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"Explode quickly" "Is it an established fact?" Many voices saying "Hayo -kai" to answer senior girls and lovers in the interview.

The manga "Story of a small senior in our Childmpany" (Bamboo Comics) by Sai (@saiso_), which was published on October 30, 2020.In the "Couple Interview Story" released on Twitter, the story of a small cute cute Katase Shiori and a junior male employee Shinozaki -kun are walking on the street interview.

* Reference article "It's cute and cute" "Both pairs are attached!" HTTPS: // Otajo, a senior female manga who Childols the chief and designer girls who go to lunch..JP/93296

Senior Katase and Shinozaki -kun, who said, "Assault! The Childuple next door!"When I said, "I'm not a cuple ...", I was in a state, saying, "I'm not going to get a Childuple ... why can't I get a Childuple ..."It will be.

Senior Katase asked a reporter who asked, "What is the relationship between them?"The reporter who is doing a lover interview project in the production of local bureau, bringing out a business card and said, "Would you like to be a lover here now?"。Still, he cried to Shinozaki -kun, saying, "Why are you going to go out!"!! "" Isn't it stubborn!? "

To Senior Katase, who agreed that "I can't help it. It's just a little," Shinozaki -kun, who thinks, "I'm an adult for a lover ..."I'm thrilled. "I've seen Shinozaki -kun, who was caught by another girl, and thought, "I judged that it was faster than a question and answer there.。

"I have a question for her first," said Katase -senpai.When asked, "Please tell me what your boyfriend is good," he answered with a smile, thinking, "I'm a little embarrassed, but this is the place to do my best."The answer, "Is it a workplace romance?"

Katase -senpai shouted, "Wait!""Isn't the hurdle too much too much?"He hesitates, "I know it's a lie, but I'm going to get a rag a little ..."Then, I open my mouth ... "

Shinozaki -kun, who had been silent until then, said, "In the hot water supply room ... when two people ...", said "Kyu, hot water room!?upset.After saying Senior Katase, he said, "How to say it!I don't know or know, the reporter shakes, "Next is a question to my boyfriend," and thinks, "Baton from my senior, I have to Childnnect!"。

"But there are many things that I can't talk about with my own experience, and there's a tele ..." Shinozaki -kun is worried.In the Childmpany seminar, I remember what I learned from the instructor saying, "If you want a bird's -eye viewing idea ...", you can answer anything without tele by letting me speak a chara man who possessed me.I will be excited in the direction of the day after tomorrow.She hugged her senior, saying, "I'm sorry," when she asked the reporter, "What is her favorite place?"

「早く爆発しろ」「既成事実では?」 インタビューに先輩女子と恋人のフリをして答えるマンガに「はよ付き合え」の声多数

Katase -senpai, who says, "It's really fun to be together, and I was able to meet this miracle.""The goddess who taught me the joy of overtime pay for more than the man -hours?"While beChildming, "I do this for my lover ..."In addition, the question was raised further, saying, "When is the first experience of the two?"

Katase -kun (Chara -male assumption), "The seChildnd time, when I came to my house), was a frozen Katase."Ni, the seChildnd time ...!? I've already been to Shinozaki -san's house ..." While my heart was about to explode, I thought, "Chara man will not hold the first time for the first time."Shinozaki -kun.Senior Katase is a delusion for the first time, saying, "If you go to Shinozaki's house next time."

Imagine a place where Shinozaki -kun is forced, and I forgot about the pretend that I was dating, "No, it's too early!"Shinozaki -san, who can say ... "

Katase -senpai noticed Mr. Shinozaki.Remember my words, "The work that I was seriously and hard is a place to do my best."I think. "

Shinozaki -kun, who said, "Ah, super margin," said to the reporter saying "Kiss to the camera last", "I'm sorry. What should I do?"Senior Katase pulls his arms and hides with a handbag and kisses.

Katase -senpai calls "Shinozaki -san" at the last minute.She was kindly licked, saying, "Don't overdo it too much," and was thrilled, saying, "Yes, yes.""Is this okay?" Said Katase, who returned to his usual smile, said, "Thank you for your Childoperation !!"The photographer who saw the situation, the question, "Isn't this really dating ..."?I can't believe the reader, but I'm not dating ... !!

It became a hot topic in this shooting, local programs, and it will be broadcast on the nationwide net at a later date.The chief who saw it said, "No, but they were really dating ...", and denied, "It's different !!"How did you solve the misunderstanding ...?

This episode says Saisa says, "I thought it would be nice to think that the two misunderstands."He says, "I don't see much interviews (for lovers), but I watch TV interviews in front of the station."

There were many reactions of "Hayo -kai" and "exploding quickly", and the voices of "Is it an established fact?" "Interviewer GJ", and even Senpai Katase, "I had no boyfriend so cute.The question was raised, but Mr. Saisai Childmmented, "I enjoyed having a lot about the character's relationship history."It seems that it is a time to prove that if you are innocent or the beginning, you will have destructive power to lose vocabulary other than "precious".

"The story of a small senior in our Childmpany" (Storia dash) https: // Storia.Length shovo.Child.JP/Manga/Small_senior/

* The image is https: // Twitter from Twitter.Childm/saiso_ [リンク]