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JOLLA, who was involved in the development of Meego terminals on Nokia on mobile OSs other than Android and iOS, is still surviving in the focus and fierce mobile phone industry.

JOLLA announced the latest version "Sailfish 3" at "MWC 2018" held in Barcelona, Spain.It is said that 2018 will begin in the Japanese market.We spoke with Sami Pienimaki, JOLLA's CEO and co -founder.

Sony Xperia with Sailfish OS moving.The first product of the "Sailfish X" program that allows you to download the OS

Already negotiated with Japanese telecommunications carriers in 2018, "Sailfish X" for Xperia in Japan

――In this year's MWC, we announced “Sailfish 3”.

Sailfish 3 has greatly improved the user interface, making it more comfortable to use, such as multitasking and one hand.Two gestures can be done most, and the movement from the notification has become even smoother.Privacy and security have also been strengthened, further enhancing the characteristics of Sailfish.


The important thing is that Sailfish 3 has expanded the device category.The user experience of the non -touch terminal has been added.This is important in our corporate businesses.

During the exhibition, in partnership with Planet Computers, the Sailfish OS (GEMINI PDA, which is a topic of PSION on the Android device with a QWERTY keyboard), has announced that the Sailfish OS will move.Inoi, a Russian Sailfish -specialized manufacturer, has announced two tablets equipped with Sailfish OS.

Sailfish OS is also available in the hot terminal known for being involved in PSION developers

Expands to feature phones.I can't open it, but I'm talking to India and Japanese telecommunications carriers.I've been working for more than a year and I'm ready.Thus, Sailfish OS can be used on various devices such as tablets, PDA, smartphone, feature phone.

――Please tell us about “Sailfish X” that started in 2017.

Our core is a Sailfish OS license, but Sailfish X has started a program that can download Sailfish OS for 49 euros (about 6500 yen) for the Sony "Xperia X" series.Using Sony's "Sony Open Device Program", Xperia X users can download and install and use Sailfish OS.MWC announced that it will support the "Xperia XA2" just announced in January.

Xperia with Sailfish X is running

Sailfish X started in October 2017 for Europe, but has achieved great results considering that there is only one device.This year it will be expanded to India and other places, but will also start providing Sailfish X in the Japanese market.Sailfish OS already has Japanese support.Japan is an interesting market for us, with a solid Sailfish community.There are fans of a reasonable scale and I want to develop together.

The Sailfish community is porting Sailfish OS for devices such as Xiaomi and Huawei, and there are about 50 models.Ultimately, I want to provide Sailfish X to all communities.

The community is global and has about 10,000 people.Contribution from there is Sailfish's strength.It played an important role in software development, and most of the work for GEMINI PDA was advanced in the community.We just did the work to make a product, such as verification. 2018年は日本へ “第3のモバイルOS”、Jolla「Sailfish OS」がXperiaに展開

The main is actually used in the license business for corporations China, Russia, and Latin America

――What is the position of Sailfish X in JOLLA's business?

Sailfish X is not a core business for us.The core business is a Sailfish OS license and is mainly for corporations in markets in China, Russia and Latin America.Consumers are not the main target.

INOI terminal used by Russian post officers.It is based on INOI R7 and is taking measures to fall.There is an icon of the dedicated app

The community is fun, and sales have come out by Sailfish X.We need a community, but license is the center of the business.Licensees have reached about 10, including Intek and INOI, and will increase further in 2018.

In China, products will appear later this year through the Sailfish CHINA Consortium.The pilot deployed in 2017.In Russia, Open Mobile Platform is provided for corporations.INOI announced the first product on the 2017 MWC, and this year also announced a tablet.As an example of a customer, a Russian post officer uses an INOI terminal equipped with a Sailfish OS and uses it as a POS that can collect fees.Russia will expand further this year.

Latin America is affiliated with JALA Group in the fall of 2017, and a terminal will appear in the summer of 2018.This will also be for corporations, enhancing security and features mobile device management.

"JALA ACCIONE" scheduled to be released in Latin America.Released in Bolivia and expand to Brazil

Sailfish OS can also be used for feature phones.

――How do you see the needs of feature phones?

I'm sure I'm interested.

For example, in India, a major telecommunications carrier launched the feature phone "Jiophone".It is cheaper than the entry -level smartphone, but more functional than the old feature phone.Isn't it a "single function" anymore, it's not a touch, so it's a smart feature phone?Low -spec hardware and small memory, and restricted applications.Businesses and manufacturers do not want to have a bad effect on the smartphone market or confuse users.Calls with few applications are important for some segments.

Prototype of feature phones equipped with Sailfish OS made by a manufacturer

On the other hand, in the case of the Japanese market, consumers are unlikely to choose feature phones for prices.He still has a premium feature phone segment and has a reasonable scale.Japanese folding mobile phones are advanced and multifunctional.If Sailfish OS can contribute, I would like to use Japanese feature phone users.

――What kind of voices do you have from a Japanese partner?

The value gained from the collaboration with JOLLA is the customizability of the Sailfish OS.Businesses can customize them according to their request.You can experience user experience, pre -install, and create app store with selected apps.This cannot be done with Android Go.Google services are included and you can't customize.This is probably the reason for interest in the Sailfish OS.

――IOS and Android are monopolized, but what about Sailfish OS positioning?

There are not many options other than iOS and Android.

The Taiwanese "KAIOS" (also adopted by Nokia, "Nokia 8110 4G" announced by Nokia at this year's MWC) is for feature phones, but the app does not work.But Sailfish OS is possible.Sailfish OS is lightweight and moves on roasted hardware.Android apps also move with 512MB RAM.Correspondence operators and manufacturers can customize them and provide custom app stores.No Google ecosystem restrictions.

――What are your 2018 goals?

There is a plan to expand in the new market, and I want to realize this.China, Latin America, etc. in 2018.In the Asian market, large -scale implementation is planned to start this year.

In Japan, we want to start Sailfish X this year and realize feature phones.