could not be read because it is not a character (*4).

*3: Binary is transmitted and received by UDP.

*4: Binary is sent by http post.


Focusing on the communication destination, the communication destination of the call content (IP address) fluctuates each call.On the other hand, log communication destinations are set for fixed communication destinations common to LINE telephones and LINE free calls.When we investigated the country and region from the communication destination IP address in multiple communications (*5) (*6), all communications to South Korea except that the communication destination of the call content communication in LINE free calls was in Japan.did.

*5: The survey date is March 18, 2014, and the survey location is Sapporo.

*6: "IP Hiroba" ( was used for the country/regional survey from the IP address.


The survey showed that "LINE telephones have been transmitted to South Korea once on the Internet and then connected to the telephone network somewhere."There is a possibility that communication has been transferred from South Korea to another country or region, so it is not possible to determine where the connection to the telephone network is performed.However, considering the fact that they are communicating abroad and the phenomena of the telephone number notified by the international telephone type, IP telecommunications are connected to the telephone network outside Japan and fixed in Japan as international calls.It is expected to be connected to a phone or mobile phone.

A LINE phone that is essentially different from ordinary mobile phones where communication is completed in Japan.I want to recognize the differences and use them wisely.

記事執筆:えど(吉川英一)■関連リンク・エスマックス(S-MAX)・エスマックス(S-MAX) smaxjp on Twitter・S-MAX - Facebookページ・LINE、国内外の固定・携帯電話番号へ低料金で通話ができるサービス「LINE電話」をAndroid向けに先行提供開始!日本を含む8カ国で利用可能――iPhone向けも近日中に - S-MAX・LINE電話とは(Line Corp.)・連載『吉川英一の「スマホのちょっと深いとこ」』記事一覧 - S-MAX・今日の気分はバリいくつ?Tweet