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Oppo to keep the top group of Chinese smartphones more than "brand -oriented" OPPO: Yasuhiro Yamane's latest situation in China (page 1/2)

 On May 27, 2021, OPPO announced three models in the RENO6 series, the latest model of the middle high -range model "RENO" series in China.OPPO, which competes for the first place with Vivo in the Chinese market, is strengthening the development of the RENO series.


 In the Chinese smartphone market, Huawei dropped out of the first place in the share due to stalls by US government sanctions and HONOR division, and Vivo and OPPO increased instead.In the first quarter of 2021, Vivo was 24 % and OPPO was 23 %, making it a different group (Canalys survey).Compared to 2020, Vivo was 79 %, OPPO was 65 %, and 3rd place Xiaomi showed significant growth.


OPPO focuses on "Find X", "Reno" and "A" series

 OVX (OPPO, VIVO, Xiaomi) is investing in new products one after another, while Huawei cannot release new products.The series of products is also increasing, and Vivo is "X", "Y", "S", "IQOO Z", "IQOO U", Xiaomi is "Mi", "MI Mix", "Redmi", "Redmi Note", "REDMI"K "" BlackShark "(under brand) has multiple lineups.

物量よりも“ブランド重視” 中国スマホのトップグループをキープするOPPO:山根康宏の中国携帯最新事情(1/2 ページ)

 OPPO, on the other hand, has three products: high -performance, flagship "Find X" series, middle high -range "RENO" series, and "A" series in the popular price range, making it easier to understand than VIVO and Xiaomi.。There is also an ACE series in OPPO, but no new products have been released for a while, and the K series has been reborn as a gaming model, but only one model is still one model.

 Oppo Japanese corporation Oga Japan also announced "Find X3 Pro", "Reno5 A" and "A54 5G" on May 25, and these three pillars are deployed not only in China but also around the seems to have a strategy to expand the three lineups carefully, rather than blindly increase product brands, and to enhance their brand awareness.

 Among them, the flagship model is the RENO series.The product that is the face of a smartphone maker is a high -spec and higher model like the "Galaxy S" and "Galaxy Note" series for Samsung.However, OPPO has developed a middle high -range RENO series as its central product than the Find X series, and is interested in other products in other products, saying "more high -performance Find X" and "reasonable A".I'm trying to draw.

 The RENO series costs less than 3,000 yuan to 4000 yuan, and about 50,000 yen to 70,000 yen in Japanese yen.Although it is not "cheap", it is not a price game, but is differentiated from other companies with "RENO brand", "performance" and "body design".

OPPOの柱はFind X、Reno、Aの3系列。AceとKは新製品がたまに投入される程度

 "Reno" and "RENO 10X Zoom" were announced in April 2019.About two years ago.After that, two to three models were repeated in a year, and product variations were increased.The global market has a localization, and its own models such as "RENO A" are also introduced in Japan.RENO 10X ZOOM was also a hot topic with a gimmick in which the camera pops up into a fan shape, but after that, the RENO series adopted "Reno Grow", which is finished in the main unit with a diamond cut, and the beauty of the body design.Is one of the features.Of course, the camera performance has a reputation, and the in -camera has a high pixel with 32 million pixels.

ダイヤモンドカットを施したReno Glow。ケースいらずの美しい背面処理である

Reno6 without major changes from the conventional series

 As the name implies, the RENO6 series is the model of the sixth generation of RENO.The previous model "RENO5" series was announced on December 10, 2020, and the previous model "RENO4" series was June 5, 2020.However, the basic design of the main unit does not change significantly from Reno4, Reno5, and Reno6.The "Reno Glow's beautiful body and three large cameras lined up vertically" is a characteristic of the RENO series, and is trying to differentiate it from other companies.

Reno6 Pro(左)、Reno5 Pro(中)、Reno4 Pro(右)。本体デザインはほぼ同じだ

 If the model change is changed every year, the main body design should be changed every year to make an image change.However, the current RENO series has been brushed up every six months, and the appearance has not changed much.Is this a strategy that Apple's iPhone series has been changing the body design every two years?

 The RENO6 series has three types, "Reno6 Pro+", "Reno6 Pro", and "Reno6", each of which is the successor to "Reno5 Pro+", "Reno5 Pro" and "Reno5".The main change is the processor, the "Pro+" model is Snapdragon 865 → Snapdragon 870 5G, the "Pro" model is Dimensity 1000+→ Dimensity 1200, and the MUJI model has been updated to Snapragon 765G → Dimensity 900.Reno6 is the world's first model equipped with Dimensity 900.The camera performance is almost the same between the RENO6 series and the RENO5 series.

Reno6はDimensity 900を世界初搭載。最新プロセッサへ即座に対応させている

 Until now, processors for smartphones have been model change once a year, but now it is not unusual for model changes and derivative models to be used several times a year.To match the model change, Chinese manufacturers are launching the latest models one after another with high mobility.That's why the RENO6 series does not have a big difference in appearance and camera specifications compared to the RENO5 series.


