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On July 21, Cybozu held an annual event "Cybozu Days 2017 Shanghai" in Shanghai, China.In the keynote speech, Cybozu's user companies talked about how they went out of various barriers in the Chinese business.

The venue Renaissance Shanghai Yangtze River Hotel

Cybozu, which exceeded 700 companies in 10 years, entered China

Cybozu Days Shanghai is the Shanghai version of Cybozu Days held in the fall, and this is the first time.Cybozu Days 2017 Shanghai, which has the theme of "exceeding the wall", will be held at a hotel in Shanghai city, and in addition to a keynote speech that invites user companies, a lecture in Chinese and Kintone user examples will be performed.Hive Shanghai was also held.The number of registrants exceeded 700 for the capacity of 500 people, indicating the high degree of attention.

Yoshihisa Aono, President and CEO of Cybozu, who was on stage in a keynote speech, explained the business of China, which is celebrating its 10th year this year.

President and CEO of Cybozu Yoshihisa Aono

Local subsidiary Cybozu China (Saibou Son Shokushi Technical Lord), which was established in 2007, has two products, the groupwear "Garoon" and the cloud service "Kintone", and employees, including local recruitment.It is currently expanding to 83 people.

Mr. Aono introduced the latest cases, such as Canon China, which uses Kintone for store management, House Foods China, which uses Kintone for sales management, and Beijing Orbis, which builds a workflow base in Garoon.He appealed that the number of companies introduced has finally exceeded 700, centering on Japanese companies.

10 years after entering China, the company has exceeded 700 companies.

Nevertheless, there are many barriers in China, where legislation and culture are different, and the changes are very fast.This is the same not only for Cybozu, but also for Japanese companies that use Cybozu products."If you use Cybozu, you won't succeed in China, but some successful companies use Cybozu for some reason (laughs)," said Aono, who welcomed guests from Japanese companies, a cybozu user.We talked about the hardships and possibilities of the business.

It is as good as a competition that imitates the expression (Benesse China)

The first thing he spoke was Benesse Chugoku and Takashi Matsudaira, the President of Benesse, who have exceeded 1 million members of Kodomo Challenge, which delivers learning materials.After the launch of Benesse in Taiwan in 1989, Matsudaira, who participated in Benesse China in 2005, said, "We have abandoned successful cases in Japan and have been promoting many tries and errors with the aim of being the best in China."Say.

For example, teaching materials are developed from zero -based, based on the know -how in Japan, based on the needs and research in China.In addition, since there is no direct mail -like mechanism in Japan, we have distributed a lot of experience samples at costs and explained the value over the phone.Currently, 500 stores all over China have been preparing for experience centers, and events are being developed at shopping malls, and they continue to appeal to the value of the product.

At present, the number of users has increased due to the word -of -mouth of users, and the number of videos in which Shimajiro (Taku Tora: Chao Foo) appears has already exceeded 900 million times.The 10th anniversary video that was played at the beginning is also establishing a brand with a parent with children with a surely excellent lacrimal gland collapse. 中国のサイボウズユーザーはいかにして「壁」を乗り換えたのか?

Mr. Aono and Benesse Takashi Matsudaira looking back on China's history (right)

Nevertheless, when a specific business hits, the number of followers increases in the Chinese market."Various characters such as lions and pandas have come out. We are saying" Animal War "(laughs)" (Matsudaira), and the same business is a signboard with characters like Shimajiro.The competition to develop is increasing one after another.However, Matsudaira takes generous about the increase in competition in the sense of expanding the market."In the first place, there was no market to learn in the learning set. It is important to be chosen. We will not lose to the point where the expression is imitated. If you use it, we will understand the difference."Say.

In China, 17 million children are born a year, with more than 100 million preschoolers alone.In this huge market, the number of members, one million, is still growing.In the future, Matsudaira says that he will aggressively develop the market in the Chinese market and "increase his friends in ASEAN countries."

What are the secrets of success in the fast -changing Chinese market?(Seiko Watch China)

The second person was Seiko Watch, China, and Yoshimura and other accounting.Mr. Yoshimura, who started his career from Japan Tobacco (JT), has been consistently working in China with Taisho pharmaceutical and Calbee.He is a contractor in a Chinese business success, and has actually expanded the sales of Seiko Watch China in a short period of time.

Originally, the relationship between Seiko and China started with a factory in Shanghai in 1905, and it has already been more than 100 years.After the war, it entered Shanghai as soon as possible, and is currently sold in 170 cities nationwide, and has repaired 20 cities.However, the reality was that we couldn't keep up with business in China, which is a fast -changing and power game.Yoshimura's jein this time also has the background of these Chinese businesses.

Yoshimura, who was delegated to the full right, entered and executed in the past year that he moved the business axis to e -commerce.By making live programs using popular influencers, Alibaba, a major Chinese commerce business, has also been listed on the top of the page.Regarding the product, the dressy watch that suits a suit was shifted from a casual diver watch.The price is cheaper than a foreign -affiliated watch with a waterproof function, and the quality has been expanded in a position far higher than a low -water -resistant imitation product, which has gained high popularity as the stock is out of stock.。

Accelerate business development by shifting to diver watches and focus on e -commerce

Of course, the organization and working style have changed significantly.In order to reduce communication loss, 11 departments integrated into three groups.We emphasized groupware and did not exchange emails inside the company.In addition, he adopts a work style like Calbee in his previous job, "Don't make a meeting, don't make materials," and does not have regular meetings other than adjusting the projects as much as possible.

Mr. Yoshimura said about future plans, "I made an annual plan, but technology such as Alibaba has already evolved in a few months. So it is no longer meaningful to think now.I always tell my subordinates. "While he is working with such a sense of speed, he says, "In order for Seiko to survive in China for the next 100 years, it requires not only the accumulation of sales but also trust" (Mr. Yoshimura).As a foothold for that, it will enhance after -sales support and strengthen the membership system in the next three years.

Get understand the culture of public baths with severe employee education (Gokurakuyu)

The third guest is Shunji Matsumoto of Gokuraku -yu, who develops 38 super public baths in Japan.In China, a local subsidiary was established in 2011 and opened the first store of a retail store in Sogo, Shanghai.Later, in 2015, Uranishi in Shanghai, and in 2016, he opened a directly managed store with Wuhan, and currently has 400,000 customers per year.Although it is a bullish price structure that is 135 yuan higher than in Japan, it is a great success in waiting for a couple of hours in the New Year.

According to Matsumoto, there were also state -owned public baths in China, but now they are already abolished.On the other hand, according to the company's research, there were about 2,000 companies that develop public baths, but they were extremely unsanitary and unhealthy."I felt it would work if I took a hygienic and healthy Japanese paradise," (Matsumoto) decided to expand to China.

Gokurakuyu that develops hygienic and healthy Japanese public baths in China

When entering China, it was difficult for employees to understand Japan's unique public bath culture."Some employees have never been immersed in the bath, and it was difficult to hire female employees because they had an unhealthy image," said Matsumoto.

In addition, the Japanese plan to focus on a supervisor, and basically leave the site to the Chinese.For this reason, we have focused on employee education in anticipation of franchise."After all, the bathhouse is a special business format, so I have a good experience. Chinese people have hospitality, but I don't know how to express them.(Mr. Matsumoto) says.

Like Benesse, the number of competitions to develop super public baths is increasing after seeing the success of Gokurakuyu.There are services that make the logo and service name as it is, but Mr. Matsumoto does not care, "If you want to imitate any hygiene management and customer service (laughs)," he does.In the future, aiming for 100 stores all over China, the franchise will be expanded."I want to spread the culture of baths throughout China," Matsumoto said.

Nearly 500 people participated in the keynote speech with simultaneous interpretation, and the venue was full.

A keynote speech that eliminates the story of the product by the case and hears the story of a user company that has entered China.After that, the last event was provided by the theme of "crossing the wall", from the last lecture of Takeshi Okada (formerly coach of Japan's representative of Japan / Hangzhou Midori Castle Soccer Club Advisor / FC Imabari owner).It is interesting how Chinese audiences accept the style of Cybozu focusing on users from the Western and American style differentiation strategy.