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Minister of Defense Kono ``We welcome participation in the British-American spy alliance Five Eyes and deployment of British aircraft carriers in the Far East'' Will Japan participate in the encirclement network against China?

Mr. Kono ``Britain is a Pacific Power''

[London] Japan's Defense Minister Taro Kono is presided over by Thomas Tugenhut, chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Relations Committee, on the 21st. He said that he wanted to participate in an online study session of the China Research Group (CRG) within the Conservative Party and to join the five Anglo-Saxon electronic espionage coalition "Five Eyes".

Mr. Kono said, "Britain should work with Japan to keep the Indo-Pacific free and open," and created an option for the carrier strike group of the new aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, which will be on duty next year, to be stationed in the Far East. In response to a report by the British newspaper The Times, "We welcome the Queen Elizabeth."

Let's take a look at Tugenhut's tweet.

"Japan's Defense Minister is looking forward to the dispatch of the Queen Elizabeth next year (participation in Japan-US joint military exercises is being considered). He described Britain as a power in the Pacific. Britain's ( Indo-Pacific) prompted broader engagement in the region.”

"Japan's defense minister asked the UK to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP11) of 11 countries, including Japan."

"China is now an expansionist country. They are dependent on oil and gas from the Middle East and are building ports around the region. Djibouti, Pakistan, Oman, etc."

"[Chinese] long-term loans are used to take over ports. Sri Lanka's Hambantota port and ports in Laos, Cambodia and Vanuatu show the world's challenges."

Beware of the "digital yuan"

"A digital yuan is used for lending and payments. This constitutes a digital cloud sent to Beijing, Djibouti and other countries. Data collection in

"The post-coronavirus world looks difficult. Conflicts such as states vs. free markets, democracies vs. authoritarian states are becoming more serious."

"We wanted to cooperate with China, but China's President Xi Jinping turned the Chinese Communist Party toward expansionism."

"Expansionists under the cover of state-owned enterprises are buying up our technology"

"China's weakness is demographics. They get old before they get rich. Who will take care of their parents?"

"Xi sought to clean up corruption to eliminate rivals. It re-established the CCP's reputation."

"They are trying to escape the dollar economy and the Society for International Interbank Telecommunications (SWIFT) system to divide the international community."

"The TPP was originally about not just trade, but employment and other standards in the Pacific."

"TPP must include UK and other Indo-Pacific countries"

"The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) appealed last year not to let us choose between America and China. But that night, at the Defense Minister's dinner, the Thai Navy military band played American pop music. It was It was a soft message that ASEAN's choice was clear."

 Defense Minister Kono

"Japan's defense minister welcomes the idea of ​​turning Five Eyes into Six Eyes"

"Defense Minister Taro Kono, thank you for your excellent explanation and powerful insight into the challenges of the security environment."

U.S. Secretary of State “Building a coalition of the willing to besiege China”

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is visiting the U.K., met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and U.K. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab on the 21st. Talk. "We have seen Hong Kong's freedom crushed, the Chinese Communist Party bullied its neighbors and militarized the South China Sea," he said at a joint press conference with the foreign minister.

Pompeo said, ``You can't claim territorial rights in waters that have no legal basis. You can't do anything," he severely criticized China.

And I hope that we can build a coalition of willing people who understand the threat to convince the CCP that taking such actions is not in their best interests. The Coalition of Volunteers is centered on the "Five Eyes" by five Anglo-Saxon nations.

According to British media, at a closed-door meeting with MPs organized by the British think tank Henry Jackson Society, Pompeo said, "Based on solid information, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom It was bought by China, and a lot of British people died because of that."

It seems that the Trump administration has accused the WHO of deciding to withdraw, ``It was a political organization, not a science-based organization.''

He said he handed over information to the British government about a person who oppressed Uighurs (Muslims) in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of China. It is believed that he also urged the United Kingdom to invoke the "Magnitsky Act (Human Rights Sanctions Act)," which imposes sanctions on persons and organizations involved in serious human rights violations, such as visa bans and asset freezes.

Mr. The aim is to build an anti-China siege coalition centered on the Anglo-Saxon countries.

Britain Takes Countermeasures

In response to China's enforcement of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the UK-China joint declaration promised "one country, two systems" and "a high degree of autonomy" The United Kingdom, a country, has launched countermeasures one after another.

(1) Extend the length of stay in the UK from six months to one year for approximately 3 million people who are eligible to hold British Overseas Citizens' Passports. After studying and working for a certain period of time, pave the way for acquiring British citizenship.

(2) Due to the new sanctions imposed by the US Department of Commerce in May on the 5G entry issue of Huawei Technologies, a major Chinese telecommunications equipment company, it will be completely eliminated from the limited acceptance policy in January by 2027. changed to a policy of

(3) Suspend the extradition treaty with Hong Kong and arms exports.

If you want to rush the conclusion of the US-UK FTA, Mr. Pompeo pressed Prime Minister Johnson and Foreign Minister Raab to invoke the "Magnitsky Act" against Chinese Communist Party officials on the grounds of suppression of the Uyghur people. The decoupling of China and the Anglo-Saxon economy is irreversible.

Huawei's 5G "stepping picture"

The following countries stepped on the "stepping picture" of Huawei's 5G entry problem that the United States posed.

[Prohibited Countries]

USA, UK, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Romania

[Prohibited companies]

Japan (NTT), India (Geo), Australia (Telstra), South Korea (SK Telecom, KT)

For President Donald Trump, whose prospects for re-election in the US presidential election in November have almost disappeared due to the spread of the corona crisis, the only things that can be cut are the “culture war” and “hard-line” cards related to racial issues. is not.

It remains to be seen how far China's decoupling will go. If Democratic Vice President Joe Biden is elected, there is a good chance that China's decoupling, which has accelerated under the current Trump administration, will decelerate.

However, I believe that China has crossed the final line by forcing the Hong Kong National Security Law.
