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ASCII Startup audio analysis AI phone "miitel", function to visualize positive and negative emotions of conversation with AI

Audio analysis AI phone "miitel" added a voice emotion recognition function

RevComm(レブコム)は2月9日、Audio analysis AI phone "miitel" added a voice emotion recognition functionした。音声感情認識機能により、話し手のポジティブ、ネガティブな感情が可視化され、会話の当事者以外でもクレームなどに気づけるようになるという。

Miitel is an audio analysis AI telephone service that analyzes the contents of conversations in telephone sales and contact centers and provides high -precision feedback.

ASCIIスタートアップ 音声解析AI電話「MiiTel」、会話のポジティブ・ネガティブな感情をAIで可視化する機能

The speech emotional recognition function estimates the emotions of the utterance audio using DNN (Deep Neural Network) as the voice characteristics of the utterance audio and the word and word reliability obtained by the audio recognition device.

Specifically, it is a negative in the case of a speaking style that is not convinced, dissatisfied, uncomfortable, lost, blaming the other person's negligence or rude attitude.In the case of a speaking style, it is determined to be positive.The judgment result is shown as an orange and blue gradation on the miitel analysis screen.

Usage screen image

With this function, the conversation parties (users) can determine whether the user's dissatisfaction has been resolved by confirming the transition of user emotions in complaints.Also, listening to the user's utterances, which are made with negative emotions on claim telephones, will quickly understand what they are dissatisfied with.Other than the parties in the conversation, the advantage is to quickly notice the negative conversation (such as claims).

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