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[Apple 5G Strategy] 5G situation different from the country (3/5)

(Continued from the last time) To be terrible, 5G user experience would be better outside the United States.According to a survey on 5G performance published by OpenSignal earlier this year, the environment surrounding 5G in the United States is much behind other countries, and the speed of 5G is from the general Wi-Fi speed in Japan.Is also late.The average of 5G down speeds in the United States is 52.It is expected to be about 3Mbps, which is slower than the average 4G line in Korea, about 20 to 25%of the average 5G line of South Korea and Saudi Arabia.

Furthermore, according to the OpenSignal survey, the 5G down speed of 5G in the United States is 4G on average..4 times speed, but 14.There were places that were three times faster -it seems to be the most common to be less than 7 times.There are still many countries where 5G infrastructure has not been maintained, and it cannot be asserted whether the US 5G environment is the worst, but at least a place where there is no 5g is to provide a "transformation" experience.It is certain that it is far closer.

【Apple 5G戦略】国によって異なる5G事情(3/5)

So why is the United States delaying at 5G? Many non -US telecommunications carriers are covered with 5g layer cakes (low/middle/high band three -layer structure), but they appropriately cover this layer cake middle layer in many places as possible. It focuses on expanding the area. The 5G smartphone that supports "SUB-6GHz" can be connected to a 5G base station in a low band and middle band, and is a 5G smartphone that supports "SUB-6GHz and millimeters". You can also connect to the base station. Therefore, at this time, Apple is only iPhone 12 Pro, and few people benefit from the millimeter -wave -compatible hardware that will be supported, and restrictions on connection to this high band layer may not be a problem over many years. There will be.

In the history of Apple, there has never been a lot of time to discuss the actual celluler performance of the device at the iPhone event, but instead, it is a topic such as "Gigabit -class LTE".Regardless of where it could be used, he tended to talk about its high -speed performance.However, regardless of how Apple sells technology this time, 5G -compatible is definitely an important interest in the new iPhone.It is enough to break the legal struggle with the typical 5G chip manufacturer, Qualcomm, breaking out with Intel.

By naming the event "Hi, Speed", the company has taken up topics on the iPhone's 5G performance and conducted a detailed survey and detailed surveys.My advice is that I should pay close attention to what Apple promises and not to promise, including differences between models, careers, and countries.Some people have predicted the "Hi, Speed" event for a long time in the truth of the 5G era due to the popularity of the iPhone, but depending on Apple's method, most of the promises that have not yet been realized.It will just be a side view of the hype advertising parade that only sings.(Continue next)

[Via VentureBeat] @Venturebeat

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