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British Johnson, negative Uyghur problem with Beijing Olympics Boycott

With the number of Chinese ethnic minority Uyghur tribes in China, the Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom said in a lower house on the 24th, with a voice calling for the Boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Opposition Party and Liberal Democratic Party, Ser Ed Davy, said the massacre was "being in front of us," and called for the UK team's Beijing Games.

Johnson explained that the United Kingdom is "leading the United Nations international actions to ask China for responsibility."The United Kingdom said that he did not support the boycott of the sports tournament, saying Davy's call.

The British Olympic Committee (Boa) said that it would "fully support Johnson's views."

"We don't think that boycotting the Winter Olympics is the right solution. Athletes who have been working hard for this moment to work on their own country will participate in the tournament on behalf of their own country.I think it should be, "said Boa's spokeswoman.

"As we know at the 1980 Moscow Olympics, it has no effect on the boycott of the sports tournament. While penalty is imposed on athletes, it will remain without any major political issues."

The Liberal Democratic Party's Davy leader is a letter addressed to the top of the BoA and the British Paralympic Committee (BPA), and China has closed the detention facility in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and stops "ethnic purification against the Uyghur".I asked not to participate in.

It also calls for the end of the Uyghur forced labor, torture, sexual assault, and other human rights violations.

What a lower house

The Liberal Democratic Party Davy said in the lower house that "millions of Uyghur people are living in fear today under the brutal administration."

ジョンソン英首相、北京五輪ボイコットに否定的 ウイグル問題めぐり

"The BBC, international media, and human rights NGOs have been reported in the case of forced labor camps, women being raped, undergoing infertility surgery, and their families are being separated. This happens in front of us.It ’s a massacre."

According to Johnson, Davy's claim was "the right thing that emphasizes the porroomed campaign for Uyghur in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region."

"That's why the Foreign Minister has set policies and measures to prevent the British violations and to make money from there," said Johnson.

"We are leading international behavior in the United Nations to ask China for responsibility, and will continue to cooperate with friends in the United States and around the world."

On the other hand, Johnson said, "We usually do not support the boycott of sports competitions in this country, and this is the British government's long -standing position."

Blaming of the Chinese government should not be "oppressed"

According to Davy's letter confirmed by the BBC Dan Loan and the editor -in -chief of sports, "We know what you dispatch is the best players in the UK.Considering this, in any situation, it should not be allowed to be used by the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda. "

And if the British players were dispatched to the tournament, the athletes added, "It should not be suppressed to blame the Chinese government."According to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), protests of players at the Olympics are prohibited.

China has consistently denied human rights violations of Muslims against Uyghur.He claims that the Uyghur is accommodated by "vocational education and training facilities."

However, more than 180 organizations have called for the 2022 Beijing Olympics in the 2022 government.The Uyghur human organization "World Uyghur Conference" calls the Beijing Games the "Global Olympics".

Dolji Zeten of "Studentz for Free Tibet", which is one of the organizations signed by the letter for freedom of Tibetan, was held in Berlin, Germany, under the Nazis administration.It is unfortunate that what happened at the Nazi Olympics of the year is repeated, "said the BBC.

Foreign Minister Dominique Labb said in October last year that in consideration of human rights violations in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, British policy, which does not support sports tournaments, could have exceptions.


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