You are using an outdated browser. For a faster, safer browsing experience, upgrade for free today. Buffalo announces new Wi-Fi router products that can be connected beyond the barriers of the manufacturer and support corresponding Wi-Fi routers

Buffalo will hold a presentation online on June 3rd, and will support Wi-Fi 6 routers released after 2019 by firmware update.It has been announced that it will support Wi-Fi 6 compatible routers and Wi-Fi relay machines to be released within 2021.

Improvement of self -restraint or sales of relay machines improved

According to the company, the Wi-Fi router has been spreading Wi-Fi 6 since last year, and the most important thing for buyers to purchase products is the "radio wavive range" in BCN investigation.

The penetration rate of Wi-Fi 6 routers is 32%as of April 2021.

What is important when purchasing a Wi-Fi router is 57 that answered "radio waves"..1% バッファロー、メーカーの垣根を超えて接続可能「EasyMesh」の採用や対応するWi-Fiルーターの新製品を発表

In addition, since the use of Wi-Fi routers at home was limited to PCs, the spread of game consoles and smartphones, and in multiple rooms in multiple rooms using Wi-Fi routers and relay machines.Increased use.With the spread of telework and online learning, the place where the terminal is used in one day has changed every day.

In recent years, it has become commonplace to use Wi-Fi everywhere in the house due to the spread of game consoles and smartphones.

Due to such a situation, the sales of the Wi-Fi relay machine are more than Wi-Fi router, but the mesh Wi-Fi has a mesh compatible router penetration rate 15..It is as low as 7%, and the mesh -compatible relay machine is 36.It is said that it is 1%more widespread than routers, but is still small.

Changes in the sales volume of Wi-Fi relay machines and Wi-Fi routers

Mesh compatible Wi-Fi router market composition ratio

Mesh compatible Wi-Fi relay machine market composition ratio

In addition, a survey of the recognition of Wi-Fi relay aircraft and mesh-compatible relay aircraft in a questionnaire showed that the awareness was still low.Therefore, the company has decided to adopt a Wi-Fi EasyMesh that can build a mesh network beyond the barrier of the manufacturer.

It is said that 60%of the people know the Wi-Fi relay machine, and the mesh-compatible relay aircraft are less recognized.