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Can SMS be used with UQ Mobile?Explain the fees, methods, and precautions

In the past, many people used SMS as a means of exchange of messages.

At present, LINE is the mainstream of messages, and fewer people use SMS.

However, SMS is still indispensable because it is still often used in authentication.

However, in the case of a cheap SIM, if you use SMS with SIM only for data communication, the monthly fee will be higher.What about UQ Mobile?

In this article, I will explain in detail the UQ Mobile SMS.


In this article, I will tell you the results of thoroughly investigating the reputation of UQ Mobile.The Bitwave editorial department conducted a word -of -mouth questionnaire directly to the UQ Mobile contractor.There are rumors that UQ Mobile's reputation is bad, but what about it?


Campaign is underway to save 10,000 yen equivalent to UQ Mobile!

「くりこしプランL +5G」をeSIMで契約した場合、さらに8,000円相当のau PAY残高をゲットできます。UQモバイル公式サイトを見る

SMS can be used with UQ Mobile!

Image quoted source:

In conclusion, UQ Mobile allows you to use SMS in all rate plans.

The table below is a list of UQ Mobile's SMS specifications.


UQ Mobile SMS is free of charge and no application is required.No initial settings are required.

You can exchange messages with people other than UQ Mobile users.

In addition, the transmission that can be transmitted is up to 70 characters in full -width, but this is the number of characters that can be sent at the lowest transmission fee in Japan and abroad.

Depending on the model and the other party, up to 670 characters can be sent.

Number of transmitted characters and domestic and overseas transmission fees


Reception fee is free both in Japan and overseas.

Because it is very cheap like this, even those who are not very familiar with smartphones can use it easily.

SMS is convenient even if you have LINE!

A typical LINE as a communication tool.Now it is becoming a necessity for daily life.

In fact, many people think, "If you have LINE, you don't need SMS."

However, if the SMS is really gone, you will be in trouble in various situations.Basically, it can be said that it is as essential as LINE.

In recent years, there have been many cases that have pierced a hole in the authentication function of the app.

Above all, the smartphone payment app is a treasure trove of personal information and credit card information, so it tends to be targeted by malicious people.One of the security functions used to prevent such an incident is "two -stage authentication".

At one time, it was reported in the news, so many people may have heard it.

The two -step authentication of the account makes security stronger, but from the user, it is a very troublesome system that increases the troublesome time.

For this reason, there are many cases where the service provider is afraid of separation and offers the adoption of two -stage authentication.

However, if you have SMS, you can complete the authentication relatively easily.

On the other hand, if SNS cannot be used, it must be authenticated by telephone.This is a little troublesome.

In today's presentation, SMS, which can easily perform two -stage certification, is very important.

SMS can basically send a message to anyone if you know your phone number.


There is no need for initial settings that are troublesome like LINE, and SMS can be used by Garake users who cannot use LINE, so it is ideal for contacting people who use Garakae.

However, if you know the phone number, you will be able to contact anyone, so you will often receive a mischief message.

Have you ever received messages that you don't remember in SMS?

Please note that some of them are very malicious, such as guiding to sites with security problems.

If you use SMS as a means of contact, try to delete it as it is.

How to use the SMS app

From now on, I will explain how to use the SMS application "Message" using the iPhone.

You can use the same "Message" app on Android.The usage is the same as the iPhone.

Let's take a look at how to send letters in the message app.

In addition, since I sent a message to myself this time, both the transmission message and the receiving message are displayed.

1 Start the message app from the home screen.

2 When the home screen of the message app is displayed, tap the icon on the upper right.

3 Enter the partner to send.Tap the plus icon on the right to specify the other party from the contact candidate.It is also possible to enter the phone number directly in the destination column.

4 Enter the text.Please enter the text in the text box in the frame.

After entering the text, tap the upper arrow icon on the right side to send a message to the other party.

5 Screen after transmitting a message

When the opponent checks the message, "Opened" is displayed in the sender message.

As you can see, sending messages with SMS is very easy.

Causes and solutions when a message cannot be sent

SMS may cause troubles such as not being able to send messages.

But this is not often a disability.There is a possibility that some problems are lurking in the settings.

From now on, let's take a look at the causes of message transmission troubles and how to deal with them.

Today, when the 4G LTE has become quite popular, the radio waves have become less out of range.

However, in some areas such as mountainous and coastal areas, radio waves may still be out of range.

Even if you use SMS outside the area, you cannot send and receive messages.If you can't send a message, first check the radio wave status.

SMS messages cannot be transmitted if they exceed 670 full -width characters.

I don't think it will exceed 670 characters, but if you fail to send, check it out.

Have you ever experienced that the sent messages have been sent firmly but have not reached the destination partner?

This is due to the SMS refusal setting of the destination.

You need to set the SMS rejection setting yourself.However, I set it up a few years ago and forgot it completely ... it's not unusual.

If you are worried, please review the settings once.

The user who sent the message is not notified that the other party has set a rejection.Therefore, it is a troubled case where the cause is very difficult to understand.

If the receiving side unlocks the receiving refusal, you will be able to exchange messages normally.

UQ Mobile SMS is easy to block!

SMS is a convenient SMS as a two -step authentication and communication means, but many people have had trouble with a message from a stranger.Especially for those who do not use SMS at all, such messages are nothing but a hindrance.

Therefore, the SMS block function is convenient.You can easily switch on/off with one message.


The operation is very easy, but you can't choose the blocking opponent.

The blocking opponent will be all the other opponents except UQ Mobile and au.

By default, this block function is invalid.

With UQ Mobile, SMS can be used without monthly fee and no application!

In this article, we explained the UQ Mobile SMS.


SMS is a recommended function for beginners of smartphone because the message can be easily exchanged without initial settings.

However, be careful when using it, as you may be contacted by a stranger.
