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Explanation!What is the SIM term "SIM unlock"?: SIM Kusen

Recently, I have heard the word SIM unlocking.Until now, it was rarely spoken, so I think many people remain ambiguous about unlocking SIM.Therefore, this time, I will explain "SIM unlock", which is often talked about.

As of October 2014, SIMs from major mobile phone companies such as docomo, au, and Softbank are restricted so that they cannot be used on other companies' terminals, and this is called "SIM lock".

"SIM unlock (SIM lock free)" is a mechanism that can be used by replacing the SIM card to various terminals regardless of mobile phone company.

When the SIM is unlocked, for example, a smartphone released from SoftBank is used for docomo's communication line and contracts, or a cheap SIM of mineo using au communication line network is inserted into a smartphone released by DOCOMO.Like using it, you can choose the terminal and the service as a service.

In addition, when traveling abroad, you can also insert the SIM of local telecommunications carriers and use the terminals used in Japan as they are, so the degree of freedom of usage is greatly increased.

At this time, SIM unlocking can only be unlocked in docomo smartphones (other than iPhone) and some models of SoftBank.

The point to be aware of when unlocking SIM is that if you use a SIM card of another company and use it, the carrier does not guarantee the terminal operation.

In addition, depending on the content of the failure, DOCOMO SoftBank cannot be repaired, and it may be a supporting company for cheap SIMs.In addition, alternative machines being repaired cannot be used *.


* If you are in DOCOMO's "Safe Support", it will be compensated in principle after unlocking the SIM.DOCOMO and Softbank both accept the breakdown of the terminal itself even if they have not joined the support service.

"SIM -free (SIM lock -free)" terminal where SIM locks are not hanging from the beginning can also be purchased at dealers, online, overseas, etc.


Typical SIM -free terminals that can be purchased in Japan are iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, Nexus 5, and Nexus 7.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' policies will be required to unlock SIM from FY2015.Now, there is a discussion about the rules, and it seems that how to accept the SIM unlock this fall this fall.

Perhaps the terminal where the SIM lock has been released in advance may be released by major mobile phone companies such as docomo, au, and Softbank.

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