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"4x -speed floppy disk drive" that was realized until speeding without ending with USB connection: Suite Memories File053

[Name] 4x speed USB connection floppy disk drive (FD4X-IMJ) [Type] Magnetic disk [recording method] Magnetic record [size] 104 x 145 x 18mm [capacity] 720kB ~ 1.44MB [Connection] USB2.0 [Power] USB bus power [year of appearance] Around 2003 ~

Series: Suite Memories

"4x speed USB connection floppy disk drive" (hereinafter, FDD) is an FDD that enables high -speed access by increasing the speed of disk rotation.Many people would no longer use FD, and appeared in mid -2003, and products have been released from multiple manufacturers.

In the first place, FD is less used in the early 1990s, and in the second half 3.The presence was fading so that only 5 inches were barely survived.One of the reasons is that the data to be handled has grown.At best 1.It is natural to use high -speed and large -capacity media such as ZIP and MO, rather than using a number of FDs with only 44MB.

Also, as the share of notebook PCs gradually increases, one of the reasons is that the FDD is more likely to be the target due to the frequency of devices that are frequently used due to space restrictions.。It is a natural flow that it will not be used if it is not installed.No matter how much an external FDD that can be connected with a dedicated cable is prepared, it will be difficult to use if it takes a lot of time.

Nevertheless, the FD remains surprisingly relentlessly at a driver disc of peripheral devices such as printers, and there are many cases where FDD is needed for this.What I was grateful for was the USB connection FDD that appeared in 1998.If you have one, you can use FDDs on all PCs with USB, so you do not need to have a built -in FDD.Now, the optical drive is this standing position.

Since 1998, the use of USB -connected FDDs as options has increased as an option since 1998.However, it does not increase the frequency of use just because it is connected to USB.I thought that it was a device that faded out of it as it was no longer used as it was, but in 2002, a double -speed FDD suddenly appeared.

Even if it is double speed, it does not simply double the number of revolutions, but a disk that can be read and write at that speed and a disk that can rewrite magnetic force.As a result, it should usually need a new drive and the media, that is, it will be the so -called next -generation FD.

Unfortunately, in 2002, I don't think we'll develop a new one because many next -generation FDs were already broken.One thing I think is that using the technology of next -generation FD development such as HIFD has made it possible to speed up the drive.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the FD was a low rotation of 300 rpm, so there is enough room for high rotation.Also, since the manufacturing technology of magnetic disks would have improved, the disk side may have been able to keep this high -speed rewriting.

It is still a mystery whether there is a demand for faster FDDs, but if it can be speeded up at the same cost, it is not surprising that the added value is enough.

In 2003, a higher -speed 4x speed FDD appeared.The introduction has become longer, but this time we will introduce FDD that supports this 4x speed.

Because it was a great deal, I arranged it with the same speed drive of the same image.Silver is 4x speed, but even if it is 4x speed, the appearance shape is the same as FDD at a fixed speed.The part that says 4x can be barely distinguished.

 USB接続化で終わらず高速化まで実現した「4倍速フロッピーディスクドライブ」:スイートメモリーズ File053

The USB cable is a type that grows directly from the back.This is common in USB -connected FDDs, so just 4x speed is not special.

By the way, the USB connection FDD of the imitation is Model NO regardless of speed."D353FUE" is written.

The left is 4x speed and the right is the same, but it is exactly the same.Certainly, double -speed FDD is the same MODEL NO.was.It should be at hand, but I couldn't find it because it was buried in the mountain of luggage and where I went ...

Let's take a look and try out if it's really fast because there is a real machine.

2HD FD format on Windows 10 PC (1).When I executed the 44MB), it took about 122 seconds at the same speed, but reduced to 62 seconds at 4x speed.Also, when I wrote a file of about 960KB, it was about 38 at a fixed speed..What took 2 seconds was shortened to about 18 seconds.Certainly it is speeding up.

However, it is equivalent to double speed, not 4x speed.

I was suspicious and measured the speed with another 4x fdd, but the result was equivalent to 2x speed.I changed the PC and tried it with about three, but there is no change here.

I compared it with the specifications of the double -speed FDD for any hints, but the interface speed was double -speed FDD USB1..1,4x fdd USB2.I noticed that it was 0.

If you think about it and check the connection speed using "HWINFO", USB1 as expected.It was connected by 1.USB3.0 Suspicion that it was connected via the hub, connected to the USB of the PC itself, dare to USB2.0 I tried Iloilo to connect via a hub, but no matter what I did, USB1.It only recognizes in 1.

Perhaps Windows 10 is USB1 at the time of USB connection FDD.It may have been decided to be 1.In the first place, the compatible OS is up to Windows XP, USB1.I am grateful that it can be used even if it is 1.Old USB2.0 If you add and use the board, you may be recognized, so I would like to try it soon.

In the early days, he played an active part as a PC's main storage, and then FD, which built a period as a remove disc.It is very interesting that the next -generation FD battle broke out, but that it was the original FD that survived.And it's interesting that the surviving surviving has evolved at 4x faster.

In addition, as for the range I checked, it was Wai E -Data that made the FDD production until the end, and was discontinued in October 2011.

Series: Suite Memories


Floppy disk drive (FD2X-IMJ, FDX-IMJ), Imation, Wayback Machine Wai E Data Training, Wayback Machine