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Concluding a license agreement with Sekisui Chemical for up-conversion nanoparticles

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Japan Material Technologies Corporation Japan Material Technologies Corporation (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, President Koyu Urata, hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is pleased to announce Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Representative Director). We have signed a license agreement (hereinafter “this agreement”) for up-conversion nanoparticles with President Keita Kato (hereinafter “Sekisui Chemical”). The technology covered by this agreement is the manufacturing technology for up-conversion nanoparticles (hereinafter referred to as "this product") originally developed by Sekisui Chemical. This product is a quantum dot-shaped nanoparticles with a particle size of about 10 nm, which has a special wavelength conversion function that converts infrared rays into visible light. This agreement is an exclusive non-exclusive license agreement for patents and know-how for the entire world.

SEM photo of this product


Example of this product irradiated with near infrared light

The up-conversion material can convert long-wavelength light with low energy into short-wavelength light with high energy, and in particular, up-conversion material that converts near-infrared light with a longer wavelength (750 nm or more) than visible light into visible light. Is attracting attention for its potential in solar cells, artificial photosynthesis, anti-counterfeiting, biomarkers, optical sensors, etc. However, while organic up-conversion materials, which are currently being widely studied, have a high conversion efficiency of up to about 30%, they have the problem that the difference between the excitation wavelength and the emission wavelength is short, and they are prone to deterioration in an oxygen atmosphere. This product is an inorganic up-conversion material, and the conversion efficiency is only about 2%, but the emission wavelength is in a wide range from blue (around 400 nm) to red (around 700 nm) with near-infrared light near 980 nm as the excitation wavelength. Can be controlled. We will utilize the exclusive non-exclusive license acquired under this agreement to supply this product to manufacturers who mainly aim to add functionality to resin products such as films and inks, thereby achieving early commercialization. I will plan. We have been working on the industrialization of materials that give functionality to resin materials, such as super engineering plastic fine particles, negative thermal expansion material BNFO, and highly conductive material MXene. We will continue to actively promote the commercialization of unique functional materials. As a fabless type functional material manufacturer, we are working on commercialization of innovative technologies developed by domestic companies, universities, research institutes, etc. through license out and carve out. Going forward, we will continue to contribute to the creation of innovation in the Japanese materials industry by promoting the commercialization of unused technologies developed by companies. [Overview of Japan Material Technologies Corporation] ■ Company name: Japan Material Technologies Corporation ■ Established: August 2015 ■ Capital: 100 million yen * Including capital reserve ■ Representative: Koyu Urata ■ Business description: Functional Materials Business ■ Corporate Homepage: * The following is special information limited to media personnel. Please refrain from disclosing information on personal SNS etc.
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  3. Concluding a license agreement with Sekisui Chemical for up-conversion nanoparticles