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Confusion in China rock down, hitting the world supply network again -WSJ

[Hong Kong] Due to the spread of new colon virus infections throughout China, there have been a series of issues such as closing factory, stays in port facilities, and shortage of workers.Authorities have introduced large -scale rockdowns (urban blockade) and mass tests that were not seen in the last two years.

Under these circumstances, there is an increasing concern that confusing in China, which boasts the world's second largest economy, will inevitably affect the global economy.Semiconductor manufacturers Samsung Electronics, German More Maker Volks Wagen (VW), sporting products, Nike, and German Adidas, and fiber companies that have adidas have already hindered production.

Several cities such as the eastern port city, Tianjin and Chubu's Xi'an, and the technology base in the southern part, Shenzhen, have introduced strict corona measures since late December.In the world's third largest container handling, Ningami and Funayama Port have been restricted in truck transport and warehousing work in response to 20 or more new infections in the surrounding area, and clogging is clogged.There is a risk of getting worse.

The Chinese authorities have consolidated the "Zerokorona" policy that succeeded in the early Corona, and have been intermittently confused in production and supply chains.

However, in light of the intensity of Omicron strain, the economist has warned that this time there could be even more serious.At the same time, the infection by Omicron strains took place at the time of the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 4, and the authorities strengthened Corona measures.

"The risk of Omicron strain is that the bottle neck problem of the supply network may lead to a great deal of progress."HSBC's Asian economic analysis co -manager Frederick Newman points out."Given that China plays a more important role in the supply to the world, it may be more difficult this time than last year."

Several economists have indicated that China will further enhance the containment measures, and some have even been expecting a nationwide rock -down since April 2020.Goldman Sachtic was a traditional 2022 growth rate in 2022, based on the trend of the corona infection on the 11th..8 % to 4.It was revised downward to 3 %.

Toyota Motor said that it had stopped working on 10 and 11 days at a joint venture in Tianjin.It is said that Corona testing was obliged throughout the city.Approximately 14 million citizens were tested in Tianjin, with two infections of Omicron strain.Tianjin, an industrial base in northeastern China, is one of the entire China exports..Occupies 7 %.

Stephen Verenstein, the leading Chinese category of the German VW, said on Tuesday that the company's factory in Tianjin was closed.VW has recently been closed after a small corona infection of Ningami's factory.

Verenstein said, in many cases, Chinese authorities have been infected in a few weeks and have been recruited.

At a telephone conference on the 10th, a major European aircraft Airbus Airbus Giyome Four Ly, "I'm very careful about China's trends. Compared to 2020 and 21, Omicron shares can change the situation.Because it has sex, "he says.At present, there is no significant confusion in supply, including Tianjin, which has the final assembly factory, such as the A320, a single passage aircraft.

中国ロックダウンで混乱、世界供給網に再び打撃 - WSJ

Consumers and retailers in the western countries have since entered pandemic (global trends), and have increased their dependence on China with products such as bicycles and laptop PCs (PCs), and China in 2021 in China 2021.The trade surplus is expected to reach a record high.Mr. Newman has been alert to the trend of Omicron stocks, where Asian factories were closed and the "Mother of the Supply Chain as a whole" could fall in the last few months.

Since December 23, last year, in Xi'an, where strict rockdowns have been laid, two major semiconductor manufacturers around the world have been hit by difficult stations.

Samsung Electronics has difficulty securing the required number of employees for local home waiting orders.A relationship familiar with the inside has revealed.It is said that the production may be reduced in the short term.The company's spokeswoman stated in the conventional statement that adjustments at Xi'an will take any necessary measures to prevent consumers from affecting consumers.

In late December last year, Micron Technology also stated that the number of human resources at the local base was reduced due to rockdown in Xi'an, which was affecting the production of DRAM (writing and reading memory).。

In Ningami, Nike, Adidas, and UNIQLO under the umbrella, such as UNIQLO under the umbrella, have revealed that multiple production bases have been locked down since January 3.This is because 10 infections were confirmed in Ningami and Kita -Ward.As of the 10th, some of the production was resumed.

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In the southern part of Shenzhen, employees such as Apple's suppliers, Taiwanese Hon Hai Precision Industry (Fox Con) and Huawei (Huawei) have been tested for Corona.The two companies revealed.

Corporate executives and industry analysts have said that as the number of new infections in China increases, more confusion in manufacturing sites and ports will expand.

This week, about 5 million citizens entered the rockdown following the report of more than 80 new infections (including two Omicron shares) in Anyang City.In Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province, the local government has been obliged to undergo a corona test for all citizens.The Hon Hai Factory in Zhengzhou produces many of the "iPhone" sold worldwide.

Economists believe that if the rampage of Omicron shares in Europe and the United States will become popular throughout Asia, it will promote inflation high and accelerate financial tightening of major central banks, such as the US Federal Reserve (Fed).

In China, economic risks due to sticking to zero korona policy are increasing.

At the port facility of Ningami, the indispensable trade has a one -week delay, which can affect $ 4 billion (about 460 billion yen) trade equivalent to the amount.Analyzed by the Russell Group, a consulting company specializing in supply network.This includes $ 236 million in integrated circuit board and $ 125 million in clothing.Ningami's container terminal has been closed for two weeks due to one infected person in August last year.