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Exceptional 450,000 yen!Amazing permanent warranty!The secret of the popular EV in China

On December 23, 2021, Toyota Motor Corporation began selling a two -seater small electric vehicle (EV) "C+POD".At the briefing, he said, "EV investment 4 trillion yen" and "80 % over 80 % of the world sales target by 30 years", and it became a hot topic that Toyota was seriously in the EV world.

On the other hand, what is the actual situation of China's EVs, which are said to be aiming for the world's EV hegemony?What is EV that can be bought for 450,000 yen?What is the actual situation of high -performance EVs that exceed Tesla?Yasuko Kato (former Cabinet Secretariat), Naoto Ikeda (Automobile Economic critic), and Goro Okazaki (motor journalist) will deliver the latest situation of China EVs.


* This article is an excerpted editing of Yasuko Kato x Naoto Ikeda x Goro Okazaki: "EV Promotion Trap" Trap "Policy Removal Policy Lie" (Wanibooks: Published).

The actual situation of the emerging EV manufacturer in China

Kato: Three executed EV -car manufacturers, NIO (Nio), BYD (B -Waidy), and SGMW (Ukizu Gosho Train), which have become a hot topic in China, are like a hot stock, so I would like to check them out.。If you look at the number of EVs in China in 2020 by model,

The first place is Tesla's "Model 3" (about 140,000 units) 2nd place is "Hong Gan MIINII EV" (about 120,000 units).[※ The smallest two -seater EV with a minimum specification is 450,000 yen] 3rd place is Bao Jun's "E Series" (about 50,000 units)

In addition, Chinese manufacturers such as BYD and NIO are continuing.

Okazaki's "Hong Gun MIINII EV" and "Bao Ju E Series" are a low -priced brand brand issued by SGMW (Urin), a joint venture company of the US GM, Shanghai train in China, and Gobin (Urin).。Both are small EVs.

Kato GM is entering China.In China, mini EVs are being released one after another, and it seems to be popular among young people who buy cars for the first time.Many manufacturers are not well known in Japan, and it may be almost a bamboo shoot after the rain, but how about that?

Ikeda Basically, when the country of China says, "This can be sold!"So, there are many patterns in which everyone eats each other, pulls his feet and collapses.

Regarding EVs, this is exactly the time, and we have a policy of who can survive the Chinese government in selection.In fact, NIO is said to have a better stock price growth than Tesla, but it was a company on the verge of bankruptcy that was about to collapse about two years ago.In April 2020, a subsidy of 106 billion yen was rushed by a state -owned company and revived.

Kato 106 billion yen subsidy?

Ikeda Yes.

Kato is amazing.

Ikeda occasionally, some critics appeal that "NIO has overtaken Tesla, and China is growing with great momentum now."But the company that had been crushing until last year is in a state where a lot of money has entered the country and is back and growing ...?Isn't it a little too much Chinese favor?It's also a story.

The shadow of Kato China's automobile sales has generous support from the Chinese Communist Party.

Ikeda But what should I say?For better or worse, it is a phenomenon that occurs in a one -party dictatorship, so it cannot be identified as a phenomenon that is occurring in other countries.In urban areas, EVs are immediately issued, but engine cars have a policy of waiting for two years, and it is a share that has done so far.It is difficult to evaluate China's EV sales.And on the other hand, the intimacy between the manufacturer and the Chinese Communist Party changes easily due to the party's convenience.

Okazaki: However, if you look at Tesla hitting, which seems to be a country in this country, I do not know how long Tesla in China will last, but many people have never owned a car.In other words, there is no doubt that China is establishing a low -priced ultra -small EV genre with the current ongoing motorization, and China is establishing it.

▲超小型EVは日本でも普及するか? イメージ:TTwings / PIXTA

What is the 450,000 yen "Hong Gun MIINI EV"?

Kato: "Hong Gun MIINII EV", isn't the lowest price of this car is about 450,000 yen a bit too exceptional?It would be scary if this came into the Japanese mini car market.

Ikeda: I need a long story to talk about this.I think this price is wearing clogs very much with the government subsidy.That's why I put it for 450,000 yen, but I think "40,000 yen is fine."

In short, the relationship between cost and selling price is messy.For example, Huawei's 5G communication equipment, after all, was driven out of the world's market.What actually happened at that time ...

Okazaki is a scoop article with 8 trillion yen in Okazaki?

Ikeda That's right.Huawei had a scoop in the Wall Street Journal, which had a budget of 8 trillion yen in the Chinese government.As a result, it is said that Huawei's 5G -related devices have become overwhelmingly cheaper, and each country has been introduced.

破格の45万円! 驚異の永久保証! 中国の大人気EVの秘密

The introduction can be cheaper, but if you put it in, China will always be able to monitor other countries and drop lines.This means that negotiations between nations are overwhelmingly advantageous, not just whether or not to drop the line, but to say that you can drop it.

The western countries were very afraid to notice that, so they canceled the contract.The United Kingdom jumped because it was cheap, and we had to build a considerable part of the Huawei system, but we stopped in a hurry and joined the "Huawei NG" camp in the world.

Considering such a thing, is it possible to think that the 10 priority items of "China Manufacturing 2025" announced in 2015 basically come in the same way?

Kato: It will definitely be so.

Ikeda: If you think so, critics who really receive this price of 450,000 yen and say, "China is amazing" or "Japan will not catch up anymore" is completely Noh weather ... isn't it said by China?I think.

Okazaki: I think the philosophy of "China Manufacturing 2025" is very wonderful, but the problem is China doing the background in order to realize that philosophy?As described in "Super Limited War" (strategic research book written by the Chinese PLA / 1999), their way is to use all means, regardless of white, black, or gray.So there is no idea of a fair market competition.

However, Japanese politicians are so sloppy that they can't say anything, and the major media praise China, so the problem is deep.

The identity of the Chinese version of Tesla "NIO"

Kato NIO's "ES6" model seems to be good at selling a Chinese manufacturer against Tesla, but it seems to cost 8 million yen per unit.

▲NIO ES6 出典:Jengtingchen / ウィキメディア・コモンズ

Okazaki That's right.The latest model announced in 2021 is the finest model called "ET7", and if the specifications on the catalog are true, it's a great car that I want.

Kato: I'm curious (laughs).

Okazaki: For example, there are eight 8 -megapixel cameras, and there is a light sensor called a rider (LIDAR), and a computer that analyzes it.High performance ...

High performance than Ikeda Tesla.

Okazaki: Yes, everything is more high performance than Tesla, and this is a permanent warranty.

Kato is amazing.

Okazaki: In addition, the battery was announced in 2022 that it would prepare a super -large capacity of 150 kWh.In addition, NIO is a company in Shanghai, but we will also prepare a "swap station" to replace the battery everywhere in a large city.It is said that about 170 places are already about 500 places within 2021.If that happens, Ikeda -san, this is a game changer?

Ikeda: No, if it was true.

Okazaki: Yes, that's all (laughs).

Kato: If you charge it once, you run 1000km.

Ikeda: That's why this can be realized at this price and at the mass production level ... I can't believe it if you are a person in this industry.

Kato, but you want to ride once.

I want to ride Okazaki.

Kato's plenty of charging, battery replacement, and permanent warranty.

Okazaki: In addition, a home power supply is also provided, a permanent battery replacement, and a permanent free road service.

Kato is amazing.

Only Okazaki Yume will show you (laughs).

Ikeda: That's right ... it's written that you can't do it if you think about profitability.Isn't it possible for a private company to make a permanent compensation that does not set the time limit?For example, it will not replace the deteriorated battery with 10 or 20 times with a new one.No matter how much you do, you can't afford it.That's why I'm so enthusiastic about saying, "Because the convenience has changed, it's discontinued."

Okazaki: Even if you sell in the red while lying in that way, it is a decision that it is more profitable to increase the stock price.

Ikeda I have no hesitation to say lie, and if the situation changes, I will not keep my promise.That's a natural idea.We want you to be wise not being deceived.

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