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Use cheap SIM to build home lines for Amazon Echo and Google Home

Smart Speaker "Amazon Echo"

 Amazon Echo and Google Home will also be launched in Japan, and smart speakers have sparked a heated debate.

 However, the introduction of intelligent speakers requires a network line. People with only smartphones on the Internet and no fixed lines in their houses need to take some work.

 Therefore, we would like to explore a simple means of communication for people who do not have a home network line. People who want to take this opportunity to lay off their home network lines to the smallest things are also targets.

First of all, you need to know the line you need.

 Several methods of making your own circuit with cheap SIM are also introduced in this series. With a capacity of 3 GB per month, it is less than 1000 yen per month, no construction is required, you can use it immediately, and you are free to move. If it is a data-specific contract, the contract can be terminated at any time, in addition to speed and capacity, as a simple line is a pretty good choice.

 But the problem is capacity. If you watch videos continuously, you will need dozens of GB immediately. If you use the plan for cheap SIM with high capacity, you will spend as much money as you can pull optical fiber if you only look at the operating cost.

 This time it is the use of intelligent speakers and related data, it can be expected that there will not be too much capacity, but one of the convenient functions of intelligent speakers is the reception of network radio.

 If it is radio, although it will not be as extreme as animation, but listen to it all day, and there will be capacity problems almost every day.

 However, in cheap SIM, like BIGLOBE's "Entertainment Freedom option", some animation and music delivery services, such as YouTube, AbemaTV,, Google Play Music, Apple Music, Spotify, AWA, etc., are based on the amount of data. if they are within the scope of the object service, the use value of cheap SIM will be revealed.

Amazon EchoやGoogle Home用に格安SIMで自宅回線を構築

 The free entertainment option is 980yen per month (in the case of data dedicated lines), plus a total of 900yen + 980yen + 3 + tax 2034 yen for the 3-gigabit plan. Although it is a specific website, it is reasonable as a line that can be terminated at any time to watch the video freely.

 Even if there is such an option, the capacity will not be insufficient, or if you want to stabilize high-speed communications, give up cheap SIM, cheap planned ADSL, and more expensive, you should consider WiMAX and fiber optics.

If there is only Wi-Fi, the mobile router will not forget to release the sleep setting.

 Then, the next question is whether wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) is sufficient and whether wired LAN is required. Almost all intelligent speakers are connected through wireless LAN, devices that emit infrared remote control from the network, Chromecast and other decryptors installed on televisions, and other IoT devices are almost all connected by wireless LAN.

 In this way, you can buy a suitable mobile router and put in your SIM card to complete your home line.

 In the SIM-free mobile router, the "Aterm MR05LN" of the NEC platform can be bought at about 20, 000 yen. If it is a cheap SIM of the DoCoMo network, you can use the DoCoMo brand mobile router.

 If the scope is extended to second-hand, the oldest "Lmur09C" can be bought at about 1000 yen, and the "HW-02G" corresponding to the carrier polymerization and the wired LAN of the accessory bracket can also be bought from about 5000 yen.

 What is needed to use a mobile router on your own line is not to become a hibernation mode by setting it, and to remove settings such as "AP isolation" that prohibit communication between terminals connected to the same wireless LAN.

Network hibernation is not valid because the radio waves of Wi-Fi will stop

 Sleep mode if the IoT device is connected, most of them cannot sleep directly, but for the sake of caution, it needs to be set in advance that the subject does not sleep when there is no communication.

 The IP address of the mobile router is almost accessible through a web browser from the device connected to the mobile router. Moreover, since sleep and power saving settings are recorded in the instructions of the mobile router according to the access method of the setting screen, it must be confirmed and set. At a critical moment, a mobile router makes no sense in hibernation.

If AP isolation is not turned off, communication between devices cannot occur.

 If AP isolation is turned on, devices connected to the same wireless network cannot communicate. This makes it impossible to communicate between intelligent speakers and Chromecast, which makes no sense at all.

 And don't forget that it's always connected to the power supply. If it runs continuously, the battery will immediately become a mess, so the AC adapter will be connected all the time. It would be nice to have a special Clyder model and use that.