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Engadget Logo Engajet Japan Instagram has launched a playback function to look back on 2021 in Stories

Instagram has released a playback feature on December 10 in the story posted this year to look back on 2021.It can be used for a limited time from the smartphone app.

The functions of this year are familiar to web services.Until now, on Instagram, we used a third -party app to create a collage of nine images that had a lot of likes.For this reason, it is a bit surprising that this official function has become a story.

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エンガジェット日本版 Instagram、ストーリーズで2021年を振り返るプレイバック機能を提供開始

According to Instagram, "Stories is an essential function to share casual moments, post content that involves hobbies and interests, and express themselves on Instagram.""You can share your favorite moments in a summary of your favorite moments, even in a small moment or unforgettable memories."

The playback function can be used from the pop -up display displayed when the app is opened, or the "2021 stamp" attached to the playback post of other users.Up to 10 are automatically selected from the stories stored in the archive, so you can share them as they are, delete unnecessary things, or add substitute posts.

In order to use the playback function, it is necessary to post three or more stories in 2021 and turn on the archive settings on the archive.Also, it is unknown how long it is (perhaps until 2021), but since it is a limited time function, it may be a good idea to try it as soon as possible.

Source: Instagram
